
  • 网络Sentiment Analysis;text sentiment analysis
  1. 文本情感分析作为自然语言处理的一个应用方向逐渐成为新的热点。

    Sentiment Analysis as a branch of NLP with potential applications is gradually becoming a new hot research issue .

  2. 围绕文本情感分析,文本的工作主要包括以下几个内容:(1)研究文本情感资源的构建技术。

    Around the sentiment analysis , the thesis includes the following contents : ( 1 ) Research on the construction of sentiment resources .

  3. 本文借助自然语言处理的研究成果,设计并实现短文本情感分析系统,来转化短文本情感分析的研究成果。

    This paper makes use of the findings of natural language processing to design and implement the system of sentiment analysis for short-texts .

  4. 根据中文微博的自身特点,在传统文本情感分析的已有基础上,展开对微博的情感倾向分析。

    By learning from the traditional text emotional analysis , we analyze the emotional tendencies of microblog based on the characteristics of Chinese microblog .

  5. 本文分析自然语言处理相关流程,结合短文本情感分析的特定需求,给出了文本预处理、文本特征提取、语义相似度计算等相关问题的分析和描述,提出了短文本情感分析模型。

    The paper analyzes the process of the natural language processing , combining with specific need of sentiment analysis for short-texts , the paper makes special analysis and description on text pre-processing , text feature extraction , semantic similarity and so on .

  6. 为了自动分析这些主观性文本,情感分析在自然语言处理研究领域得到了很大的关注。

    To automatically analyze these subjective information , sentiment analysis has been proposed and received a great deal of attention in Natural Language Processing community .

  7. 中文文本情感主题句分析与提取研究

    Extraction of sentiment topic sentences of Chinese texts

  8. 文本情感倾向性分析在电子商务、电子政务、民意分析上有巨大的应用价值。

    Emotional orientation of text have great value in e-commerce , e-government and Public opinion analysis .

  9. 文本情感倾向性分析主要关注以文本方式存在的信息中的情感倾向,当庞大的数据量使得它无法手动对它们进行分析时,情感分析就开始发挥作用了。

    The text sentiment analysis focuses on the emotional tendencies of the text information and begin to play a role when a huge amount of data makes it impossible to analyze them manually .

  10. 本文围绕文本情感倾向性分析的关键任务,通过对笔记本电脑评论语料的分析,首先抽取具体的评价对象和针对该评价对象的评价词语,分析评价对象和评价词语的搭配关系,得到评价二元组。

    From the laptop reviews corpus , we extract specific evaluation objects and the evaluation words , and analysis the relationship of these evaluation objects and the evaluation words so that we can obtain their tuples .

  11. 文本的情感倾向分析是目前自然语言处理领域一个非常热门的研究课题,广泛应用于文本过滤、产品评论挖掘和舆情倾向分析等领域。

    Text sentiment analysis is a hot research subject in the field of natural language processing . It is widely used in the fields of text filtering , product comment mining and text sentiment analysis and so on .

  12. 这表明了使用本方法可以有效提高军事评论情感分类的正确率。(5)设计并实现了一个针对于军事评论领域的网络文本情感倾向性分析系统模型。

    It shows that the method proposed in this paper can effectively improve the emotional classification accuracy of military reviews . Finally , a network text emotional orientation analysis system model for military reviews is designed and realized in this paper .

  13. 其中,文本情感分类是情感分析中研究最广泛的一个基本任务。

    In sentiment analysis , sentiment classification is a basic task and has undergone significant development .