
  • 网络side scan sonar;side-scan sonar
  1. 本文介绍了CS-1型侧扫声呐系统的组成和工作原理以及它的特点。

    This paper presents Model CS-1 side scan sonar system components , principle and its features .

  2. 用于水下机器人的主动侧扫声呐图像预处理技术

    Pre-processing Techniques for the Side Scan Sonar Images Used in ROV

  3. 基于MRF场的侧扫声呐图像分割方法

    Side-scan sonar imagery segmentation based on Markov random field model

  4. 木文介绍了本海底图象设备的原理、组成和功能,并给出了侧扫声呐和剖面声呐的一些声图。

    This paper presents the principle 、 constitution and function of our Sea Imaging System and also gives some acoustic images from Side-scan sonar and the pro-filing sonar .