
  • 网络Exploring History;Learn the history
  1. 正因为拥有了通过遗传学探索历史的能力

    Now because of our abilitiy to do genetic history ,

  2. 纵观世界雕塑史就是一部感性空间和理性空间的探索历史。

    For sculpture history of the world , it is a sensitive space and rational space exploration history .

  3. 我们希望你将以此为契机,探索历史性的哈利法克斯和它提供的所有。

    We hope that you will take this opportunity to explore historic Halifax and all it has to offer .

  4. 文明史学研究的任务是探索历史的因果关系,其目的是激励人们创造历史、培育爱国热情;

    And with its task to explore the historical causes and its aims to inspire people creating history , practicing patriotic ideas .

  5. 因为很多人在爱侣的陪伴下都有一种天生参观废墟和探索历史的爱好。

    So this is for those who have got a natural taste of visiting ruins and love exploring the history along with exploring her life partner .

  6. 当然,我们探索历史哲学并非为了纯粹的学术研究,而是为了省察中国人与中国社会的生存、发展与未来前景。

    However , we explore the historical philosophy is not for purely academic research , but for introspecting Chinese and Chinese social survival , development and future prospects .

  7. 研究明清时期童蒙历史教育,对于构建完整的历史教育学的学科体系,拓展中国教育史研究的领域,探索历史学科教育的发展轨迹都具有重要意义。

    So studying traditional children history education in the Ming-Qing period is very important for founding complete history education system , expanding Chinese education history and researching history education .

  8. 探索历史的真迹&评黄宗智《清代法律、社会与文化:民法的表达与实践》

    The Exploration of the Truth of History & Appraising the Book law , Society and Culture in Qing Dinasty : the Expression and Practice of Civil Law of Huang ZongZhi ;

  9. 探索历史文化名城的可持续发展道路。

    The said plan and research catch hold of the cultural heritage and find out the present value and pave way to the sustainable development for the historical and cultural cities .

  10. 正视现实变化,探索历史转型,走特色化发展之路是继续教育发展的必然趋势和根本战略。

    It will be the sure tendency and fundamental strategy for the continuing education to face the reality , explore the historical shift and take the road of the characteristic development .

  11. 这条线索无助于我们探索历史事实,因为全是假设,但发挥想象力进行推测还是有点意思的。

    This thread really won 't really allow us to explore actual history , since it is all hypothetical , but I suppose it is a bit fun to speculate and use one 's imagination with this sort of thing .

  12. 通过对四个区域的改造和设计,探索历史文化村落文化景观的保护和可持续性发展的方法,寻求人与景观协调稳定的关系,最终推动齐鲁历史文化的延续和发展的动力。

    Through four regional transformation and design , to explore the historical and cultural village conservation and sustainable development of the cultural landscape , seek coordination with the landscape a stable relationship , and ultimately promote the historical and cultural continuity and development of Qilu .

  13. 教育技术学研究范式探索的历史足迹与时代反思

    The Historical Tracks and Reflection to Educational Technology Research Paradigms

  14. 探索与历史环境对话的新景观设计

    Explore Dialogue with the New Landscape Design Environment History

  15. 十年建设时期党对社会主义改革的探索及其历史经验

    The Party 's Exploration about Socialism Reformation and Its History Experience in the Decade Construction Period

  16. 孙中山对中国现代政治文明模式的探索及其历史启示

    Sun Zhong-shan 's Exploration about the Model of Chinese Modern Politics Civilization and Its Historic Edification

  17. 办公室玩具拥有一段短暂而未经探索的历史,其中似乎包含着许多偶然的故事。

    The short , unplumbed history of executive toys appears to be largely a tale of happenstance .

  18. 论新中国60年现代化探索的历史方位与指向

    On the Historical Position and Direction of China 's Modernization Exploration since New China Establishment for 60 Years

  19. 他是采用史评的方法写作历史著作并取得巨大成就的第一人,也是自觉探索中国历史发展规律及寻找历史背后事物发生发展变化原因的第一人;

    Writing history by supplying commentary ; consciously exploring the law of the development of Chinese history and the reasons behind the events .

  20. 本文首先详细分析了民国前期知识分子对离婚问题探索的历史背景;

    This article first briefly analyzes the background of the intellectuals ' exploration towards the divorce issue during the earlier Republic of China .

  21. 如何进一步探索近代历史遗存中非物质保护的理论,实现近代历史遗存的生存也因此成为了人们普遍关注的热点。

    So , the hotspot is appeared on how to realize the survival of modern culture heritage with exploring the immateriality theory in it .

  22. 他对社会主义建设规律探索的历史性成果主要集中在根据地对敌斗争的重要战略和方法上;

    The historical achievements of his exploring socialism construction laws contained the following aspects : The strategy and means resisting the enemy in base areas ;

  23. 中国法制史学是研究中国法制史的一门学科,探索中国历史上的法律制度如何传承,实际运行的效果如何,其在维护社会秩序等方面究竟扮演怎样的角色等等问题。

    The legal history of China is a subject of studying Chinese legal history , which explores the inheritance and implementation of legal systems in Chinese history .

  24. 在新世纪中,全面提高公民的科学素养,是全球各国政府都在不断探索的历史性课题。

    It is a historical problem that we roundly improve the civic scientific literacy , which the national and international governments are endlessly questing for , in the new century .

  25. 回顾中国现代化道路探索的历史可以看出,中国选择社会主义现代化道路是历史发展的必然。

    Looking back at the exploration of the road of the socialist modernizations in China indicates that it is an inevitable development of history for China to choose the socialist modernization .

  26. 其次,文章从经营理念、技术方法、动态管理以及自主更新等方面探索适应历史街区过程性特征的综合设计方法和全程设计方法。

    Secondly , the article studies from the concept , technical approach , management and coordination and the self-updating features to adapt to the protection of historic districts process and update methods .

  27. 你即将看到的动作是我的曾曾曾祖父拉兹万·邓菲发明的,但说真的,这和人类对飞行的探索一样历史悠久。

    The move you 're about to see was first developed by my great-great-great - grandfather Razvan Dunphy , but , really , it 's as old as man 's quest to fly .

  28. 如果你没参加环城旅行,你可以像当地人一样骑上自行车去梵高博物馆和安妮之家探索一下历史。

    If you aren 't on a city walking tour , do as locals do and hop on a bike while you explore some history at the Van Gogh museum and the Anne Frank House .

  29. 在探索中学历史教育改革创新的途径、方式中,社会史视角的运用,无疑是中学历史教育功能充分实现的最为有效的途径之一。

    In exploring the way of improving the history education in middle schools , the exertion of the visual angle of social history is one of the most effective approach in which the education function of middle school can be fully realized .

  30. 自20世纪初以来,激励理论经历了由单一的金钱刺激到满足多种需要、由激励条件泛化到激励因素明晰、由激励基础研究到激励过程探索的历史演变过程。

    Since the beginning of 20th , the incentive theories experience the course of historic evolution from single money stimulation to satisfy many kinds of needs , from general incentive condition to distinct incentive factors , from basic study of incentive to process exploration of incentive .