
  1. 基于AHP的高处坠落事故脆性分析

    Analysis of brittleness of falling accident based on analytic hierarchy process

  2. 对于坠落事故用人为差错预计法(THERP)和人的认知可靠性法(HCR)进行了分析。

    Also use Human Error Rate Prediction ( THERP ) and Human Cognition Reliability ( HCR ) in the analyzing of falling accident .

  3. 一起塔式起重机吊重坠落事故的分析

    Analysis of a Load - lifting Dropping Accident of Tower Crane

  4. 分析了氧枪坠落事故的根本原因。

    The basic reasons leading to oxygen lance falling are analyzed .

  5. 浅谈水电行业高处作业坠落事故的分析及防治

    Analysis on high falling accident in hydroelectric industry and prevention measures

  6. 塔式起重机司机坠落事故预防对策探讨

    Discussion about prevention ways for falling of driver down from tower crane

  7. 天井吊罐运行中人员坠落事故的分析与预防

    Analysis and prevention on parson dropout in moving raise cage

  8. 臂架坠落事故是门座式起重机事故的常见类型,对此加以研究也具有一定的典型意义。

    Jib Falling is a typical accident of Portal Crane .

  9. 一起起重机电气故障引发的钩头坠落事故剖析

    Analysis to a hook falling accident due to electric failure of crane

  10. 建筑施工高空坠落事故的原因及防治

    The reasons and prevention of high altitude falling accident in building construction

  11. 浅谈西安地铁施工高处坠落事故的预防

    On prevention of falling down from high places in Xi'an subway construction

  12. 某网架吊装坠落事故分析

    Analysis of the Grid frame Falling Accident in Lifting Progress

  13. 塔式起重机起重臂坠落事故剖析

    Analysis of falling accident of jib about tower crane

  14. 用于防止坠落事故发生。

    Use at preventing to fall accident happening .

  15. 高处坠落事故的原因分析和防范措施

    Falling Accidents cause analysis and Precaution Measure

  16. 虽然没有发生意外或坠落事故,联邦航空局也在采取行动。

    And while no accidents or crashes have happened because of it , the FAA is taking action .

  17. 高处坠落事故是威胁建筑工人安全的四大事故之首。

    Falling from high place is the most serious construction accident of n four big hurtsllwhich are threatening building workers .

  18. 必须从加强安全教育入手,实现安全管理科学化、标准化,才能有效地控制高处坠落事故的发生。

    In order to control the falling accident effectively , we must start with safety education and realizing scientific and standardization of safety management .

  19. 城市居住环境下高空坠物及建筑设计防坠措施研究浅谈西安地铁施工高处坠落事故的预防

    Research on High-altitude Falling and Architectural Falling-free Measures in Urban Residential Environment ; On prevention of falling down from high places in Xi'an subway construction

  20. 文中应用安全系统工程中的事故树分析方法,对天井吊罐运行中人员坠落事故进行了分析。

    The analysises of the accidents of personnel dropping out of raise cage are made by using the fault tree analytical method of safty system engineering .

  21. 通过调查分析发现,建筑业高处坠落事故主要发生在四口、五临边和脚手架操作平台;

    Through the investigation and statistical analysis , it is found that the falling accidents mainly occur beside the portals , the borders and the platform of the scaffolding .

  22. 本文通过对高处坠落事故原因的分析,探讨高处坠落事故发生的原因和预防对策,从而达到预防高处坠落事故的目的。

    The objective of the protection against the high falling accidents is reached through analysis the reasons of the high falling accidents and discussion the protective measurement of the high falling accidents in the article .

  23. 安全防坠器作为施工升降机的安全保护装置,当施工升降机遇到突发事故时它可以防止吊笼坠落事故的发生,保证人员及货物的安全。

    The safety anti-falling device is the security equipment of the construction hoist , which can avoid the falling of the cage to assure the people and goods safety as soon as the construction hoist meets accident .

  24. 某车间钢料仓坠落质量事故的加固修复

    The restored project of a steel bin 's falling accident

  25. 找出了导致吊架坠落伤亡事故发生的途径,并提出了一些预防措施。

    The way leading to occurrence of drop casualty accident from hanger is discovered and some preventive measures are put forward .

  26. 最后,笔者按照事故致因理论,从人、物、环境等因素系统分析了高处坠落的事故原因,提出了预防坠落的控制措施和有关建议。

    Finally , the causation of falling is systematically analyzed considering the men-machine-environment factors , and suggestions of control measures are made .

  27. 起重机吊物坠落情况的事故树分析

    Accident tree analysis of crane load falling accident

  28. 对于特别重要的应用场合,起重机械一般在低速轴上设置一个安全制动器,以免因起升机构传动系统失效而引起吊物坠落发生重大事故。

    If the drive system in the hoisting machine fails to work , it takes for the emergency brake to drive .

  29. [背景和目的]脊髓损伤是一种常见的、多发的疾病,主要是由于运动、高空坠落、交通事故、工伤等原因造成的。

    [ Object ] Spinal cord injury is a common and frequent diseases , mainly due to movement , high-altitude falls , traffic accidents , injuries and other causes .

  30. 致伤原因为高处坠落伤、交通事故伤和重物砸伤占83.3%。

    The patients associated with high fall , traffic accident and heavy pound injury in the group were 83.3 % .