
mí wù
  • dense fog
迷雾 [mí wù]
  • (1) [dense fog]∶能见度很差的雾

  • (2) [anything that misleads people]∶叫人捉摸不透,迷失方向的事物

迷雾[mí wù]
  1. 轮船被迷雾包围。

    The steamer is enveloped in a dense fog .

  2. 迷雾中的意义

    Meaning in the Dense Fog

  3. 他谈话中使用的行话对我是一团迷雾。

    The jargon in his talk was opaque to me .

  4. 在迷雾一样的战争中可能很难同时发动这些攻击。

    Synchronizing these attacks may be difficult in the fog of war

  5. 美丽的海岸线一望无际,笼罩在迷雾之中。

    The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist .

  6. 两条船在迷雾中彼此失去联系。

    The two ships lost each other in the fog .

  7. 我们看着迷雾由山谷升起。

    We watched the mists ascending from the valley .

  8. 迷雾笼罩山顶。

    The mountain top is wrapped in mist .

  9. 万圣节派对过后,两男人图个乐呵,打算抄近路穿过墓地回家。走到墓地中央时,他们被从迷雾中传来的“答、答、答”声惊吓到了。

    Two men were walking home after a Halloween party and decided just for laughs . Right in the middle of the cemetery they were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows .

  10. 对《城堡》主人公土地测量员K的形象剖析有助于揭开《城堡》的重重迷雾。

    An analysis of K , the land surveyor in The Castle will help to rid the dense fog that shrouds the novel .

  11. 化作春泥更护花赛德尔起初在入殓师凯特林·道蒂(CaitlinDoughty)撰写的《你眼中的迷雾》(SmokeGetsinYourEyes)这本书中了解到了这个办法。

    Seidel first learned about the idea in abook called Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by the mortician Caitlin Doughty .

  12. 人类的DNA永远不会在另一个形体中运作,在那时产生的扭曲导致了一层笼罩在地球上的迷雾,这层巨大的迷雾足以使虚假干涉再次锚定于地球之上;

    Human DNA will never work inside of another form , and the distortion created therein caused a haze around earth large enough to begin to re-anchor the false intervention upon earth ;

  13. 他的第一部有影响力的动画作品是《迷雾》(Mist),花了两年时间制作完成,时长32分钟。

    HIS first big splash with animation came with " Mist , " a 32-minute film that took two years to make .

  14. vi.凝视,盯着看;窥视她试图透过迷雾找到了正路。……

    peer She peered through the mist , trying to find the right way .......

  15. 理论上欧洲有一个最高职位,一位真正的领袖可以在这个位置上施展权威,廓清迷雾,行使绝对权力&这个职位就是欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席一职。

    In theory , Europe has a spot at the top in which a real leader might sit and wield some gavel of authority , clarity , and resolute power & and that is the high office of President of the European Commission .

  16. 社会性别(Gender)理论为我们拨开迷雾,直抵现象的本质:女性形象作为男权中心欲望的对象,在市场经济下不断被强化。

    The theory of gender has pushed aside a dense fog for us and directly disclosed an essence of the phenomenon : as objects of desire of male dominance , female figures have been more and more emphasized in the market economy .

  17. 原定于2004年6月30日之前完成的原产地标准的相关谈判未能取得实质性进展,更使得CAFTA前途迷雾重重。

    The relevant negotiations about origin criteria scheduled to be finished before June 30 , 2004 have failed to make substantive progress , which make CAFTA have an uncertain future .

  18. 伦敦数据提供商markit刚刚宣布,为了驱除市场上的迷雾,它将开始公布有关欧洲证券化产品的新数据信息。

    Markit , the London-based data provider , has just declared that it would start publishing new information on European securitised products in an effort to demystify the market .

  19. 在科特金看来,“残酷无情的阶级斗争组成了列宁思想的核心”。或者就像马克西姆•高尔基(MaximGorky)所写的那样,“他(列宁)的爱,穿透了仇恨的迷雾,望向遥远的未来”。

    In Kotkin 's view , " Pitiless class warfare formed the core of Lenin 's thought . " Or , as Maxim Gorky wrote , " His [ Lenin 's ] love looked far ahead , through the mists of hatred . "

  20. 根据海法大学(UniversityofHaifa)的心理学家Shaman-Tsoory博士说:“能否理解他人的思维状态和情绪与他能否理解挖苦密切相关。”没错,这也就意味着他们能够看透你和你呈现的迷雾幻境。

    According to Dr. Shaman-Tsoory , who is a psychologist at the University of Haifa , " understanding other people 's state of mind and emotions are related to our ability to understand sarcasm . " Yes , this means they can see right through you and your smoke and mirrors .

  21. 迷雾重重的森林里好像隐藏着《帝国反击战》里的尤达,丛林生存技能则是师从《绝地归来》里的伊沃克人(Ewoks)。

    There is a misty forest reminiscent of Yoda 's hideout in The EmpireStrikes Back . There are woodcrafts inspired by the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi.There are CGI giants and wittering sidekicks aplenty .

  22. 迷雾中的行进&也谈对在校大学生暂缓不起诉

    Walking in Danger & Beginning with postponement of non-prosecution for students

  23. 迷雾已消散,星星露面了。

    The mist had cleared away and the stars were out .

  24. 越来越浓的迷雾笼罩着玄真桥。

    More and more puzzles are hidden in Xuan Zhen Bridge .

  25. 盼望迷雾自行散去,正确的道路会清晰地出现在脚下。

    hoping the mists will lift and reveal the right path .

  26. 我们处在历史文化转变的迷雾中。

    We are in the midst of an historic cultural transition .

  27. 紫色的纹理在迷雾中隐没,它代表神秘

    And a Purple Strand of Mystery that fades into the mist

  28. 大唐电信重组一直以来给外界以迷雾般的印象。

    Datang Telecom 's reorganization has been in confusion all along .

  29. 知识的幻象不过晨间浅薄的迷雾。

    Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning .

  30. 这几十年来人们都活在迷雾一般的世界里

    So for decades people have been walking around in a haze