
tàn kān
  • explore;prospect
探勘 [tàn kān]
  • [prospecting;exploration] 勘探

  1. 由于什么事都做不了,我便决定探勘附近的环境。

    I decided there was nothing to do but explore my surroundings .

  2. 本论文以网站探勘的技术为基础,提出概念限制型参考(CCR,ConceptualConstrainedReference)的交易识别方式,确认交易为某类资讯的浏览,藉此确认使用者目的。

    In this thesis , we propose a new transaction identification , Conceptual-Constrained Reference ( CCR ), for understanding what the goal of users in browsing thee-catalong .

  3. 我们基本的概念是利用FP-tree的特性和结构并且根据一个现存自定的阶层关系进行探勘工作。

    Our basic idea is employing the properties and structure of FP-tree according to an existed conceptual hierarchy on mined items .

  4. 2030~2050年天然气逐步取代石油,探勘深度将扩大到8~10km,新疆将建成我国最大的天然气生产基地。

    Toward year 2030 to 2050 , natural gas will progressively replace crude , with the exploration depth of 8 ~ 10 km . At that time , Xinjiang will become the largest production base of natural gas in China .

  5. 这个导游在他的探勘之旅后准备相当充分。

    The tour guide was well-prepared after his a scouting trip .

  6. 无论如何,生物探勘不包含在凯萨琳波特凡的工作内容中。

    In any case , bio-prospecting is not what Catherine Potvin does .

  7. 长城能源集团在美国中西部探勘及开采油井。

    Greatwall Energy Group is drilling oil wells in Illinois USA.

  8. 为了寻找深埋地底的宝藏,他们探勘那座沙漠。

    They explored the desert in quest of buried treasure .

  9. 消费者行为;资料探勘;群集分析;关联性法则。

    Consumer behavior ; Customer Relationship Management ; Data Mining ; Association Rules .

  10. 植基部落格之资料探勘模式以探索顾客需求

    Discovering Customer Needs Based on Data Mining from Blogs

  11. 一些地质学家在此探勘石油。

    Some geologists are prospecting for oil here .

  12. 到目前为止这种钻探工具只是用在探勘探上,但是其前景看好。

    So far the drilling has only been exploratory , but the prospects look good .

  13. 显示震波异常与速度剖面分析,的确可以提高石油探勘的信赖度。

    Seismic wave anomaly and analysis of velocity profile can improve reliability of petroleum exploration .

  14. 结果发现,这六种资料探勘方法可以获得相似的重要因子。

    The results show that the six data mining methods can get similar important factors .

  15. 殖民者或探勘者(尤其在美国西部或加拿大西北部和阿拉斯加州)。

    A settler or prospector ( especially in western US or northwest Canada and Alaska ) .

  16. 月球探勘探针原封不动保留下来了,现在可用在延伸探针发射器I上。

    Moon surveying probes remain unchanged and they can be used with the Expanded Probe Launcher I.

  17. 资料探勘是一目标行销渐受广泛应用的有利工具。

    The data mining is a advantageous tool that target marketing gradually receives the widespread application .

  18. 资料探勘领域已经从统计学及人工智能领域演变发展出来。

    The field of data mining has evolved from the disciplines of statistics and artificial intelligence .

  19. 此次任务主要的目的在证明低成本的火星登陆与探勘是可行的。

    The mission 's main objective was to show that low-cost Mars landings and exploration are feasible .

  20. 生物探勘是否违反南极公约及相关条约中「科学研究成果应该免费开放共享」的条款?

    And would bioprospecting violate a provision of the Antarctic Treaty System requiring that scientific results be shared freely ?

  21. 从事深海探险的科学家和研究人员一直在探勘海洋资源。

    Scientists and researchers working in the field of deep sea exploration have been investigating resources in the oceans .

  22. 研究盆地的热历史将为确定生烃过程和探勘目标提供重要制约因素。

    Studying the thermal history of a basin will provide important constraints on determination of hydrocarbon generation and exploring target .

  23. 探勘者确认阿科斯塔为计算机信息系统专业的大四学生,迪亚兹是商科预科专业的大二学生。

    The Prospector identified Acosta as a senior computer information systems major and Diaz as a sophomore sophomore pre-business major .

  24. 你不愿意独自一人探索未知的洞穴,所以,进行”思维探勘“时,先约好某个可靠的人。

    You wouldn 't explore an uncharted cave alone , so start by making an appointment to go mind-spelunking with someone reliable .

  25. 我们将会了解那些应用,并通过简单易用的软体及案例,提供亲自动手操作资料探勘演算法的机会。

    We will survey applications and provide an opportunity for hands-on experimentation with algorithms for data mining using easy-to-use software and cases .

  26. 「至于美国的太空探勘,这个嘛,我没有资讯能一概否认,」波格蒙罗夫说。

    " As for American space exploration , well , I just don 't have the information to categorically deny that ," said Bogomolov .

  27. 资料探勘是一个快速成长的领域,其主要任务在发展相关技术以协助管理者对这些数据库进行智能化的运用。

    Data mining is a rapidly growing field that is concerned with developing techniques to assist managers to make intelligent use of these repositories .

  28. 我们提出一个探勘具有较高阶层次的频繁模式的想法,也就是说那些较低阶的频繁模式和精简的结构可以更加地被归纳和简化。

    We proposed that lower level frequent itemsets and those compressed data within a FP-tree can be generalized furthermore for mining higher level frequent itemsets .

  29. 后来就没有再见面我降落在中国机场时……猜猜是谁负责探勘?

    Ross : But we haven 't seen each other since then . Well I land in China , guess who 's in charge of the dig .

  30. 所得出的结果,可运用于地质探勘、河堤隐患探测和分析地质状况。

    The results could be applied to geologic exploration and detection of riverbank hidden trouble and thus could be served as an effective basis for analysing geologic condition .