
tàn yú yí
  • fish detector/finder
  1. 探鱼仪CRT显示器适配的CRT控制器设计

    CRT Controller Designed for Echo Sounder CRT Display

  2. 多波束探鱼仪相控阵设计及信号处理平台实现

    Phased Array Design and Signal Proccessing Platform Realization of Multibeam Fishfinder

  3. 探鱼仪教学模拟器的研究

    Research on Simulator of Teaching Experiment for Fish Finder

  4. STY&1型水平探鱼仪换能器的研制

    The development of the model STY-1 fishing sonar transducer

  5. 电子计算机处理探鱼仪信号技术

    Processing of Signals from Fish Finder by Computer

  6. GB/T8586-1988探鱼仪工作频率分配及其防止声波干扰技术条件

    The technical requirements of operational frequency distribution and anti-interference of sound for fish finders

  7. 探鱼仪脉冲载波频率的测量

    Measurement of Fish-Finder 's Pulse Modulating Frequency

  8. 自相关积累式回声测深仪和探鱼仪的研制

    A Development of the echo sounder and the fishing sonar system with digital time correlative accumulation

  9. 本文介绍采用8031单片微机实现探鱼仪脉冲载波频率的测量。

    This paper introduces the measurement of fish-Finder 's pulse modulating frequency with the 8031 single chip computer .

  10. 根据7个冬季变水层拖网瞄准捕捞越冬鱼是鱼平均小时产量统计和探鱼仪鱼群映象纪录资料,研究了鱼是鱼集群分布模式和集群密度。

    The distribution patterns of Japanese anchovy were studied based on the data of average catch per hour and recording of echo trace of anchovy during 7 winter seasons .

  11. 本论文的创新点是在探鱼仪的显控平台的设计中引入了嵌入式概念。

    The innovation of the dissertation is that the introduction of the concept of embedded when design the display and control platform of the fishfinder , using the programme proposed in the dissertation .

  12. 探鱼仪是一种能够对水下鱼群进行探测与定位的助渔设备,它可以迅速发现鱼群,降低捕捞的盲目性,提高捕鱼效率。

    Fish-finder is an equipment helping to fish , which can detect and locate the position of underwater fish school quickly . Besides , it can reduce the catching blindness and improve the fishing efficiency .

  13. 利用本论文中提出的方案实现多波束探鱼仪的显控系统,可以在为用户提供友好的显控界面的同时有效的保证系统的实时性和可靠性,并为以后系统的功能扩展提供条件。

    The display and control system of the fishfinder can provide users with significant friendly interface , guarantee the real-time and system reliability effectively and provide conditions for the future expansion of the function of the system .