
  • 网络pathfinder
  1. 维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。

    The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .

  2. 一九九七年,探路者号就用空气袋成功地着陆火星。

    In1997 , the Pathfinder Mission used air bags to successfully land on Mars .

  3. 路路通伸手从裤腰上的表口袋里掏出一只大银表,回答说:十一点二十二分。维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。

    ` Twenty - two minutes after eleven , ' returned Passepartout , drawing an enormous silver watch from the depths of his pocket . The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like .