
  1. 本章首先对样本进行相关变量的描述性统计分析,然后对变量间的相关性进行检验,最后分别对四个模型进行回归验证。

    This chapter firstly samples descriptive statistical analysis of related variables , and then does the correlation test , and finally to the corresponding variables into the regression model , the four model validation .

  2. 使生产在以上四个维度上回归和谐,把失衡的生产转向和谐的生产,是我们必须履行的社会责任和自然责任。

    Cause manufacture be living on foregoing four dimension degrees the regression harmoniously , harmonious manufacture turn to manufacture losing the weighing apparatus to , it is community responsibility that we have to fulfill and natural responsibility .

  3. MBTI人格类型在心理资本四个维度上的回归都非常显著,但是拟合度都比较低。

    MBTI personality type on four dimensions of psychological capital in the regression are very significant , but relatively low goodness of fit .

  4. 商业地产价格与四个公共因子的回归结果均不显著。

    The result of four common factors and commercial real estate price are not significant .