
  • 网络official order;our official order;Formal order;regular order
  1. 我方确认我方500双时尚鞋子的正式订单,价钱是每双55港币。

    We confirm our formal order for 500 pairs of fashionable shoes at HK $ 55.00 a pair .

  2. 感谢贵方5/20日的报盘,这是我方购买10台宫灯的正式订单。

    Thank you for your quotation dated May20th , and this is our official order for10 palace lanterns .

  3. 随函附上此次订货的正式订单。

    We enclose an official order form for the above goods .

  4. 一般来说,收到你方信用证后30天内装运,但一接到你方正式订单,定会确定具体时间。

    Generally , shipment can be effected within 30 days after receipt of your official order .

  5. 在三方沟通确认后,正式订单将同时递交买卖双方和平台。

    After coordinate among three parties , official P / O would be submitted to both supplier and buyer from platform .

  6. 我们高兴地发现贵方报价很适合我们的销售计划,特此寄上我方正式订单如下。

    We are pleased to find your offer fits well into our sale program and encloses our official order for the following .

  7. 同时,请确保所有的包装箱均按正式订单要求清楚地刷印标志和号码。

    Meanwhile , please make sure that all the marks and numbers of the packaging of this freight be printed according to the order .

  8. 如果未收到供应商的正式订单或最小订单量,那么购买原材料须得到海关的书面批核。

    Raw materials purchase authorisation must be given by customer in writing if no firm purchase order is received or MOQ from supplier is required .

  9. 我们希望按照你们的正式采购订单的产品下单。

    We wish to order from you , your products as pro-purchase .

  10. 这是我方500台电脑的正式试订单。

    This is our official trial order for500 computers .

  11. 我们今天会寄上正式的订单。

    We 'll send our official order today .

  12. 2月份以来,京东就一直在尝试处理来自国内其他电商企业的订单。它将于8月份正式开始承接外部订单。

    The company has been handling orders from other domestic ecommerce companies on a test basis since February and will officially open to outside orders in August .

  13. 另一方面,如果测试人员仅仅使用某些固定用户在正式的测试中下订单,那么相应的数据将会累积。

    On the other hand , if the tester only uses some fixed users to place orders in the formal testing , the corresponding data will accumulate .