
  • 网络Natural Resources Defense Council;NRDC
  1. 自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)所展示的研究试图开展一项艰难任务:对中国的煤炭依赖造成的环境、社会和经济损害进行量化。

    The Natural Resources Defense Council has presented research that attempts to take on the Herculean task of quantifying the environmental , social and economic toll of China 's reliance on coal .

  2. 设在美国的环境倡导组织自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的一篇新报告称,这些船还是往往被忽视的严重污染源,因为它们使用了中国规定所允许的廉价燃料。

    They are also a serious , often neglected , emitter of pollution from the cheap fuel allowed under Chinese rules , according to a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council , a United States-based environmental advocacy group .

  3. 美国环境组织自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的杰克施密特(JakeSchmidt)称,澳大利亚和韩国的提案,是自称想应对气候变化的国家发出的“可怕信号”。

    Jake Schmidt of the Natural Resources Defense Council , a US environmental group , described the Canberra / Seoul proposal as " a terrible sign " from countries that claim they want to deal with climate change .

  4. 自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)顾问、前中国能源官员杨富强说,新的数据表明,减少中国的煤炭依赖、在最后期限前达成目标的难度和紧迫性是超出预期的。

    The new data suggest that the task of meeting that deadline by reducing China 's dependence on coal will be more daunting and urgent than expected , said Yang Fuqiang , a former energy official in China who now advises the Natural Resources Defense Council .

  5. 自然资源保护协会(以下简称为NRDC)的执行董事彼得·雷纳如是说。

    So says Peter Lehner , executive director of the Natural Resources Defense Council .

  6. 在参观最后,会鼓励游客花一些时间,志愿帮助那些正努力应对气候变化的团体:比如以自然资源保护协会(NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil)的名义打电话,再比如志愿帮助选举一个有决心减少碳排放的候选人。

    At the end of the tour , visitors would be encouraged to volunteer their time to help groups that are trying to address climate change : doing anything from making calls on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council to volunteering to help elect a candidate who is determined to reduce carbon emissions .

  7. 结果产生了“一种由可致癌柴油废气和黑碳组成的有毒混合物,长期盘踞在中国发展中的港口地区上空,”自然资源保护协会的亚洲项目主任芭芭拉·菲娜慕(BarbaraFinamore)在电子邮件中说。

    The result is " a toxic stew of cancer-causing diesel exhaust and black carbon that chronically plagues China 's growing port regions , " Barbara Finamore , the Asia director of the Natural Resources Defense Council , said in an email .

  8. 自然资源保护协会是个买土地以保存天然栖息地的机构。

    The Nature Conservancy is an organization that buys land to preserve natural habitats .

  9. 自然资源保护协会及其中国合作伙伴正在制定碳税提案,该提案会将这些真实成本考虑在内,以便充分抵消它们。

    The council and its Chinese partners are developing carbon tax proposals that would take into consideration these '' true costs ,'' to adequately offset them .

  10. 自然资源保护协会及其中国合作伙伴正在制定碳税提案,该提案会将这些“真实成本”考虑在内,以便充分抵消它们。

    The council and its Chinese partners are developing carbon tax proposals that would take into consideration these " true costs , " " to adequately offset them .

  11. 自然资源保护协会能源、环境与气候变化高级顾问杨富强表示,在煤炭使用的外部成本方面,中国缺乏量化数据,这篇报告对此做了回应。

    Yang Fuqiang , senior adviser on energy , environment and climate change at the council , said that the report was a response to China 's lack of clear quantitative data on the external costs of coal use . "

  12. 由国际自然和自然资源保护协会(IUCN)编制的红名单在评测一个物种所受的绝种威胁程度时,主要是考虑该物种的种群数量、下降速度以及地理分布等。

    The Red List , which is compiled by the World Conservation Union ( IUCN ), gauges a species'risk of extinction mainly on the basis of its population size , rate of decline and geographic range .