
  1. 由家族文化衍生出的儒家伦理和价值观,构成了中国占主导地位的传统文化。

    Confucian ethics and values which derived from the family culture constitute the dominant Chinese traditional culture .

  2. 中国桃文化衍生试论&以唐宋元明清为例

    On Chinese Peach Culture

  3. 信息化指的是人类社会信息文化衍生、发展并最终占据主导地位以实现现代化的过程;

    Informationization is the process for information culture to emerge , develop and finally occupy a dominant position .

  4. 人类学家一直想通过一个地域的风俗习惯来探究该地区的文化衍生、发展的轨迹。

    Anthropologists have always been trying to explore the derivation and development of the culture of a certain district .

  5. 在大力发展本土网络游戏软件之外,还积极发展原创动漫及由这些创意文化衍生出来的周边产品。

    It not only developed local network game software , but also actively developed original cartoon and the derivation products by this creative culture .

  6. 科学发展观指导医院文化建设衍生的几大效应

    Derivative effects of hospital culture under scientific development conception

  7. 概念隐喻是由人类经验和文化意象衍生而来,其形成依赖于丰富的想象和类比。

    Relying on the rich imagination and analogy , conceptual metaphor is derived from human 's experience and cultural image .

  8. 随着农业的发展,文化领域衍生出的这种以电视媒介为代表的大众文化,更为密切地融入农村、农业和农民的生活中。

    Following the agricultural development , culture of masses infiltrates into countryside 、 agriculture and the life of the peasants more intently .

  9. 象思维乃中国传统思维方式的经典对中国传统文化的衍生产生了重大的影响。

    As a typical way of traditional thinking model , Xiang-Thinking has produced a significant impact on the derivative of Chinese traditional culture .

  10. 胡国亨认为,当今人类面临的生存困境,主要是由西方智性文化及其衍生的现代化造成的。

    Henry Woo believes that the predicaments facing the modern world are largely caused by the intellect oriented culture of the West and its subsequent Modernism .

  11. 瓷质茶具便是这两种文化所衍生的产物,瓷演绎着茶的色香味,茶增添了瓷的神韵,这对相得益彰的组合便是我们祖先的智慧结晶。

    China tea set is the product of these two kinds of cultures , china makes the tea look more colorful and smell more fragrant , tea added the verve of china ; this combination is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors .

  12. 作为在中国传统历史文化语境中衍生的词汇与概念,天下观念在商周时代初具雏形。

    As a word and concept which derived from traditional historical and cultural context in ancient china ," Tianxia " appears in an embryonic form in Shang and Zhou period .

  13. 地区认同是国际关系领域内的一个新型概念,它是地区主义与由文化认同所衍生的集体认同重叠而产生的一种交叉概念。

    The regional identify is a new concept in the field of international relationship . It is a kind of intersecting concept yielded by the overlapping of regionalism and collective identify derived from cultural identify .

  14. 监狱法文化的孕育、衍生和发展始终以监狱行刑、罪犯服刑及其双向互动过程为整合基础。

    The gestation , emergence and the development of the legal culture is based on the interwork of imprison execution by the prison and sentence service of the criminals .

  15. 中国当代雕塑色彩伴随着当代文化观念多元化的衍生,依傍着现代科技的迅速发展和人类对雕塑观念的转变,从精神内涵到其表现形式都发生了前所未有的变化。

    China contemporary sculpture colour with contemporary culture diversity of modern science and technology , the derivative alongside the rapid development and the change of human sculpture , from the mental connotation to its form of unprecedented changes have happened .

  16. 即崇高的企业理念锻造高层次的企业文化力,高层次企业文化力衍生强大的企业行为力,强大的企业行为力形成企业的核心竞争力。

    In another word , the noble enterprise conception forges high-level enterprise culture power , while high-level enterprise culture power generates strong enterprise executive power , and strong enterprise performance power is transformed into central enterprise competitiveness .

  17. 当今社会,主流价值随着文化的良好沟通性变得日益模糊,文化中衍生的价值多元化充斥着我们生活的各个领域、各个层面。

    Today , mainstream value becomes more and more vague . Multiple values filled every aspect of our lives .

  18. 周人在制礼作乐的过程中,赋予乐歌政教功能,在这种社会文化背景下,《诗经》里的三颂可以说就是礼乐文化的衍生。

    Give music and songs to the function that political affairs teaches in cycle person process " enjoying self in system gift ", three ode of li can say derivation being ceremonial music culture in this society culture under background , " The Book of Songs " .

  19. 安全文化是随着社会的繁荣、城乡的发展及科技进步,从工业文明、社会文化衍生而来。

    With the prosperity of the society and progress in science and technology , safety Culture has derived from industrial and cultural civilization .

  20. 传统的龙文化要想在现代化的经济社会中存活下去,其涵义必将因时代文化的发展而衍生出新的龙文化内涵以顺应现代潮流。

    The traditional dragon culture to the modern economy and society live , its meaning is bound by time and cultural development and derive new dragon culture connotation in order to conform to the modern trend .

  21. 医院文化是在中华文化的基础上,以我国现时期文化为主导,融合中西医文化及边缘文化所衍生的、多学科综合的、具有医院特色和时代特征的一种特殊行业文化。

    Hospital culture is a special synthetical medical culture based on Chinese culture , leading by nowadays development , combined with Chinese and western medicine culture . It has hospital and ages features .