
  • 网络Detection area;detection zone
  1. 当探测区域内存在杂质时,电压比较器输出5V电压,驱动后续电路发出声光报警。

    When there were some impurities in detection area , the voltage comparator would put out 5V voltage , driving follow-up circuits to give sound-light alarm .

  2. 结果表明,Ti原子夺走超导体内部的O,在表面形成TiO键,在XPS探测区域内,Bi0,CuO键被破坏,Cu~(2+)和Bi~(3+)被还原为金属态。

    It is shown that Ti adatoms leach oxygen from the under-lyng superconductors , forming Ti-O bond on the surface . In the interface region , Cu-O and Bi-O bonds are destroyed , Cu2 + and Bi3 + are reduced to metallic atoms .

  3. 为了实现对目标环境进行全方面监控,除了装有普通的标量数据传感器外,还有配备廉价低耗的CMOS相机以及麦克风等多媒体传感器节点,遍布探测区域,从而孕育了无线传感器网络的产生和快速发展。

    In order to completely monitor the target environment , there are ordinary scalar sensors and multimedia sensor nodes of low-cost and cheap equipments with CMOS cameras , microphones , etc. throughout the detection area , which has brought on the emergence and rapid development of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks .

  4. 以F-117A作为典型的隐身目标,提出一种计算隐身目标双基地雷达探测区域的新方法。

    A new method for calculating the detection coverage of bistatic radars for stealthy objects is proposed , by means of which the fighter F-117A is researched as a typical stealth object .

  5. 含滤光片的成像系统在像面探测区域内的光谱辐射功率

    Spectral power in detected area of image plane of an image system consisting of a filter

  6. 天气雷达&雨量计网联合探测区域降水量的精度

    Precision of precipitation amount in the joint detection areas by weather radar and the auto-raingauge network

  7. 我国国土辽阔,海域宽广,边界线长,高频超视距雷达特别适宜于那些因地理因素、通信及后勤等原因而无法架设雷达所造成的不可探测区域以及海洋环境和海上目标的实时监测。

    Our country has so long a coastline that the HF radars are much applicable in the ocean environment and target monitoring .

  8. 其次通过研究支援干扰条件下突防飞机的路径空间,提出了基于十边形的雷达探测区域近似方法;

    The routing space of the aircraft in penetration was studied , and a method for approximating the radar detection area was given .

  9. 当探测区域有人体移动时,将会立即现场报警,并自动拨的多组报警号码报警。

    When human body movement detected in the probing area , the machine will set off alarm immediately and automatically dial various alarm telephone .

  10. 由于靶面的探测区域和离地面的高度随不同的武器系统而不同,所以给设计带来了一定的困难。

    But the detecting range and height of target are various according to different arms , this makes the design of CCD optical target very difficult .

  11. 当人体在探测区域内运动时,两探测器同时多角度检测人体移动情况。

    When infrared heat-source of human body exists and moves in the FOV of PIR detectors , the detectors can detect the movement of infrared heat-source from multi-angle .

  12. 主要用于高电阻的探测区域,据有极高的分辨率。实践表明,它可以探测地下0.O1-lm尺度介质的分布。

    Mainly used for the detection of high resistance region , and according to very high resolution , practice has shown that it can detect underground 0.1-1m scale media distribution .

  13. 分析了转弯过程中探测区域移动路线与无人机移动路线之间的关系,并分三种情况给出了转弯过程中转弯路程和转弯时间的计算公式。

    The relationship between the detecting path and the flying path of turning motion is analyzed . Finally , the distance and duration of the turn are calculated in three different situations .

  14. 在当前的消防报警控制系统中,对被探测区域温度的准确测量和有效控制是消防工作质量的根本保证。

    In the present system of fire controlling and alarming , it is essential to take the exact measurement and effective control of the actual temperature and its ascending speed in the detecting area .

  15. 多部多普勒气象雷达组成分布式网络雷达系统,雷达探测区域互相重合,相互通信,进一步提高了对灾害性天气的监测预警能力。

    Distributed network of Doppler Weather Radar System is constituted by multiple radar sites . The detection area is coincident and communicating with each other to further improve the warning capabilities of disaster weather .

  16. 由于声传感器网络中各个探测区域具有不同的特点,首先根据声传感器网络的特点将定位算法进行了分类,提出了一种有效的算法选择机制,减少了时间延迟对于目标定位的影响。

    This paper discusses the classification of orientation algorithm based on the characteristic of acoustic sensor network at first , and then describes an effective algorithmic choosing mechanism , which can decrease the effect of time-delay to the object 's orientation .

  17. 本文应用1983年7月14日、1984年8月30日和9月1日三次降水回波资料,初探了雷达探测区域降水量的可能性。

    By making use of the radar echoes of July 14 , 1983 , Aug. 30 and Sept. 1 , 1984 , an attempt is made to probe into the possibility of using this type of radar to determine areal precipitation amount .

  18. 主要通过物理的原理来进行勘探,主要研究岩石的不同密度、磁性等物理差异来进行研究,通过分析这些差异获取相应的物探资料,推断出探测区域内的地质构造情况。

    Primarily through the exploration of physical principles to the main study rocks of different densities , magnetic and other physical differences to study these differences by analyzing the corresponding geophysical data obtained , it concluded that detection of geological conditions within the region .

  19. 本文首先分析了地铁火灾特性及火灾探测器原理,并针对地铁本身的特殊性、客流量特点、通风结构,对地铁火灾探测器的选型、报警区域和探测区域的划分进行了深入的研究。

    First , the characteristics of subway fire and principles of fire detectors are analyzed . Taking into account the idiosyncrasy , traffic pattern , and ventilating structure of subway , the choose of fire detectors and the partition of alarm and detecting areas are discussed in detail .

  20. 本文分析5次降水天气过程的数字化天气雷达资料和16个雨量计资料表明:用天气雷达&雨量计网联合探测区域降水量的精度比单独使用雷达或常规雨量计网的探测精度高。

    Analyses of the WSR-81S digital data for 5 precipitation processes and the rainfall data from 16 auto-raingauges indicate that the rainfall amount in the joint detecting areas by weather radar and the auto-raingauge network is more precise than is detected by radar or the conventional raingauge network alone .

  21. 飞行环境监视系统(AESS)是航空安全的重要保障,通过对飞机周围环境的监测,提前探测危险区域发出告警,从而避免飞行事故。

    Aircraft Environment Surveillance System ( AESS ) plays an important role in the flight safety .

  22. 基于航线探测的区域雷达网探测效能评估模型

    A Model of Efficiency Evaluation of Regional Radar Network Based on Flight Course Detection

  23. 雷达可探测指定区域内的人员、车辆、舰船、低空直升飞机等目标,既可以作为基地、指挥所等重要场所的入侵报警,也可以用于重要的港口和边境等区域的监视。

    It is used for both the invasion alarm in an important place such as base and command post and the surveillance of important ports , border areas etc.

  24. 大区域地形变监测:应用空间大地测量技术,布设大区域的形变监测网,监测板块运动及一些大构造单元的相对运动,探测太区域应力场、形变场的变化,寻找地应力的集中区。

    Crustal deformation monitoring over large areas : Space geodetic techniques can be used for deploying deformation monitoring network over large areas , monitoring plate movements and relative movements in some large tectonic units , detecting variations of large-scale stress field and deformation field and seeking stress concentration areas .

  25. 弯曲射线CT技术探测冲击地压区域数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation study on the region of pressure bumps scanned by computerized tomography technique of bending rag

  26. 第二层为进行聚类和冲突探测后的区域划分;

    The second is region after clustering and conflict detecting ;

  27. 我带你们到雷达可探测到的区域边缘。

    I 'll take you guys in until we hit radar range .

  28. 当填埋场发生渗漏后,地下介质的物理性质和化学性质会发生变化,进而影响电性变化及自然电位场的改变。这是三维在线监测系统探测地下污染区域的前提条件。

    When leakage occurs in landfill , the physical and chemical properties of soils will change , which leads to changes of electricity and natural potential of underground soil .

  29. 从后勤通用厢式车反雷达隐身特点出发,分析了后勤通用厢式车受雷达探测威胁的主要区域,并确定了合理的雷达截面减缩量。

    From the features of the anti-radar stealth of the logistic universal trunk truck , the main regions of the trunk truck threatened by radar are analyzed . The reasonable RCS reduction is determined .

  30. 通过野外地质调查和地球化学探测成果,结合区域地质发展史,论述锦江水库③号断裂构造破碎带的地质特征及其对建筑物的影响。

    This paper deals with geological features of fracture zone 3 in the Jinjing reservoir damsite and its influence on the dam on the basis of geological - geochemical survey in combination with geological developmental history in the region .