
  1. 他是个电子产品迷,所以家里省了不少电器修理费。

    As he was addicted in electronic products , his family saved a lot of money for repair .

  2. 在网站的报名参与后,数百名星战迷齐聚一家大型商场的中心进行大型的光剑嬉戏。

    Hundreds of Star Wars fans staged a mass lightsaber battle in the middle of a shopping centre after a covert web campaign .

  3. 接下来几周,全新美剧季即将登场,剧迷和剧评家们准备齐整,迎接突破性佳作的首播、热门剧集的回归以及可能脱颖而出的美剧新宠。

    As the new TV season gets ready to roll out in the coming weeks , fans and critics are gearing up for the premieres of breakthrough hits , returning favorites , and potential new gems .

  4. 上周,当我坐了一夜飞机、睡眼迷朦地回到家,每个人都在问我这个问题。

    Everyone asked last week when I pitched up at home bleary-eyed after an overnight flight .