
  • 网络Viking;Viking Lander;Viking program
  1. 两个海盗号轨道飞行器绘制出了火星大部分表面的地图。

    The two Viking orbiters made maps of much of the surface .

  2. 两个海盗号探测器成功抵达了火星。

    The two Viking spacecraft reached Mars successfully .

  3. 只留下海盗号无人看守。

    Leaving the Jolly Roger unguarded .

  4. 美国宇航局的“海盗号”登陆车是登陆火星,并从事科学研究的第一个航天器。

    NASA 's Viking landers were the first spacecraft to land on Mars and conduct scientific research .

  5. 他们还可以看海盗号火星登陆器的试验版,海盗号登陆器是在1976年7月到达火星的。

    They could see a test version of the Viking landers that reached Mars in July of nineteen seventy-six .

  6. 查看水手谷,利用美国宇航局的海盗号轨道器和火星轨道器照相机广角图像。

    View of Valles Marineris , using wide-angle imagery from NASA 's Viking orbiters and the Mars Orbiter Camera .

  7. 每艘海盗号着陆舱的科学仪器室里都有一套为寻找生命迹象而设计的实验装置。

    Each Viking lander 's arsenal of scientific instruments included an experimental package designed to look for signs of life .

  8. 海盗号轨道飞行器发现,火星南部的大部分地区布满了古老的洞穴或环形山。

    The Viking orbiters found that much of the southern part of Mars is full of old holes , or craters .

  9. 海盗号太空船不但收集火星土壤样本,还量度了太阳系内光的速度。

    The Viking spacecraft not only sampled the soil of Mars ; they also measured the speed of light in the solar system .

  10. 安装在巡逻飞机上的雷达设备,使英、美海军得以制服德国潜艇。两个海盗号轨道飞行器绘制出了火星大部分表面的地图。

    Radar sets in patrol planes enabled the British and American navies to bring the German submarines under control . The two Viking orbiters made maps of much of the surface .

  11. 改名马丁-玛丽埃塔公司之后建造了「海盗号」火星登陆器,到金星探测的「麦哲伦号」,以及设计并生产航天飞机的外挂燃料箱。

    Later , as Martin marietta , it constructed the Viking Mars landers and the Magellan spacecraft to Venus and designed and produced the external fuel tank for the space shuttle .

  12. 1977年海盗号探测器报告发现了生命迹象,基于的是一开始被认为是代谢行为的现象。但那次发现争议很大,航天局最终做出了否定判断。

    A finding of life based on what at first appeared to be metabolic activity , detected during the Viking missions of 1977 , was so controversial that NASA ultimately rejected it .