
sì yuè
  • April;Apr.;the fourth month of the lunar year
四月[sì yuè]
  1. 我们寻思着下个四月举行婚礼可好。

    We were wondering about next April for the wedding .

  2. 会议日期是四月五日。

    The meeting is on the fifth of April / April the fifth .

  3. 我是四月底到达的。

    I arrived at the end of April .

  4. 去年四月我们去了日本。

    We went to Japan last April .

  5. 会议日期是四月五日。

    The meeting is on April fifth .

  6. 她是四月出生的。

    She was born in April .

  7. 一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

    April weather , rain and shine both together .

  8. 她的感情总是象四月的无定准的轻风一样。

    Her emotions were always as unstable as the light winds of april .

  9. 卡尔生于四月十日。

    Karl was born on april10th .

  10. 四月,法国通过了一项法律,规定了模特体重的下限。

    In April , France passed a law setting lower limits for a model 's weight .

  11. 但我相信四月是那里一年中最热的月份。

    But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there .

  12. 四月一日,愚人节,朋友们互相捉弄。

    On April 1st , April Fools Day , friends play fun tricks on each other .

  13. 它们是春天里最早出现的植物,通常生长于四月到五月之间。

    They are one of the first plants that grow in the spring , usually between April and May .

  14. 他选择四月的最后一天作为诚实日,因为四月的第一天是愚人节,那一天人们会庆祝谎言。

    He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fools ' Day , which celebrates lies .

  15. 你是四月早天里的云烟,

    You are the cloud and mist early in April ,

  16. 你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!

    you are the warm love , You are the hope , the April of the world !

  17. 到了春季,橡树又会重新长出树叶,而四月或五月时分就会出现一小簇一小簇的绿色花朵。

    In the spring the leaves grow again , and in April or May little clusters of small greenish flowers appear .

  18. 其中铜钟上刻有汉字“嘉靖十四年乙未四月日”。这个铜零件被认为是两个钟的零件,这两个水钟分别制造于1438年和1536年,放置在皇家宫殿里。

    The cultural relics of either of two water clocks , each created in 1438 and 1536 and installed at royal palaces .

  19. 作为一名滑雪爱好者,我父亲每年都会在滑雪季节(每年的11月到来年的四月)搬到科罗拉多州的阿斯彭居住,如今在这里已经居住了20多年。

    My father has lived Aspen , Colorado for over 20 years during the ski season , November to April , as he is an avid1 skier2 .

  20. 根据青野的数据,京都过去几百年的盛花期都是在四月中旬,但是19世纪开始变成四月初。

    In Kyoto , the peak date hovered around mid-April for centuries , according to Aono 's data , but began moving into early April during the 1800s .

  21. 这项四月末发表在《科学》杂志上的新研究发现,闪电对全球气候变化的影响力可能比科学界先前所了解的更大。

    The new study published at the end of April in Science found that lightning may play a bigger role in global climate change than was previously2 known by the scientific community .

  22. APRIL(四月)这个词的确切来源并不为人所知。

    The exact origin of the word April is not known .

  23. 绿苑酒廊(TavernonTheGreen)在长达四年的停业后,于去年四月重新开张。

    Tavern on The Green reopened last April , after a four-year-long closure .

  24. 据阳光基金会(SunlightFoundation)就信息披露发布的一则评论称,从四月至六月,记录在案的有140多个团体就债限问题开展过游说活动。

    From April through June , more than 140 outfits reported lobbying work on the issue , according to a review of disclosure reports by the sunlight foundation .

  25. 四月:Acme业务应用程序的业务建模

    April : Business modeling for Acme business applications

  26. 在四月八日,一个总部位于威尔士的公司——G24Innovations宣布他们已经开发出这种光电池。

    On April 8th G24 Innovations , a firm based in Wales , announced that it may have come up with just such a cell .

  27. 这个变化源自美国总统奥巴马于去年四月签署的《创业企业扶助法案》(JumpstartOurBusinessStartupsAct)。

    The change is part of the jobs act a.k.a. the jumpstart our business startups act a law signed by President Obama last April .

  28. 四月底,我们成为了,苹果程序商店,the,billionth,app,downloads,from,第十亿次下载的苹果程序。

    At the end of April , we happened to become iTunes the apple iTunes download app store .

  29. 当时微软的财务总监彼得•克莱因也对Skype的成就多有耳闻,于是在今年四月与德班进行了接洽。微软的手机软件业务还处在襁褓阶段,正是四处物色强援的时候。

    Peter Klein , Microsoft 's chief financial officer , had been hearing the chatter and reached out to Durban in April .

  30. 如果在此时,你没有傻乎乎的的把泰坦尼克号字样纹在手臂上,也不必担心:派拉蒙影业公司已经准备好于今年四月上映这部最伟大浪漫电影的重制3D版。

    If you foolishly don 't have a copy of Titanic within arm 's reach at the moment , don 't worry : Paramount is set to re-release the biggest romance of all-time this April for a limited 3D run .