
  • 网络globalization;global synchronization
  1. 国际金融协会的执行主任查尔斯.达拉拉(CharlesDallara)星期四在华盛顿举行记者招待会公布了该协会的一份研究报告。达拉拉称目前的形势是“当代经济史上最严重的全球同步衰退。”

    Charles Dallara , managing director of the IIF , called the current situation " the most severe , globally synchronized recession in modern economic history " as he presented the report at a news conference in Washington on Thursday .

  2. 索尼并未做出声明,说明PS4是否会按照之前的做法,先在日本上市,再在美国发行,抑或全球同步发行。

    Sony did not announce whether it plans to launch the system first in Japan and later in the United States , as it sometimes has in the past , or simultaneously around the world .

  3. 首先,全球同步陷入衰退需要同步的全球对策。

    First , a synchronised global recession requires a synchronised global response .

  4. 影片将于10月5日在全球同步上映。(资料来源:哥伦比亚电影公司)

    On general release from October 5 ( Credit : Columbia Pictures )

  5. 全球同步的经济衰退恢复相较其他衰退恢复要多用二分之一的时间。

    Recoveries from globally synchronised recessions take 50 % longer than other recoveries .

  6. 全球同步的经济衰退亦是如此。

    So , too , are globally synchronised recessions .

  7. 该片将于10月12日在全球同步上映。(资料来源:丹尼尔·麦克法登/环球影业)《毒液:致命守护者》

    On general release from October 12 ( Credit : Daniel McFadden / Universal )

  8. 我们国家的反应与全球同步十分重要。

    It is important that our national response syncs up with the worldwide response .

  9. 该片将于10月5日在全球同步上映。

    On general release from October 5 .

  10. 这就是为什么公司有意将更新版在全球同步上线。

    That 's why we were intent on launching it world-wide all at once . '

  11. “哈利·波特系列丛书”的终结篇在这一天全球同步发行。

    That was when the final book of the Hary Potter series hit the bookstores worldwide .

  12. 影片将于10月12日在全球同步上映。(资料来源:金伯利法国/二十世纪福克斯)

    On general release from October 12 ( Credit : Kimberley French / Twentieth Century Fox )

  13. 但那只是一种错觉,是当时全球同步放松货币和财政政策造成的。

    But that was an illusion , caused by the simultaneous global loosening of monetary and fiscal conditions .

  14. 最后,最重要的事实是,这是一场全球同步的衰退,伴之以恶性的金融萧条。

    Finally , there is the overarching fact that this is a globally synchronised recession combined with a vicious financial bust .

  15. 一个特殊的摄影机控制脚本允许一个人在全球同步控制所有摄像机计算机的视点。

    A special camera-control script allowed one person to control the point-of-view of all " Camera " computers simultaneously , across the globe .

  16. 研究揭示:中国大陆年均表面气温升高过程与全球同步,但增幅在东北、西部和华中地区较大,且表现出明显的年际变化;

    However , the warming amplitude in northeastern , western , and central China is stronger and exhibits larger inter - annual variation .

  17. 走在大街上,中英双语的招牌随处可见;走进商场,我们可以买到世界各国的商品;到电影院看电影,外国大片与全球同步上映。

    On the street , bilingual signs everywhere ; into the mall , we can buy goods around the world ; to the movies , foreign large and global simultaneous release .

  18. 但我们目前就在经历着一场全球同步的经济衰退,同时伴随着发源于世界经济核心国家(特别是美国)的巨大金融危机。

    But now we are living through a globally synchronised recession that coincides with a huge financial crisis that emanates from the core countries of the world economy , particularly the US .

  19. 就像我们玻璃渣其他的大作一样,我们的目标是在全球同步发售,包含尽可能多的语种。

    As with all of our games , our goal with Diablo III is to release the game simultaneously in as many regions as possible , and to localize the game in several languages .

  20. 大陆褶皱造山运动具有突发性、全球同步性,以水平运动为主,主要表现在地壳上部且具有上强下弱等特征,除水平运动一项外,与基于地幔对流的板块构造理论缺少共同之处。

    The continental orogenesis is characterized with the following features , such as sudden start , global synchronicity and horizontal movement , occurring mainly in the upper part of the crust and weakening with depth , and so on .

  21. 报告功能,可以提供关于所有全球数据同步活动的汇总信息和详细信息

    Reporting capabilities to provide summary and detailed information about all global data synchronization activities

  22. 本月上海股市的每一次大跌,都被当作了全球股市同步运动的理由。

    Its shock daily falls this month have been reflexively cited for sympathetic movements in markets across the globe .

  23. 此次调查结果是全球经济同步复苏的最新证据,复苏速度可能比最近预测的还要快。

    The results are the latest evidence of a synchronised global rebound , possibly at a faster pace than expected until recently .

  24. 可以使用报告功能详细了解所有全球数据同步活动,从而不断改进内部过程和与商业伙伴的协作

    Detailed insight into all global data synchronization activities using reporting capabilities to drive process improvements on an ongoing basis internally and externally with trading partners

  25. 二三十年代的上海是一个与全球资本主义同步的商业社会,是近代乃至当代中国商业经济发展的楷模。

    In modern history , Shanghai was a business community together with global capitalism , and was the model of the modern and even contemporary Chinese commercial economic development .

  26. 气候变化受多个驱动因子共同作用,既反映了与全球气候变化同步的信息,也表现出其明显的区域性特征。

    Climatic changes in Qaidam Basin may result from a number of factors , reflecting both the signature of global climatic changes and obvious regional characteristics .

  27. 在此线以北和以西的西北、内蒙和东北北部,降水量与全球温度呈同步演变趋势;

    Northand west of the line : Northwest China , inner Mongolian and north part of Northeastchina , the fluctuation of precipitation is synchronous with global temperature .

  28. IT公司现在必须留心将其产品在全球范围内同步发布,否则就将面临其国内竞争者用与之相似的设计方案攫夺其利润的风险。

    IT companies must now look to conduct simultaneous global launches of their products or risk more nimble , in-country competitors capturing their space with a similarly designed solution .

  29. 近代上海是一个与全球资本主义化同步的工商社会,在这样的社会中,上海市民的社会意识形态又是什么样的呢?

    Shanghai in modern times was . an industrial and commercial society in step with global capitalization . In what shape was the ideology of the citizens in a society like this ?

  30. 本区环境演变的干湿冷暖序列,即与中国东部和西部的环境演变具有相似性,也具有与全球变化的同步性特点。

    The sequence of dry , humid , cool and warm of environmental evolution in theis area is similar with eastern and western of China , and also has a synchronism characteristic with global change .