
  • 网络wave energy
  1. 这是海浪能的最大的好处之一。

    It 's one of the great advantages of wave energy .

  2. 海浪能是一种不产生任何污染的可再生清洁能源,取之不尽,用之不竭。

    As is known , the ocean wave energy is a kind of clean and renewable energy resource .

  3. 在俄勒冈海岸的码头上,并不是所有人都像佩莱格里诺对海浪能热情如火。

    On the docks along Oregon coast , not everyone shares Pellegrino 's enthusiasm .

  4. 使用关于海浪能谱的一系列研究成果,已能较充分地反映海面短波环境特征,提供航空、航海和海洋开发利用所需的环境条件。

    A series of research results of sea wave spectrum have unveiled the environment features of short sea wave which are suitable for aerospace , shipbuilding industry and ocean exploitation and utilization .

  5. 人们不断寻找化石能源的可替代品,于是,人们认为风能和太阳能是一个很好的选择,然而,有很多人也坚信,海浪能也将加入可选择的行列中。

    While the world searches for alternative for fossil fuels , wind and solar may appear more viable , but there are many who believe the next wave will be just that .

  6. 信天翁用它们强大的冀追逐海浪,有时能滑翔数小时不休息甚至不会拍打一下翅膀。

    Albatrosses use their formidable wingspans to ride the ocean winds and sometimes to glide for hours without rest or even a flap of their wings .

  7. 在分析随机海浪的波能谱和船舶的受力情况的基础上,建立随机海浪模型和船舶运动模型。

    By analyzing the spectrum of the random ocean wave and of the force of the ship , the ocean wave model and the ship movement model are erected .

  8. 海湾有足够的海浪来产生电能吗?

    Are there enough waves in the bay to generate electricity ?

  9. 很多评论家认为《海浪》是最能体现她天赋的作品,代表了她艺术生涯的最高峰。

    Many critics viewed The Waves as her most gifted work , representing the pinnacle of her art life .

  10. 在俄勒冈州大的欣斯代尔海浪研究实验室里,另一家名为“哥伦比亚能源科技”的海浪能公司正在测试一个15:1的浮标模型。

    At Oregon State University 's Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory , another wave energy company , Columbia Power Technologies , is testing a one-fifteenth scale model of their wave buoy .

  11. 海浪空间范围广阔,为提高绘制速度,我们研究了一种视点相关的网格技术用于实时绘制海浪,该方法能实时生成多层次的不规则网格,避免对无穷海域剪裁,从而加快了绘制速度。

    A view-dependent grid technology is investigated to enhance rendering speed because of wide space of ocean waves . This method can create irregular grid of different levels depend on viewpoint real-time , avoiding to clip infinite sea area , and save memory .