
zì wèi
  • self-defense;defend oneself
自卫 [zì wèi]
  • (1) [defend oneself]∶保卫自己

  • (2) [self-defense]∶对自己身体、财产、权利等的保卫

  • 自卫行为

  • 自卫战争

自卫[zì wèi]
  1. 她示范最有效的自卫方法。

    She demonstrated how best to defend oneself .

  2. 纽约野外队的空军中将表示,在疫情期间一度中断的后9·11自卫项目上个月又紧急重启。

    The air marshals in the New York field office say a post 9 / 11 self-defense program that had been on hiatus during the pandemic returned last month with a renewed sense of urgency .

  3. 功夫的首要原则是自卫。

    The first law of kung fu is to defend yourself .

  4. 她教育子女在学校要勇于自卫。

    She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school .

  5. 我们所有的警察都接受过自卫训练,能够对付持刀袭击。

    All our officers are trained to defend themselves against knife attacks .

  6. 经历了这场磨难之后,他仍然感到无法自卫,而且筋疲力尽。

    He still felt naked and drained after his ordeal .

  7. 事后那人告诉警察,他当时是出于自卫。

    The man later told police that he was acting in self-defence .

  8. 蛇在被逼得走投无路时会自卫的。

    If cornered , the snake will defend itself .

  9. 豪猪用身上的刺毛来自卫。

    Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves .

  10. 他声称自己是出于自卫。

    He claims he acted in self-defence .

  11. 这是对一个毫无自卫能力的年轻女孩的野蛮袭击。

    This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl .

  12. 如果他没有进行自卫的话,他们早就把他给杀死了。

    They would have killed him if he had not defended himself

  13. 国家将来如何能自卫已经变得越来越重要了。

    How the country will defend itself in the future has become increasingly important

  14. 美国最优先考虑的是帮助各国自卫防御。

    America 's priority is to help nations defend themselves

  15. 理查兹声称在一次围攻中他是在佩吉特朝他开火后才进行自卫的。

    Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege .

  16. 若是挥刀自卫,有可能会被夺去而反受其害。

    By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you .

  17. 他坚持说当时考克斯先生拿着斧头向他冲过来,他是在自卫。

    He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox , who came at him with an axe .

  18. 他正在练习自卫术。

    He 's practising up on the art of self-defence .

  19. 我们搞一点核武器完全是为了自卫。

    It is purely for self-defence that we have produced some nuclear weapons .

  20. 这是完全合理和正当的自卫措施。

    This is a perfectly just and proper measure of self-defence .

  21. 自卫中,他打死了一个强盗。

    He killed a robber in self-defence .

  22. 但没有效果,它要施展绝密自卫武器了。

    But when that doesn 't work , he deploys his secret defense mechanism .

  23. CORBA~(++):一个具有自卫智能体的扩展CORBA

    Corba_ ( + + ): an extended CORBA with self-defense agent

  24. 目的探讨精神发育迟滞(MR)女性性自卫能力的量化评定。

    Objective : To develop a rating scale , CSSD , for assessment of sexual defense ability in patient with mental retardation .

  25. 我看是他先挑战LukeLuke只是自卫反击

    He probably jumped on luke , and luke just fought back .

  26. 二战结束以来,日本自卫队(JapaneseSelf-DefenceForces)从未在战斗中放过一枪。

    Since the end of the second world war , the Japanese Self-Defence Forces have never fired a single bullet in combat .

  27. 日本航空自卫队基地防空地面设施(BADGE)系统

    BADGE System of Japanese Air Self Defense Force

  28. 日本防卫省(MinistryofDefense)表示,在那段时期,日本航空自卫队曾八次出动飞机来应对台湾飞机。但防卫省没有透露详情。

    Japan 's defense ministry said its air force had scrambled jets eight times during that period to respond to Taiwanese planes , but declined to elaborate .

  29. 根据《与台湾关系法》(TaiwanRelationsAct),美国应当向台湾提供武器,供其自卫。该法于1979年中美建立全面外交关系后由美国国会批准通过。

    The US is required to provide the island with arms to defend itself under the Taiwan Relations Act , passed by Congress after Washington and Beijing established full diplomatic ties in 1979 .

  30. 朱迪(JodiArias)辩解称自己的行为是出于自卫。

    Arias had claimed she acted in self-defense .