
zì rán mó sǔn
  • wear and tear
  1. 大型养路机械如钢轨打磨列车的出现,有效地改善了钢轨自然磨损带来的危害、减缓了钢轨性能恶化速度。

    Large scale road maintenance machine like rail grinding train can improve the damage caused by natural wear and slow down the worsen speed of the rail .

  2. 史蒂夫·乔布斯的“现实扭曲力场”理论虽然推进了苹果帝国的发展,但是它并依然不能阻止一块皮革质手表表带的自然磨损。

    Steve Jobs ' " reality distortion field " helped propel an empire , but it couldn 't keep a leather wristwatch band from showing some serious wear .

  3. 随着细胞的衰老,其端粒自然也会磨损和缩短。

    As a cell ages , its telomeres naturally shorten and fray .