
  • 网络culture nationalism;the cultural nationalism
  1. 杂合在抵制文化霸权和民族中心主义两方面都具有积极意义,在从弱势文化翻译到强势文化中时,使用杂合要考虑到它的度,极度异化以求杂合是不可取的。

    Hybridity has a positive role in resisting cultural hegemony and the ethnocentrism as well . When translating from the weak culture to the strong one , the translator has to take into his or her consideration of the degree of hybridity .

  2. 测试结果表明:高中生的跨文化交际能力普遍较低,主要影响因素表现在:缺乏西方文化知识,民族中心主义,母语负迁移作用。

    The results of the test show that the current ICC of senior high school students is quite low mainly due to lack of the knowledge concerning western cultural , the ethnocentrism and the negative transference effect of mother tongue .