
  • 网络The Lost Lamb;the lost sheep;Stray Lambs
  1. 昨天,我还见到了John。这个可怜的家伙没有你在身边就象一只迷途的羔羊!

    I saw John yesterday , too . The poor man is like a lost sheep without you !

  2. 由于没能爱到好的教育,许多人成了迷途的羔羊。

    Many people became lost sheep because they didn 't get good education .

  3. 我是只迷途的羔羊,太太。

    I 'm the sheep that got lost , madre .

  4. 你这只不幸的迷途的羔羊!

    Lost sheep of your misfortune !

  5. 我有迷途的羔羊寻找庇护所,凋谢中的花朵寻找雨露那样的感觉。

    I had the feeling of a stray lamb looking for shelter and a withering flower looking for rain and dew .

  6. 他的面容略带忧伤,好像失去母亲的婴儿。看起来笨笨的,就好像迷途的羔羊似的。

    A little sadness hangs on his face as if he were a baby deprived of mother and were a stray lamb , looking silly .

  7. 我进去了,看见我的迷途的羔羊坐在火炉边,坐在她母亲小时候的一把椅子上摇来摇去。

    I entered , and beheld my stray lamb seated on the hearth , rocking herself in a little chair that had been her mother 's when a child .

  8. 强烈建议谢亚龙主席改行参与中国定向运动,好找着一个方向,别再让中国足球像迷途的羔羊了。

    Xie Yalong is strongly recommended that the President diverted to participate in China 's directional movement , Zhaozhuo a good direction , not to let the Chinese soccer as the Lost lamb .

  9. 我感觉上帝在那儿丢下了这迷途的羔羊,任它胡乱游荡,而一只恶兽暗暗徘徊在那只羊与羊栏之间,伺机跳起来毁灭它。

    I felt that God had forsaken the stray sheep there to its own wicked wanderings , and an evil beast prowled between it and the fold , waiting his time to spring and destroy .