
zhuì rù
  • Falling;fall/drop into
  1. 我们看到火箭助推器脱落后坠入大海。

    We saw the booster rockets disengage and fall into the sea .

  2. 飞机坠入大海时解体了。

    The plane disintegrated as it fell into the sea .

  3. 坠入爱河必已使你神魂颠倒。

    Being in love must have addled your brain .

  4. 飞机在距离海岸数英里处坠入大海。

    The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore .

  5. 我只能把这段经历比作坠入爱河。

    I can only compare the experience to falling in love .

  6. 我刚才说起坠入爱河的事。

    I spoke just now of being in love

  7. 然后我遇上了一个人,嘭的一下,我就坠入了爱河。

    Then I met someone and wham , bam , I was completely in love

  8. 预计那处悬崖会以每小时10英尺的速度坍塌坠入大海。

    The cliffs were estimated to be crumbling into the sea at the rate of 10ft an hour .

  9. 回答的话真巧妙,使人坠入五里雾中。

    A shrewd reply that tells us exactly nothing .

  10. 他害怕自己会坠入阿鼻地狱。

    He dreaded being condemned to the hell of avicinaraka .

  11. 约翰当时少不更事,容易地坠入情网。

    John was in his salad days then and fell in love easily .

  12. fallinlove爱上某人人一坠入情网,就听不见理智的声音了。也是爱上某人的意思。

    When you fall in love , it 's impossible to listen to the voice of reason .

  13. 与某人坠入爱河(也写作tofallinlove):“他总是爱错了人!”

    To fall for someone = to fall in love : " He always falls for the wrong types !"

  14. 爱上例如爱上某人或坠入爱河,单词fall作为不及物动词表示一个特定的状态。

    To Fall For In the case of to fall for someone or to fall in love , the word fall functions as an intransitive verb representing a particular state of being .

  15. 城市印象坠入重庆ZT

    The Impression of the City Lost in Chongqing ZT

  16. 长206米、1970年通车的单孔大桥阿苏大桥(GreatAsoBridge)崩塌,坠入了下方黑川(BlackRiver)深邃的峡谷中,此次地震的破坏力可见一斑。

    In a graphic illustration of the earthquake 's power , the Great Aso Bridge - a single span of 206m opened in 1970 - collapsed into the ravine of the Black River below .

  17. 国际航空安全调查员协会(InternationalSocietyofAirSafetyInvestigators)前主席斯通(RichardB.Stone)说,如果飞机坠入海洋,则其搜寻工作将十分困难。

    ' If a plane goes down in the ocean , it 's very difficult to find it , ' said Richard B. Stone , a former president of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators .

  18. 尽管Fisher博士对此有所保留。我们还是想问:药物是否可能帮助人们坠入爱河,或者破镜重圆?或许不能完全做到,但却可能部分地提高恋爱体验。

    Despite Dr Fisher 's reservations , might they also help people to fall in love , or perhaps fix broken relationships ? Probably not .

  19. 2009年,法国航空公司(AirFrance)一架空中客车(Airbus)A330客机坠入大西洋,调查人员花了近两年时间才找到黑匣子。

    Investigators for the Air France Airbus A330 that plunged into the Atlantic Ocean in 2009 took almost two years to retrieve the plane 's data recorder .

  20. Joan很快和RalphdeMonthermer坠入爱河并秘密结婚。Ralph是Joan已故丈夫家族中的一个乡绅。

    Joan soon fell in love with and secretly married Ralph de Monthermer , a squire in the household of her late husband .

  21. Martha当时6岁,为了够玩具而坠入自家后院的水井。

    Martha – six years old at the time – had fallen into the well in the backyard of their house while trying to retrieve a toy .

  22. 两位明星坠入了爱河。作家朱莉•布吉尔(JulieBurchill)称他俩是异性恋的啦啦队长和特使。

    The two stars fell in love . The writer , Julie Burchill , called them " cheerleaders and ambassadors of heterosexuality " .

  23. 听我说,Meredith,任何人都能坠入爱河,盲目地幸福,但不是每个人都能拿起手术刀拯救生命。

    Ellis Grey : Listen to me , Meredith , anyone can fall in love and be blindly happy , but not everyone can pick up a scalpel and save a life .

  24. 这架直升机上还有葡萄园的前庄主JamesGregoire,LamKok的11岁儿子Charles,以及LamKok的一位代表PengWang,这架直升机坠入了多尔多涅河

    The helicopter , which was also carrying the vineyard 's previous owner , James Gregoire , Kok 's 11-year-old son Charles , and a representative of Lam Kok , Peng Wang , crashed into the Dordogne River .

  25. 劳伦斯费苓赫特(lawrenceferlinghetti)在他的“心中的康尼岛”诗集中写道:“el后面的一分钱糖果店/是我的第一次/与幻境坠入爱河”。

    As Lawrence Ferlinghetti put it in " a Coney Island of the mind " , " the pennycandystore beyond the El / is where I first / fell in love / with unreality " .

  26. 在巴黎Qfwfq同一个叫普蕾斯茜尔拉的长雀斑的女孩坠入情网,这也许可以被称作一种细胞间的关系。

    In Paris , Qfwfq falls in love with a freckled girl named Priscilla , in what may be called an intercellular relationship .

  27. 第二次是在1801年,一个名叫SamuelBlackall的年青男子在德尔郡的假日里让她坠入爱河。但是那个男子没过多久,突然悲惨地死去了。

    The second , in1801 , was a young man called Samuel Blackall who she fell in love with when on holiday in Devon , but who tragically died suddenly soon after .

  28. 在那里,他遇到了一个小女孩&克莱尔(RachelMcAdams饰),她给了他一些衣服。亨利(每次都以不同的年龄出现)的频繁造访让两人不可避免地坠入爱河。

    Here he meets a little girl , Clare Abshire ( Rachel McAdams ), who gets him some clothes . Henry ( sometimes older sometimes younger ) visits often and , inevitably , she falls in love with him .

  29. 布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家网站专门为单身旅行者提供旅游指南和当地一流夜总会的VIP优惠服务项目。即使你无缘与夜总会里香艳的名模们坠入爱河,你还是很多机会找到你梦中的那位情人,如你身边翩翩起舞的舞伴。

    ToursGoneWild.com , a guide for singles on the move , offers packages with VIP perks to the best A-list clubs , but even if you don 't luck out with one of the stunning models that frequent them , there 's still plenty of opportunity to meet a fellow single .

  30. 这部电影的主人公坠入了爱河并最终结婚。

    The main characters of the film and married each other .