
  • 网络Power Shortage;On Power Shortage
  1. 随着我国社会和国民经济的高速发展,电力短缺现象日益突出。

    With the high-speed development of national economy , power shortage increasingly .

  2. 电力短缺、短期措施与长期战略

    Power Shortage , Short-run Response , and Long-run Consideration

  3. 国泰莒南证券的高级分析师WantWei说,由于煤价相应的提升,之前上调上网电价并没有对电力短缺造成明显的作用。

    The previous on-grid price hike had no significant impact on the power shortages because of a concomitant coal prices rise , said Want Wei , a senior analyst Guotai Junan Securities .

  4. 2001年CFL再次觅得良机,加利福尼亚和邻近各州的电力短缺,促使电力部门对这种灯泡提供补贴以减少电力需求。

    CFLs got another boost in2001 , when electricity shortages in California and neighboring states prompted utilities to subsidize the bulbs to reduce electricity demand .

  5. 他们希望soccket球能在电力短缺问题上绽放更多光芒。

    They hope their soccket ball will shine more light on the problem of power shortages .

  6. 七月,考虑到电力短缺问题,这两个位于日本西部Ohi核电站的核反应堆,最早恢复运行。

    In July , the two reactors of the Ohi nuclear plant in West Japan were the first to come back online amid concerns of power shortages .

  7. 该项目还将有助于塞拉利昂解决经常性电力短缺和停电问题,为该国在多年的惨烈冲突之后实现复苏带来了希望,Mazzei说。

    The project will enable the country to overcome frequent power shortages and blackouts , and has raised hopes of national recovery following years of bitter conflict , Mazzei says .

  8. 他想将电力短缺提到政治议程。

    He wants to bring power shortages up the political agenda .

  9. 中国的电力短缺同样推升了全球的能源价格。

    Chinese power shortages are contributing to high global energy prices .

  10. 各省的电力短缺更为明显。

    In the provinces , the electricity shortfall is even more glaring .

  11. 他们知道电力短缺在许多地区是一个非常严重的问题。

    They knew that power shortages are a serious problem in many areas .

  12. 你和主任们讨论过近来电力短缺的问题了吗?

    Have you consulted the directors about the present situation of electricity shortage ?

  13. 电力短缺、经济增长与政府规制

    Electric shortage , conomics growth and government regulation

  14. 中国电力短缺的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Power Shortage in China

  15. 当前,我国正面临着严重的电力短缺。

    Nowadays , our country is being in a serious electric power scarce period .

  16. 印度蓬勃的经济受到严重的电力短缺的阻碍。

    The country 's booming economy is hampered by a serious shortfall in electrical generation .

  17. 本地区很多国家频繁遭遇电力短缺和电力服务中断。

    Many countries on the continent have frequent power shortages and regular interruptions in services .

  18. 在我国电力短缺的条件下,生物质能发电将有广阔的发展前景。

    Electricity generation from biomass is of great promise by the power-hungry in our country .

  19. 电力短缺已经让东京居民的生活方式受到了影响,而且还会更加严重。

    The power shortage has already meant lifestyle changes and more could be on the way .

  20. 此外印度长年存在着8%左右的电力短缺。

    To compound the problem , India suffers from chronic electricity shortages of about 8 % .

  21. 由于电力短缺,抽水站工作无法进行,淡水供应和废水处理均受到了威胁。

    When power shortages stop pumping stations , both freshwater supply and wastewater treatment are threatened .

  22. 而这些建议才是解决上海电力短缺的真正方法。

    These advices shall be the real prescription to cure the shortage of power in Shanghai .

  23. 企业抱怨,政府在应对电力短缺的时候,他们往往首先成为牺牲品。

    Businesses complain they are often first to be sacrificed as the government grapples with power shortages .

  24. 电力短缺迫使企业启动以柴油为动力的便携式发电机,这加大了石油需求。

    The power shortage has forced companies to run on diesel-fired portable generators , boosting oil demand .

  25. 新输电线路将用于连接中国煤炭资源丰富的内陆省份和电力短缺的沿海地区。

    The new lines will be used to carry electricity from coal-rich inland provinces to the power-hungry coast .

  26. 近几周来,中国官员一直在警告,今年电力短缺的问题将比往常更为严重。

    Chinese officials have been warning for weeks that shortages would be more severe than usual this year .

  27. 电力短缺、有限的自然资源和环境污染,成为了世界各国保障能源安全不得不面对的问题。

    The lack of electricity , limited natural resources and environment pollution has become an energy security issue worldwide .

  28. 有的地方遇到了资源和能源瓶颈,比如近年来的全国性的季节性电力短缺和原材料价格上涨等。

    For example , we faced nationwide seasonal power supply shortage and price rise of raw materials recent years .

  29. 几乎俄克拉荷马州的所有地区在过去的几天当中经历了冰冻的道路和电力短缺情况。

    Almost the entire state of Oklahoma has experienced icy roads and power outages in the past few days .

  30. 最近,南部非洲的电力短缺和中国的雪灾减少了冶炼厂的电力供应。

    More recently , electricity shortages in southern Africa and snowstorms in China reduced the availability of power to smelters .