
sì quán
  • four rights of the people (election, recall, initiative, and referendum) advocated by Sun Yat-sen
  1. 长期以来,有一种根深蒂固(但对于很多人而言有些夸张)的观点:媒体是第四权(fourthestate)。

    There has long been a strongly held - but , to many , overblown - belief that the media is the fourth estate .

  2. 本文研究一类分数极大算子(包含一些已知的结果作为特殊情况),在Lorentz空间的四权弱型不等式。

    The author studies a very general operator which includes the known results as particular cases and proves the four-weights weak type inequality on Lorentz spaces .

  3. 通过四权分离和加大审计队伍建设力度增强审计自身素质。

    Separate four powers and build their own quality of audit staff members .

  4. 在政治社会中,政府和法律都必须以维护上述四权为目的。

    And all the right needs to be protected by laws of state and society .

  5. 从分析现行油气资源管理体制入手,提出了深化石油企业内部改革、建立现代企业制度的具体措施,即:改革现行油气资源管理体制,实行四权分开,构建国有资源管理新体制;

    Proceeding with analysis of current oil and gas resource management system , this paper presents the specific measures on deepening internal reforms in petroleum enterprises and establishing modern enterprise systems .

  6. 实行干部任前公示制,是深化干部人事制度改革,落实党员和群众四权的一项重要举措。

    It is an important measure deepening the reform of the cadre and personnel system and coming true four rights of the party members and the masses to carry out the public announcement system before appointing the cadres .

  7. 由于思想观念存在偏差、干部体制存在弊端和市场经济负面因素的影响,落实党员和群众对选拔任用干部的四权还存在一些明显的问题和不足,整体上仍然缺乏系统、有效的制度保障。

    Due to some inaccurate understandings , imperfect system , the side effect of market economy , there are still problems in the work of guaranteeing the " four rights ", such as the lack of system guarantee , etc. .

  8. 在美国法治至上和程序至上的宪政体制下,以罗斯福总统为代表的行政、国会和最高法院及有第四权之称的美国新闻界在宪法危机之中为各自的权力和利益博弈。

    In terms of the supremacy of rule of law and due process , the executive branch ( President Roosevelt ), Congress , the Supreme Court and the so-called fourth power , the American press circle struggled against one another respectively for their political power and interests .

  9. 这四项权能都是在对相关宪法基本权利的基础上抽象出来的,它们共同构成了一个完整的居住权。

    The four rights are abstracted by basic rights to the relevant Constitution and constitute a complete residence right .

  10. 第四,继承权受到侵害是因为否认真正继承人的继承权而发生。

    Fourthly , the right is violated because illegal successor deny their heirship .

  11. 四是监察权的独立性和规范性。

    The independence and specification of supervisory system .

  12. 第四,阐明权的基准时通常应当是言词辩论终结时。

    Fourth , the criterion time of the power should be when the debate is close in civil procedure .

  13. 四是表演者权制度的重构,包括三方面内容。

    The fourth is the reconstruction of performers ' rights system , including three aspects . Firstly , the subject of the performers ' rights .

  14. 在国外,主要有四种人格权法的立法模式。第一种模式是以《法国民法典》为代表的民事主体制度涵盖人格权模式。

    The first pattern is " that main body system contains the personality right pattern completely with civil " being a representative " France civil code " .

  15. 头四卷改编权卖给了另外一个导演陆川。他的《九层妖塔》三个月前刚刚上映,票房6.8亿元,口碑不佳。

    The first four volumes were sold to another director , Lu Chuan , whose Chronicles of the Ghostly Tribe debuted just three months earlier to 680 million yuan and general critical panning .

  16. 第四,代位权诉讼判决的既判力问题,着重从主观和客观两个方面论述了其既判力的范围。三、完善我国代位权诉讼制度的建议。

    Fourth , the authors focus on both subjective and objective aspects of its scope of validity of matter adjudged . Part ⅲ, improve the right of subrogation litigation system in our country from proceedings .

  17. 摩拜称,滴滴出行的两家子公司,北京小橘科技公司和杭州青奇科技公司,已经侵犯了他们关于共享单车的四项专利权,包括座椅调节和智能锁设计。

    Mobike claimed that two of Didi Chuxing 's subsidiary companies , Beijing Small Orange Technology Company and Hangzhou Qingqi Technology Company , have infringed on four of its patents relating to share bikes , including its seat adjustment and smart lock designs .

  18. 第四部分为隐私权与相关权利。

    The fourth part : the relevant right with the privacy .

  19. 第四章,形象权侵权的民事救济。

    Chapter IV , civil relief of the right of publicity .

  20. 第四部分是配偶权制度的立法构想。

    The next part describes an imagination of legislation about spouse rights .

  21. 四是放宽请求权主体限制。

    Fourthly , relaxation of restrictions on the main claim .

  22. 第四章执行裁决权的改革设想。

    Chapter IV is the envisaged reform of the power to decide .

  23. 第四,侵犯著作权的损害赔偿标准有待完善。

    Fourth , the standard infringement compensation showed be improved .

  24. 第四部分为隐私权的民法保护。

    Part IV of the Civil Protection of privacy .

  25. 第四部分论述著作权损害赔偿案件的诉讼问题。

    The forth section discusses the copyright infringement proceedings .

  26. 我要口述一个新条款,纳入一个为期三年或四年的继承权文件中。

    I 'll dictate a new clause and put in a three-or-four-year reversion .

  27. (四)标明专利权的商品广告,应当提交专利证书;

    For the advertisements which indicate patent rights of commodities , patent licences shall be presented ;

  28. 第四,网络隐私权侵害往往涉及经济内容。

    In fourth , the network right of privacy infringing content generally relates to economic aspects .

  29. 第四章海域使用权法律制度的不足与改进,在肯定成就的基础了指出了海域使用权法律制度在立法和实施中的不足,并提出了完善的建议。

    The deficiencies and improvement of the legal system of the right of using sea area .

  30. 我们使用了33种方法,在记分卡上对地方区域进行排名。这33种方法可分为四类:访问权和支付能力;

    The scorecard ranked local areas using 33 measures grouped into four categories : access and affordability ;