
gē qiǎn
  • be stranded;stranded;aground;beach;take the ground
搁浅 [gē qiǎn]
  • [take the ground;be stranded] [船只] 进入水浅处,不能行驶;比喻事情遭到阻碍而中途停顿

  • 搬迁问题导致工程搁浅

  • 由于材料供应不上,工程中途搁浅

搁浅[gē qiǎn]
  1. 船搁浅了。

    The ship got stranded .

  2. 好像还不够,一架巴西C-130大力神军用运输飞机自从2014年紧急降落后,仍搁浅在智利航空基地的跑道附近。

    As if that were not enough , a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile 's air base here since it crash-landed in 2014 .

  3. 由于缺乏基本信任,和平谈判搁浅。

    The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust .

  4. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。

    Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents .

  5. 渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。

    The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall .

  6. 那条船最终在松软的水下浅滩搁浅了。

    The boat finally grounded on a soft , underwater bank .

  7. 专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。

    Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves .

  8. 不幸的是,计划现在已经搁浅。

    Sadly , the project has now been shelved .

  9. 一艘希腊油轮搁浅了。

    A Greek oil tanker has run aground .

  10. 船搁浅在水深本应为35英尺的地方。

    The ship ran aground where there should have been a depth of 35ft .

  11. 船搁浅在一片淤泥滩上。

    The boat beached on a mud flat

  12. 居民们被告知不要靠近船只搁浅的区域。

    Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded

  13. 潮水退后小船搁浅了。

    When the tide went out the boat was high and dry .

  14. 谈判搁浅了。

    The negotiations have come to a deadlock .

  15. 他们的船搁浅了。

    Their ship touched the ground .

  16. 这船已搁浅了。

    The ship has grounded .

  17. 船搁浅了。这河口的水比我们想像的要浅。

    The ship has touched bottom.The estuary must be shallower than we thought .

  18. 有研究已经表明,噪音会影响昆虫的行为,海洋中的噪音污染甚至与鲸鱼搁浅有关。

    Studies have shown that noise can affect insect behaviour , and noise pollution in the ocean has even been linked with whale strandings .

  19. 根据LNG船舶碰撞和搁浅事故产生的破洞,得到LNG船舶泄漏造成人员伤亡的概率。

    The casualty probability is arrived according to the leakage hole caused by the collision and grounding accident .

  20. 不过,由于导致FTA谈判搁浅和旷日持久的深刻原因和重开谈判的阻力,何时重开谈判还是一个未知数。

    However , with the prolonged deep reason and the reopening resistance in negotiation , it is still uncertain when to reopen it .

  21. 由于孤立主义、保护主义和反全球化力量的反对,NAFTA南扩计划暂时搁浅;

    Because of isolationism , protectionism and anti-global power , President Clinton fails to spread the NAFTA to South America .

  22. 对VTS中的信息系统进行综合分析,将电子海图显示和信息系统中的数据与VTS中的数据通过算法实现浮标移位、船舶走锚、禁航区和船舶搁浅、船舶避碰等功能。

    Analyse the information system of VTS and realize the function such as of buoy excursion , dragging anchor , ship collision avoidance in ECDIS .

  23. 然而,日韩FTA谈判的进展并不顺利,现已搁浅,出现了旷日持久的迹象。

    However , the progress of FTA negotiation is not smooth , which has already stranded now , and on the other hand , the prolonged evidence has appeared .

  24. 一群北欧维京人的大船在可怕的暴风雨中损坏了,于是他们搁浅在位于Alba的敌人领地的海岸上。

    A band of Vikings are stranded behind enemy lines on the coast of Alba as their longboat goes down in a dreadful storm .

  25. 其次,在定式句中他们能够正确地将题元动词置于否定词、动词短语副词以及被搁浅的量化词的右侧;在疑问句中也不将题元动词提升至C位置。

    Secondly , they correctly place thematic verbs on the right of negators , VP-adverbs and stranded quantifiers in finite clauses , and in questions they do not raise thematic verbs to C. Thirdly , they provide overt nominative subjects for nearly all the finite clauses .

  26. 不久前,福特就曾打算重新设计20世纪50年代的两座版雷鸟(Thunderbird),但随后就失去了热情,项目最终宣告搁浅。

    Ford tried to revive the 50s-era two-seat Thunderbird a while back , but it left out the zest .

  27. 研究了SWATH搁浅后保证整船结构完整性和结构不变性的能力、抵抗局部受损结构继续破坏的能力。提出应采用的搁浅强度研究方法和思路并对某SWATH实船进行计算。

    The study of the ability to keep integrality and inflexibility of the whole ship and the ability of resisting the duration damage of local damaged for SWATH structure are emphasized .

  28. 研究成果主要包括:一、对碰撞和搁浅事故概率的模型进行比较,根据LNG船舶的实际航行特征,引入调整系数,建立LNG船舶通航风险的计算模型。

    Main research results include : 1 . The collision and grounding probability accident probability model is compared . Adjustment coefficient is introduced into navigational risk calculation model of LNG carrier according to the actual sailing characteristics . 2 .

  29. 远洋运输中可能发生的灾害性事故,如船舶碰撞、搁浅、腐蚀疲劳破坏、火灾、爆炸等,大多与人为失误和组织失误(HOE)有关。

    During ocean shipping , most accidents , for example , collision and grounding , corrosion and fatigue failure , fire and explosion , are caused by Human and Organization Errors ( HOE ) .

  30. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)最近成为第一家详尽发布其搁浅资产(即如果调控收紧,该公司就不能开采的资产储量)气候风险信息的石油和天然气生产商。

    Exxon Mobil recently became the first oil and gas producer to publish details of its climate risk exposure from stranded assets ( reserves that it could not exploit if regulation is tightened ) .