
  1. 然而,四大副刊与五四新文学的关系至今未得到深入的研究。

    However , the relation between the FMS and the May 4th New Literature has not been studied .

  2. 五四时期四大副刊办刊特色及其对当前报纸副刊的启示

    The Characteristics of the Four Supplements in the May 4 ~( th ) Period and Its Inspiration to Current Newspaper Supplements

  3. 四大副刊以其综合性成为新文学各类文体的实验与演练场。

    Thanks to its comprehensiveness , the FMS turned out to be an experimental and drill field for all kinds of new literature genres .

  4. 从接受主体看,四大副刊上翻译介绍了大量的域外文学作品以及一些域外文学理论,为新文学读者提供了丰富的滋养。

    From the reception subject , the FMS translated and introduced a number of foreign literature and foreign literature theory , which offered readers rich nourishment .

  5. 《晨报副刊》是五四时期中国现代文学四大副刊之一。

    " Morning PaPer SuPplemeflt " is one of the " four famous supplements " about Chinese modern literature during the May 4 , h period .

  6. 同时,四大副刊为新文学作品的发表提供了广阔的平台,拉近了读者与新文学的距离。

    At the same time , the FMS provided a broad platform for publishing new literary works , getting closer the distance between the reader and the new literature .

  7. 随着现代报纸的不断发展、完善,新闻、评论、副刊、广告成为报纸的四大要素,副刊对报纸的生存发展有着重要的影响。

    The news , comment , supplement and ad have become the four basics of the modern newspaper .

  8. 本文共分四章。第一章论述了新文化运动中四大副刊的崛起。

    This thesis consists of four chapters : The first chapter illustrates the quick rise of the FMS in the New Culture Movement .