
  • 网络Cultural Economics;Cultural Economy
  1. 文化经济学的基点与内涵

    Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . Starting Point and Connotation of Cultural Economics

  2. 作者从文化经济学的角度,分析了体育这种公共文化服务的形式和特点。

    From the viewpoint of cultural economics , the author analyzed the forms and features of sports cultural service .

  3. 主要研究与教学领域:复杂科学,宏观经济学,金融学,文化经济学,与演化经济动力学。

    Research and teaching : Science of Complexity , Macroeconomics , Financial Economics , Cultural Economics , and Evolutionary Economic Dynamics .

  4. 文化经济学的提出,是对现代社会中文化产品的生产与服务已成为一个普遍经济事实的回应;

    The birth of cultural economics is the response to it that the production and service of cultural products in modern society has become a common economic fact .

  5. 本课题是一个跨学科的研究项目,涉及文艺学、马列文论、政策学、社会学、文化经济学、管理学、法学等学科领域,运用到诸学科的方法。

    The study is a cross subject research project including culture arts study , literature study , policy study , social study , culture arts economics , management and jurisdiction .

  6. 经济学虽成为当代中国显学,但理论建树同西方比起来仍有很大差距,文化经济学理论研究尤显薄弱,这同作为文化大国的中国很不相称。

    Though economics is more and more important in China , there is still a larger gap in the construction of its theories compared with those in the West , and the cultural economics lags still behind .

  7. 企业文化的经济学分析及对我国企业文化建设的启示

    Economic Analysis of Corporate Culture and its Revelation to the Construction of Chinese Corporate Culture

  8. 道教文化的经济学内蕴

    Hospital culture is an important position in hospital . On the Economics Connotation of Taoism

  9. 企业文化的经济学分析

    Economic Analyses of Enterprise Culture

  10. 民航企业大文化战略及经济学意义

    Macro-culture of Civil Aviation China and Economic Significance

  11. 外貌从义已经在文化研究和经济学领域引起学术性关心。

    Lookism has received scholarly attention both from a cultural studies and an economics perspective .

  12. 企业文化的制度经济学浅析

    Institutional Economics Analysis on Corporate Culture

  13. 采用社会学、文化学、经济学等综合方法,对杭州市社区文化建设的现状进行研究。

    This paper aims to study the community culture in Hangzhou from the perspective of sociology , culture and economy .

  14. 文章尝试把文化和当代经济学理论结合起来,论述了华人企业的经理激励与约束机制。

    This paper attempts to discuss the mechanism of incentive and restriction for managers in overseas Chinese enterprises by combining Chinese culture with contemporary economics theories .

  15. 和如何构建红色旅游资源评价理论系统?这两个红色旅游开发过程中的两个现实问题,运用文化学、经济学、心理学等知识,予以解答。

    And " how to conceive the system of the " Red " tourism resource value " and use the knowledge of culture theory , economy theory , psychology and so on to solve the problems .

  16. 因此,社会科学的各个学科(哲学、文化人类学、经济学、社会学等)都对消费问题表示强烈关注,学者们基本是从纯学术意义上对消费问题进行客观的分析。

    So , each discipline in social science including philosophy , cultural anthropology , economics , sociology , etc. expresses the strong concern to the consumption question , and the scholars carry on objective analysis to the consumption question from the pure academic meaning .

  17. 凯尔纳与英国文化研究的政治经济学重构

    Kellner and the Reconstruction of Political Economy in British Cultural Studies

  18. 论经济学的文化本位及中国经济学的建构

    On Economics Connotation of culture and construction of chinese economics

  19. 关于文化体制改革的经济学研究

    Research on the Reform of Cultural System in Economic

  20. 社会主义新农村文化建设的制度经济学分析

    An Analysis on Institutional Economics of the Cultural Construction of Socialist New Countryside

  21. 二是深化拓展了文化创意产业的经济学研究视角。

    Two is that the study to economics angle of cultural creative industry is deepened .

  22. 西部地区影视文化基地建设的经济学思考

    Reflections on Construction of Films and TV Cultural Bases in Western China from the Perspective of Economics

  23. 随着生物进化学的发展成熟,其大量新颖的动态演化思想广泛应用于社会文化发展和演化经济学研究等领域。

    With the development of the theory of biological evolution , many novel thoughts of dynamic evolution have been applied in the study of the development of social culture and the evolutionary economics .

  24. 然后以2000-2005年对华投资较多的52个国家(地区)为研究对象,建立含有文化因素的计量经济学线性模型,采用面板数据对建立的模型进行回归。

    Then choosing 52 countries which have more investment in China from 2000 to 2005 , I establish an econometric linear model which contains culture , then using the panel data make a regression analysis for this model .

  25. 从司法学、法律文化学和法律经济学等视角分析,当前,我国推行公益诉讼制度尚为时过早,应当慎重行事。

    From the perspectives of judicature , law culture and law economics etc. , the analyses of the present implementation of lawsuit system of public welfare is a little bit earlier , and we should be prudent in taking actions .

  26. 18、19、20世纪的财富地图是以古典经济学来描述,21世纪的财富地图将以文化学,或曰文化经济学来描述。

    The wealth map of the 18th , 19th and 20th centuries are illustrated in the form of classic economics ; the wealth map of the 21st century will be depicted in the form of cultural studies , or cultural economics .

  27. 这促使了以文化价值观为研究对象的新文化经济学在中国的兴起。

    This has spurred the development of cultural values to a new culture for the study of economics in the rise of China .

  28. 对此,不仅西方主流经济学缺乏研究,以文化产业和文化政策为主的旧文化经济学也没有深入分析。

    In this regard , the West is not only a lack of mainstream economics , cultural industries and cultural policy-oriented economics of the old culture there is no in-depth analysis .

  29. 其次,通过文化创意产业对经济发展起到推动作用的文化创意经济学案例来分析文化创意产业的市场绩效。

    Secondly , the author takes some cultural creative economics cases of cultural creative industries playing a role in promoting the economic development to analyze the market performance of the cultural creative industries .

  30. 其次,根据第三章民族文化的价值构成,比较简略地分析了民族文化价值的经济学评价。

    Secondly , I analyses the economic evaluation of national cultural values in accordance with the value of the national culture consists .