
  1. 研究发现GDP和能源总消费、GDP和电力消费之间存在协整关系,而GDP与煤、石油、天然气消费量之间不存在协整关系。

    As discovered by research , co-integration relation existed between GDP and total energy use , it also existed between GDP and electric power use ;

  2. 随着天然气消费量逐年增长的趋势,充分考虑长距离输送的经济性和技术可行性,建设LNG长输管道非常必要。

    Along with the increase of natural gas consump - tion and considering the economic efficiency and technical feasibility , it is greatly necessary to build LNG long-dis - tance pipelines .

  3. 与内蒙古规模以上制造业企业GDP的关联度大小排序依次为焦炭、电力消费量、汽油、煤油、燃料油、天然气消费量、原煤、柴油、原油。

    The association degree decreases in the sequence about the GDP about manufacturing enterprises is coke , electric consumption , gasoline , kerosene , fuel oil , coal , natural gas consumption , diesel oil , crude oil .

  4. 当时对天然气消费量的增长预测显然过度乐观。

    The projections of gas consumption made then were significantly overoptimistic .

  5. 基于遗传算法的天然气消费量预测研究

    Prediction of Natural Gas Consumption Research Based on Genetic Algorithm

  6. 随着石油、天然气消费量的增长,石油、天然气输送管线的重要性显得越来越突出。

    With the growth of oil and gas consumption , oil and gas pipeline becomes more and more important .

  7. 长沙市的能源消费仍以煤炭和电力为主,石油和天然气消费量较少。

    Coal and electricity is still the main energy , oil and natural gas consumption is less in Changsha City .

  8. 国际能源机构预计,到2035年,全球天然气消费量将在2008年3.1万亿立方米的基础上增长44%,达到4.5万亿立方米。

    Consumption of natural gas will increase 44 per cent to 4.5 trillion cubic metres in 2035 , from 3.1 trillion cubic metres in 2008 , the IEA predicted .

  9. 然而,液化天然气消费量目前正以每年10%的速度增长,而相比之下,管道煤气的年增速仅为2%。液化天然气是全球增长最迅速的能源市场之一。

    However , consumption is now growing at 10 per cent a year , compared to 2 per cent a year for pipeline gas , and it is among the fastest growing energy markets in the world .

  10. 随着天然气的消费量持续增大,天然气贸易发展迅速,液化天然气(LNG)技术得到广泛的应用,我国的天然气液化技术也在迅猛发展。

    With the continued increase of consumption of natural gas , natural gas trade has developed rapidly . Liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) technology is widely used , and liquefied natural gas technology of our nation is also developing rapidly .

  11. 天然气消费需求量预测方法改进研究

    Study on Advanced Prediction Methods of Natural Gas Demand

  12. 1995和1996年世界石油、天然气产量和消费量

    World Oil and Gas Production and Consumption in 1995 and 1996

  13. 2006年之前,价格相对低廉的国内供应的天然气完全可以满足消费量的增长。

    Until 2006 growth in consumption was met entirely by relatively low-cost domestic gas supply .

  14. 官员称,据认为日本西部四国岛海岸附近的大洋底部有一片面积巨大的甲烷水合物,这些甲烷水合物中含有1.1万亿立方米(38.5万亿立方英尺)天然气——相当于日本11年的天然气消费量。

    A huge layer of methane hydrate containing 1.1 trillion cubic metres ( 38.5 trillion cubic feet ) in natural gas -- equivalent to Japan 's consumption of the gas for 11 years -- is believed to lie in the ocean floor off the coast of Shikoku island , western Japan , the officials said .

  15. 在天然气消费中,天然气的价格直接影响着天然气消费量和产业的发展。

    As for natural gas consumption , the price of natural gas has a direct impact on its consumption and industrial development .

  16. 天然气是现代城市人民生活和工业生产的一种主要能源,正确合理地对天然气消费量进行预测有着重要的意义。

    Natural gas is a kind of main energy for modern city resident living and industrial production , so it is very important to estimate natural gas consumption accurately and reasonably .