
  • 网络Falling in Love;Fall in Love;Can't Help Falling In Love
  1. 坠入情网是一番美妙的体验。

    Falling in love is a beautiful experience .

  2. 真正的爱是一种持久的自我扩充体验,而坠入情网则不然。

    Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience . Falling in love not .

  3. 约翰当时少不更事,容易地坠入情网。

    John was in his salad days then and fell in love easily .

  4. fallinlove爱上某人人一坠入情网,就听不见理智的声音了。也是爱上某人的意思。

    When you fall in love , it 's impossible to listen to the voice of reason .

  5. 在巴黎Qfwfq同一个叫普蕾斯茜尔拉的长雀斑的女孩坠入情网,这也许可以被称作一种细胞间的关系。

    In Paris , Qfwfq falls in love with a freckled girl named Priscilla , in what may be called an intercellular relationship .

  6. 我们坠入情网,却伤我和你。

    We were all in love and we all got hurt .

  7. 女士不像男士那样快地坠入情网。

    Women don 't fall in as easily as men do .

  8. 感谢收看“怎样判断自己是否坠入情网”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Know You 're In Love

  9. 看上去好像她又坠入情网了。

    It looks as if she is in love again .

  10. 吃到最后这个鞋匠坠入情网。

    By the end of the meal the shoemaker was in love .

  11. 命运要我坠入情网,而你就是我的情爱。

    Faith had me playing in love With you as my sweetheart .

  12. 我总是很快坠入情网,未曾衡量风险。

    I have always fallen in love fast and without measuring risks .

  13. 坠入情网,想想你所爱的人。

    In love , think of the person you love .

  14. 他已坠入情网,甚为痛苦。

    He has fallen in love and is hard hit .

  15. 我告诉你这男孩已经坠入情网了

    I 'm telling you , that boy islost in love land .

  16. 这位古典中国美女已经明显地与印度文化坠入情网。

    The classic Chinese beauty has obviously fallen in love with India culture .

  17. 一个关于诱惑、坠入情网的爱情故事。

    One about seduction , and falling in love .

  18. 后来狄更斯竟与联袂主演的年仅18岁的搭档坠入情网,把妻子都抛弃了。

    Then he fell in love with his18-year-old co-star and left his wife .

  19. 当你跟美女坠入情网是很辛苦的。

    When you 're in love with a beautiful woman , it 's hard .

  20. 王子与灰姑娘坠入情网了。入情网了。

    The prince and Cinderella fall in love .

  21. 我已经坠入情网。

    I 'm in the mood for love .

  22. 你有没有坠入情网了?

    Have you fallen in love with somebody ?

  23. 他与一位电影明星的车子相撞,两个人且坠入情网。

    He got in a wreck with a movie star and they fell in love .

  24. 两人自高中起就坠入情网,他是塞尔维亚人,她是穆斯林。

    Sweethearts since high school , he was a Serb and she was a Moslem .

  25. 如果她那么容易就坠入情网倒也没什么意思。

    It ain 't any fun if she falls for it , just like that .

  26. 说来真怪,他居然与那位高傲的女孩子坠入情网。

    It is strange that he should fall in love with such a snobbish girl .

  27. 我糊里糊涂地坠入情网。

    I fell stupidly in love .

  28. 大多数人来巴黎坠入情网,而你却来被打的

    Most people come to Paris to fall in love . You came and got slapped .

  29. “上帝,我希望今天我不会坠入情网”

    " God , I hope I don 't get swept off my feet today . "

  30. 他们一见面就坠入情网,真是一见钟情。

    They fell in love as soon as they met : it was love at first sight .