- 名energy utilization

A further study based upon product chain analysis and key process analysis identifies the process where China is behind the world average the most in element silicon utilization efficiency and energy utilization efficiency .
The principle of gas engine-driven transcritical cycle heat pump system with CO_2 as working medium is elaborated . The evaluation index of total equivalent warming impact and the primary energy utilization ratio are calculated , and the techno-economic analysis is made .
The results show that GEHP is of high efficiency energy saving technology . The primary energy ratio is between 1.13-1.79 under experimental condition .
Comparison to the Primary Energy Efficiency Ratio ( PER ) under changed conditions between Direct Fired Absorption Chiller ( DFAC ) and electric driven Air Source Heat Pump Chiller ( ASHP ) is introduced .
To increase the primary energy ratio ( PER ), vertical array of horizontal tube bundles under vacuum condition , as one kind of falling film thermal-dynamic device , is used widely in the absorption refrigeration system .
The series-parallel compensation UPS which is composed of delta inverter has the feature just as low energy consumption , small harmonic current , and high energy availability .
The characteristics between two commonly used cooling / heating source-Direct Fired Absorption Chiller ( DFAC ) and electric-driven Air Source Heat Pump Chiller ( ASHP ) are compared by the concepts of Primary Energy Efficiency Ratio ( PER ) .
It is very important to carry out the AUV shape optimization , reducing its resistance in water to improve the energy efficiency .
Increasing biomass addition ratio , oxygen concentration and heating rate can reduce the CO percentage in the burning gaseous products and improve the burnout rate of fuel combustible substances and the utilization rate of energy .
Natural gas-fired CCHP has been developing quickly and widely used in the world due to its high efficiency .
The improved energy utilisation also produced sinter with a lower RDI ( reduction degradation index ) .
The preliminary results obtained from the industrial production showed that the volumetric evaporation intensity and energy consumption efficiency would be up to 12kgH2O / m3 . h and 60 % respectively to use the combined spin-flow pressure spray dryer .
Many of these technologies are climate friendly technologies that constrain greenhouse gas emissions by reducing pollution , increasing efficiency of production and energy usage , or facilitating the capture and storage of carbon .
Since single-axle bogie technology has an extensive perspective in mass reduction and energy effectiveness , it has been listed as one of the long-term development strategies research objective of railway improving energy utility by UIC .
Effectively combining advantages of the traditional fuel vehicle and pure electric vehicle , Hybrid Electric Vehicle ( HEV ), thanks to its high energy efficiency , energy diversity and environmental characteristics , has become one of the practical ways to solve the problem of energy saving and environmental protection .
For the PV battery charging system , research on the MPPT algorithm about converter duty cycle regulation based on the character of battery and work status of the circuit . From the research result shows that the system can catch the 90 % energy from the input .
Therefore it is an effective way to improve energy utilization .
The utilization rate of energy in industry is low .
But the energy efficiency approach could have broad appeal .
Analysis of Primary Energy Ratio for Gas Engine-driven Heat Pump
Isolated energy-supply system based on hybrid power gas engine-driven heat pump ;
PER of gas engine-driven heat pump systems at different combined supply energy modes
Increasing energy resources usage and realizing economic using energy
Reforming the Constitution of Energy to Improve Energy Utilization
Review on improving energy efficiency of non-wood pulping and resource considerations of energy-saving technology
Trigeneration can save energy and reduce pollutant emissions due to high energy efficiency .
Partnered with suppliers to promote eco-packaging and improve energy efficiency in home appliances .
Save energy and reduce the cost , increase resource utilization rate and reduce waste .
Study on Estimating Method of Utilization Rate of Geothermal Energy in Heating and Cooling System
Therefore , study on optimum condition of conventional steam-dehumidification combined drying is important actual sense .