  • wise;sagacious
  • wise man;sage;wisdom
  • 有智慧:~人。~嗣(称别人子孙的敬辞)。~理(关于宇宙和人生的原理)。~学(关于自然知识和社会知识的概括)。

  • 聪明智慧的人:先~。


(有智慧) wise; sagacious:

  • 明哲

    wise and discreet


(有智慧的人) wise man; sage:

  • 圣哲

    the sages


(智慧) wisdom:

  • 贤哲

    wit and wisdom

  1. 这虽是小学读本中一段滥熟的故事,然而值得明哲之士底思索。

    It is a trivial grammar school text , but yet worthy a wise man 's consideration .

  2. 此等名言,来自明哲久远之古代,实乃每一民族所共有,然而仍有一种轻视吾敌人力量之趋势。

    In spite of these teachings from a wise old past , which are shared by every nation , there has been a tendency to belittle the strength of our opponents .

  3. 不少今哲颇褒公孙龙的白马非马(P)论题,而冯友兰大师则较为跟随古哲,颇贬P。

    Quite a few contemporary philosophers approve Gong Sun-long 's " A white horse is not a horse " claim ( P ), yet Master Feng You-lan rather follow the ancient philosophers-disapproving ( P ) .

  4. 哲奔分析师克里斯贠尔斯(ChrisPowers)表示:“许多(外国公司)正在重新评估它们对中国内地的投资策略。”

    Chris Powers , an analyst at Z-Ben , said : " Many [ foreign companies ] are re-evaluating their approach to mainland China .

  5. 在20世纪初,由于罗素悖论的猛烈冲击,惊醒了沉睡数世纪的Q、R,即时引发西方众多今哲奋力解悖。

    In the early 20th century , the heavy impact of Russell paradox wakened up Q and R which had slept for several centuries ; many western paradox researchers strove to resolve them but failed .

  6. 其中会生动地简要介绍香槟如何酿造,并在最后提供泰亭哲的几种口感成熟的珍藏纯干香槟(BrutRéserveChampagne)的样品供大家品尝。

    It offers a good general introduction to how Champagne is made and concludes with a sample of Taittinger 's very suave Brut R é serve Champagne .

  7. 实验结果表明,随着重金属离子暴露时间的延长,中华哲水蚤T-SOD活性变化显著。

    The results showed that the SOD activity changed markedly with prolonged exposure of these ions .

  8. 上海哲奔咨询公司(Z-Ben)表示,英国银行巴克莱(Barclays)也将其在中国合资企业新华信托(NewChinaTrust)中的股份从19.5%大幅削减至6%。

    Barclays , the UK bank , has also reduced its stake in its Chinese joint venture , New China Trust , significantly , from 19.5 per cent to 6 per cent , according to Z-Ben , the Shanghai-based consultancy .

  9. 来自哥本哈根知名餐厅Noma的名厨安东尼•伯尔顿和雷内•雷哲皮与张大卫称兄道弟。

    He pals around with Anthony Bourdain and Rene redzepi of the renowned noma in Copenhagen .

  10. Hg2+和pb2+对中华哲水蚤T-SOD活性的影响均表现为随暴露时间延长,呈先上升后下降的趋势。

    Effects of Hg2 + and Pb2 + on the SOD activity were increased first and then decreased during prolonging the exposure time .

  11. 建议从提高师范生的综合素养的角度设置注重跨学科综合教育的STS类、跨学科综合类、环境教育类、科学史哲类、现代科学技术进展类、信息技术应用类等通识性教育课程。

    The author suggested to design the 6 kinds of general education courses : the STS , environmental education , history and philosophy of science , progress of modern scientific technique , and application of information technology .

  12. 关于赫哲语副动词-m、-re与biren的搭配关系

    On the Collocation of Hezhe Vice Verbs - m , - re with biren

  13. 自柏拉图(plato)赞扬“哲王”(philosopher-king)的真实以及希腊演员带上面具隐藏或展露情感以来,领导人应该在多大程度上展示他们的真面目一直是管理学研究的主题。

    The extent to which leaders should show their true colours has been a staple of management thinking since Plato praised the truthfulness of philosopher-kings and Greek actors donned masks to hide , or display , their feelings .

  14. 哲罗鱼消化系统器官发生发育的组织学观察

    Histological Observation on the Development of Digestive System in Hucho taimen

  15. 摘要诗哲之争由来已久。

    The controversy of poem and philosophy has a long history .

  16. 哲洙,给我做张名片,好吗?

    Chul-soo , make me a business card , will you ?

  17. 三足鼎&读《名哲言行录》笔记

    Tripod : Notes after Reading Quotations and Deeds of Famous Philosophers

  18. 是因为权哲喜欢的是我,而不是你吗?

    Is that because Quan Zhe like me , not you ?

  19. 铁哲军马上要来了,(呼吸急促)他们是为雨石而来。

    Tie The battalion is coming , they want the Rain-stone .

  20. 不管纹怎麽努力,哲都不再理她。(编译:赵峦)

    However Wen tries , Zhe never talks to her anymore .

  21. 麦哲继续说道:“我还有一点要补充。

    Major continued : " I have little more to say .

  22. 哲罗鱼稚鱼的蛋白质和脂肪需求量

    Requirement of dietary protein and lipid for juvenile Hucho taimen

  23. 这一年春天,他在妻子与拉罗哲•马底欧幽会时出其不意地将他们捉了双。

    That spring he surprised his wife and Laroche-Mathieu at a rendezvous .

  24. 其中包括足以养活一个赫哲家庭一星期的500磅重的鲟鱼

    including 500-pound sturgeon enough to feed a family of Hezhe for weeks

  25. 哲罗鱼研究现状及其可持续发展策略

    Research Status Quo of Hucho taimen and Sustainable Development Strategy

  26. 艺术制作是体力劳动,艺术创作是哲,思考。

    Art production is manual labor , artistic creation , philosophical reflection .

  27. 哲罗鱼基因组微卫星富集文库的构建与分析

    Construction and identification on enriched microsatellite library from Hucho taimen Pallas genome

  28. 哲淳求我带他一起热身。

    And chul-soon begged me to warm up with him .

  29. 文在哲的悉心照顾下快乐的成长着。

    Wen grows fat happily under Zhe 's good care .

  30. 分析师表示特维诺喜欢这种哲塔斯主义,

    Analysts say Trevino relished in this kind of Zetaism ,