
  • 网络Wheel alignment;four wheel alignment
  1. 另外,介绍了四轮定位的优点。

    Advantages of the four - wheel alignment are introduced too .

  2. 汽车四轮定位对汽车使用性能的影响

    The Influence of Four - wheel Alignment on Automobile Performance

  3. 3D四轮定位仪检定装置是一个复杂的系统问题,本文所做研究注重结构设计与分析,更多的细节问题还需要进一步深入研究。

    This paper focuses on structure design and analysis . As to more questions and details , further studies are still needed .

  4. 通过对CCD摄像机所拍摄的标靶板图像的处理,获取汽车四轮定位相关数据和参数。

    Through the processing of the target board images captured by CCD camera , the related data and parameters can be obtained .

  5. 基于RS-485总线的汽车四轮定位仪通讯功能的实现

    Communication Function Realization in Automobile Four Wheel Alignment Based on RS - 485 bus

  6. 当下正在广泛使用的四轮定位仪是3D四轮定位仪,它是由高分辨率的摄像机采集反光板上的图像信息,经过图像处理计算出车轮的定位参数。

    Currently , the widely used Four-wheel aligner depends on the technology of Image-processing . High-resolution cameras capture the image information on the reflect panel , and then calculate Four-wheel alignment parameter by Image-processing .

  7. 大剪式子母双层四轮定位举升机GC-3.5MS品牌:高昌;

    Big picture-double wheel alignment scissor lift GC-3.5MS Brand : Gao ;

  8. 四轮定位仪检定装置三维虚拟设计及仿真

    3-dimensional Virtual Design and Simulation of Calibrating Apparatus for Four-wheel Aligners

  9. 汽车四轮定位中水平角度测量方法探讨

    Discussion on the Method for Horizontal Angle Measurement of Vehicle Four-Wheel Alignment

  10. 汽车行驶跑偏与四轮定位参数匹配关系的研究

    Parameters on Matching Relations between Four Wheel Alignment and Vehicle Driving Wandering

  11. 汽车四轮定位仪检定装置及规程研究

    Study on Verification Regulation of Calibrating Apparatus of Four-Wheel Aligners

  12. MCS-4W型四轮定位仪的主控机及其软件设计

    PC Computer and its Software for MCS - 4W Automobile Wheel Aligner

  13. 汽车四轮定位分析及检测

    Analysis and Measurement of Vehicle Four - Wheel Alignment

  14. 汽车四轮定位装置及倾角传感器的应用

    The Application Of Inclinometers On Auto Wheel Alignment Equipment

  15. 蓝牙无线四轮定位仪的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Bluetooth Wireless Four-Wheel Alignment

  16. 并重点对车轮设置倾角的定义及作用,几种倾角产品的原理、性能及其在汽保设备四轮定位设备中的应用作了介绍。

    Meanwhile , it introduced the application of several inclinometers on wheel alignment equipment .

  17. 现代轿车四轮定位检测

    Locating examination for four wheels of modern cars

  18. 脚趾设置是要作出最后的调整时执行一个四轮定位。

    Toe setting is the last adjustment to be made when performing a wheel alignment .

  19. 四轮定位测量误差分析及新方法的研究

    An error analysis on the measurement of four-wheel alignment and the research on new ways

  20. 本文运用计算机视觉技术对汽车的四轮定位检测进行了研究。

    This thesis studies the four-wheel positioning detection of the automobiles by using computer vision technology .

  21. 汽车四轮定位仪

    The Automobile Wheel Aligner

  22. 试验表明:四轮定位仪测量主销内倾存在零点误差和线性度系统误差。

    Experiments show that zero error and linear system error exist when SAI is tested by the four-wheel aligners .

  23. 在用汽车在使用过程中随着技术状况的恶化,四轮定位参数值也会发生改变。

    With the deterioration of technical situation , four-wheel-positioning parameters will change , in the course of the using vehicles .

  24. 车辆通常只是在出厂前进行四轮定位检测,人们也都是在实际使用中发现车辆存在跑偏问题以后进行维修。

    Vehicles are alignmented usually before delivery . Only after people find vehicles deviation they maintenance them when in practical use .

  25. 当受检四轮定位仪主销倾角为15°时,其测量误差为18′,且系统误差随主销倾角增大而增大。

    Metrical error is 18 ′ when the kingpin obliquity is 15 ° and the system error increases as kingpin obliquity increases .

  26. 汽车四轮定位的作用及对行驶性能影响的分析浅议政府在产业结构调整中的作用及角色定位

    An analysis on the function of vehicle four-wheel alignment and the influence on vehicle riding performance On Government Role in Industry Adjustment

  27. 计算机视觉汽车四轮定位检测中向量检测法与透视学检测法的原理及算法探讨。

    The principles and algorithm of vector test and perspective test in the four-wheel positioning detection by using computer vision technology . 3 .

  28. 综述四轮定位的前束值、推进角、主销内倾角、主销后倾角等参数对汽车行驶性能的影响。介绍了诊断角在四轮定位中的应用。

    The artide introduces the toe-in , propulsion angle , steering axle inclination and caster of four-wheel aligner and theirs influence to vehicle stability .

  29. 适用于各类轿车,旅行车,中小型货运车及客车的四轮定位的检查,调整和维修保养。

    Suitable for all kinds of cars , station wagon , medium and small-scale freight , the passenger train 's adjust , maintenance and Check .

  30. 试验结果表明,增设抛撒轮装置,分离完全度可提高9%~17%。汽车四轮定位仪

    The results have shown that the separating ability of the indented cylinder separator can be improved by adding the distributor . The Automobile Wheel Aligner