
  • 网络energy industry;energy sector
  1. 这些附加条件包括每年向加拿大工业部(industrycanada)提交一份合规报告,并向加拿大能源行业投资“相当多的”资金。

    Expanded conditions for the deal included filing an annual compliance report to Industry Canada and investing " significant " capital in the Canadian energy sector .

  2. 考虑到各国政府对可再生能源行业创造就业的兴趣,这宗由总部位于波恩的SolarWorld提起的太阳能电池板诉讼尤为敏感。

    The solar panel case , filed by Bonn-based Solar World , is particularly sensitive given governments ' interest in the renewable energy sector as a source of jobs .

  3. 现就能源行业浅谈GIS技术的应用。

    Here is application of GIS in energy .

  4. GIS技术在能源行业中的应用

    Application of GIS in Energy

  5. 退出Mesa,依托自己的7800万美元净值,在1997年创立了专注于能源行业的对冲基金BPCapitalManagement。

    Withdraws from Mesa , with his $ 78 million net worth , and founds energy-focused hedge fund BP Capital Management in 1997 .

  6. 国际反腐败监督机构透明国际(TransparencyInternational)周二发布的最新报告显示,大能源行业在反腐方面最为“透明”。

    Big energy is the most " transparent " industry when it comes to Corruption-Fighting , according to Transparency International , a global anti-corruption watchdog .

  7. 今年,一些产业特别受欢迎,尤其是能源行业,MBA毕业生们非常渴望在替代能源领域工作。

    Certain industries are proving particularly popular this year , notably the energy sector , where MBAs aspire to work in alternative energy .

  8. 国企(SOE)继续在工业、资源和能源行业发起并购。

    State owned enterprises ( SOEs ) continue to do deals in the industrial , resources and energy sectors .

  9. 公所周知,去年,全亚洲的金属、采矿和能源行业承受了巨大的痛苦,但中国房地产行业也受困于不少问题——从库存过剩到开发商佳兆业(KaisaGroup)违约。

    It is well known that the metals , mining and energy sectors across Asia experienced significant pain last year , but Chinese property also had its share of problems from an inventory glut to a default by Kaisa Group , a property developer .

  10. 周五晚间,欧盟(EU)各成员国领导人敦促俄罗斯总统普京,履行俄罗斯与西方各石油公司签订的合同。目前,欧盟对俄罗斯不断收紧对能源行业的控制感到担忧。

    European leaders on Friday night pressed Vladimir Putin , Russia 's president , to honour contracts with western oil companies , amid fears in the EU over Moscow 's tightening grip on the energy sector .

  11. 这些GDP和就业机会并非直接由页岩油行业创造,甚至不是整个能源行业,而是该行业给地方经济带来的乘数效应所产生的。

    Not all that money and jobs come directly from the shale oil industry or even the energy industry as a whole but instead derive from the multiplier effect the industry has on local economies .

  12. 委员会成员们在发布的最终《公报》(en)中表示了如下关切:“某些行业尤其是食品和能源行业的过热发展正在导致价格压力和波动。”

    In their final communiqu é, Committee members expressed concern that " overheating in some sectors , especially food and energy , is resulting in price pressures and volatility . "

  13. 对于当前震撼全球能源行业的剧变,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(gazprom)首席执行官阿列克谢米勒(alexeymiller)做了一番生动描述。

    Alexey Miller , the chief executive of Gazprom , has given a vivid description of the upheavals shaking the global energy business .

  14. 迄今为止,这项技术尚未在商用规模得到验证,但如果事实证明它管用且在经济上可行,那么ccs有可能改变能源行业的格局。

    As yet it is commercially unproven but , if it is found to work and be economically viable , CCS could change the face of the energy industry .

  15. 从事能源行业满意度调查,评级和分析的EnergyPointResearch公司的创始人道格o谢里丹回忆说,10年前他曾和一家能源巨头的石油业务主管共进午餐,后者向他透露,他们公司担心油价涨得太高太快。

    Doug Sheridan , the founder of EnergyPoint Research , which conducts satisfaction surveys , ratings , and reports for the energy industry , recalls when he had lunch with an oil executive of a major energy giant 10 years ago who confided in him that his firm was worried that oil prices had risen too high , too fast .

  16. FMC科技公司是全球领先的为能源行业和其他相关行业提供大型机械设备的跨国公司。

    FMC Technologies , Inc. ( NYSE : FTI ) is a leading global provider of technology solutions for the energy industry and other industrial markets .

  17. 为了在中国开设消费电子产品门店,鸿海去年与德国零售商麦德龙(Metro)结盟,同时该公司计划进军绿色能源行业,包括在台湾建造一个太阳能工厂。

    Hon Hai last year teamed up with Metro , the German retailer , in order to open consumer electronics stores in China , and has plans to venture into green energy , including building a solar power plant in Taiwan .

  18. 这是中国企业在北美能源行业手笔最大的投资之一。此前不久,中国企业对阿尔伯塔省(Alberta)的油砂项目进行了数笔投资。

    The investment is one of the biggest by a Chinese company in the North American energy industry and comes on the heels of several others in the Alberta oil sands .

  19. 即使是在能源行业,外资流入的大门也没有关闭:巴西国有石油公司巴西石油(Petrobras)最近收购了日本一家炼油厂的多数股权,并且宣布计划投资近10亿美元,用于扩大生产。

    Even in energy , the doors are not closed : Petrobras , the state-owned Brazilian oil company , recently acquired a majority stake in a Japanese oil refinery and announced its intention to spend nearly $ 1bn expanding production .

  20. 这位英国石油前老板本人仍在能源行业拥有利益,目前是页岩气勘探商Cuadrilla的董事会成员。

    The former BP boss still has interests in the energy sector himself , and is on the board of Cuadrilla , a shale gas explorer set to drill wells in the UK .

  21. 中国能源行业技术创新能力和绩效研究

    Study on Technology Innovation Capability and Efficiency of Chinese Energy Industry

  22. 欧盟对可再生能源行业尤为敏感。

    The renewable energy industry is particularly sensitive for the EU .

  23. 最初的承诺决定中很多涉及能源行业。

    Many of the early commitment decisions involved the energy sector .

  24. 我国节能与新能源行业的金融支持问题

    On Financial Support for Energy Saving and New Energy Industries

  25. 我们于资本财货及能源行业的选股表现影响基金价值。

    The Fund 's selection in Capital Goods and Energy detracted performance .

  26. 对于这么一个基础能源行业来说尤为重要。

    For such a basis is especially important for the energy industry .

  27. 在国际复兴开发银行政策咨询工作支持下实行的能源行业改革,将竞争引入电力零售业。

    Energy reforms supported by IBRD policy advisory work introduced retail competition .

  28. 中国加入世贸后对中国能源行业的影响。

    The impact of China entering WTO on china 's energy industry .

  29. 迄今为止,能源行业的每一起交易都获得了批准。

    Every energy sector deal has so far been approved .

  30. 能源行业是人为碳排放量的主要来源。

    Energy is the leading source of man-made carbon emissions .