
  • 网络Whistle
  1. 比赛结束的哨声响起时,守门员忍不住流下了热泪。与他一同毫无顾忌潸然泪下的数百万的男女老少。

    As goalkeeper broke down its tears at the final whistle , millions of men , women and children wept unashamedly with him .

  2. 但系当比赛结束既哨声响起个时,人体既肾上腺依然亢奋并且经理人都只不过系太过激动,而急于泄愤,或者抒情。

    But when the final whistle sounds , the adrenalin still runs high and managers are only too eager to vent their fury or wax lyrical .

  3. 哈雷和摩特与杨伯拉德则在一起嚼舌头,哨声响起。

    Hadley 's chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood . A WHISTLE BLOWS .

  4. 很多人问我,最后一场比赛终场哨声响起时我的感受如何。

    Many people have asked me , what was I feeling when that final buzzer sounded ?

  5. (此时,哨声响起,下半场比赛开始了,两人又全神贯注地观看比赛了。)

    ( Then , the bell rang . The second half started . They are back to watch the game attentively . )

  6. 《华尔街日报》曾比喻这就像哨声响起后投出的半场球,她还获得了俄罗斯和中国的支持。

    And in what The Wall Street Journal no less called a half-court shot at the buzzer , she got Russia and China to support them .

  7. 然后,他们交易得到杜兰特。经过几次身体对抗,在终场哨声响起后,杜兰特和库里简单握手致意。

    Then they got Durant , who after the buzzer sounded did a little shake with Curry on the court before they slapped hands several times .

  8. 豪斯却投篮不中,两支球队在最后都领到一些低级的进攻犯规,当比赛的结束哨声响起时,湖人终于可以放松了。

    House missed for Boston , both teams committed silly offensive fouls in the closing seconds , and when the final horn sounded , the Lakers could finally relax .

  9. 如果能够夺冠,那么终场哨声响起的那一刻,以及在更衣室里与队友们相拥而泣的时候一定是无比幸福的,随之而来的一切都会让人受用不尽。

    So if I win a ring , it would be fun to experience that moment when the buzzer sounds and embracing my teammates in the locker room and all that stuff that comes with it .

  10. 随着哨声的响起,我们紧紧地拥抱在一起,依依不舍地互相说再见,满怀热情和真诚的向他们挥手告别。

    With the whistle going off , we had to say goodbye and gave a big hug to each other firmly , waving to them with the warmth and sincerity .