
quán pán xī huà
  • complete Westernization
  • totally Westernize
  1. 在当今的艺术设计领域内,也存在着严重的全盘西化的倾向。

    At present , in design field there is also existing a tendency of complete westernization .

  2. 我们不可简单地以大学生受现代文化、西方文化的影响就得出大学生抛弃传统、全盘西化、不爱祖国的简单结论。

    We can not simply come to a conclusion that college students , influenced by modern culture and Western culture , break with the tradition , totally westernize , and have an aversion to the motherland .

  3. 但他提出全盘西化的主旨是希望中国实现现代化。

    Chen Xujing advocates total westernization , aiming at Chinas modernization .

  4. 中西碰撞中的文化选择&析中体西用与全盘西化

    Cultural Choice in Collision between the East and the West

  5. 这个岛战后已全盘西化了。

    The island became fully westernized after the war .

  6. 析新文化派的全盘西化说

    An Analysis of the New Culture School 's " All-Out Westernization " Theory

  7. 所谓全盘西化的主张,乃是一种错误的观点。

    To advocate " wholesale westernization " is wrong .

  8. 不过他认为民族意识的培养不是靠对传统文化的维护,相反,他认为民族意识的培养要靠全盘西化,因为全盘西化有助于新的民族意识的产生。

    According to him , cultivation of national consciousness depends on total westernization .

  9. 伟大的全盘西化万岁!

    Long live great radical westernization !

  10. 本文所要论述的陈序经正是全盘西化论的代表之一。

    Be discussed in this paper by Chen xu jing is representative of the total Westernization .

  11. 陈序经是20世纪中国思想史上“全盘西化”论的代表人物。

    Chen Xujing was a representative of " wholesale westernization " in the20th century history of Chinese thinking .

  12. 全盘西化思潮的兴衰(1979-2007)

    The Rise and Fall of the Thought of Westernization in a Full Scale ( 1979 ~ 2007 );

  13. 所谓资产阶级自由化,就是要中国全盘西化,走资本主义道路。

    By that I mean they want China to be totally Westernized and to take the capitalist road .

  14. 有资产阶级自由化思想的人希望中国大陆变成资本主义,叫做全盘西化。

    People who advocate bourgeois liberalization hope that the mainland will become capitalist or " totally Westernized " .

  15. 全盘西化作为一种激进主义的文化观念,是胡适新文化建设的理想目标。

    As a radical cultural concept , all-round Westernization is Hu 's ideal goal to constrict a brand-new culture .

  16. 一旦中国全盘西化,搞资本主义,四个现代化肯定实现不了。

    If China were totally Westernized and went capitalist , it would be absolutely impossible for us to modernize .

  17. 全盘西化使得榫卯家具淡出了人们的视线。

    By the force of the wholesale westernization , the tenon and mortise joint furniture faded out of sight .

  18. 在法学界,主张全盘西化的移植论与其唱反调的本土资源论者针锋相对。

    In law circles , law transplantation of the wholesale westernization and its opponent localization is measure for measure .

  19. 在五四时期,反对传统文化,全盘西化成为当时自由主义者的鲜明旗帜。

    In the May Fourth movement , against traditional culture , wholesale westernization became an instant liberals bright flags .

  20. 只有结合陈序经的地方视野,他的“全盘西化”论才能得到完整的理解。

    We get a general idea of his view of total westernization by taking his local horizon into consideration .

  21. 所谓右的干扰,就是要全盘西化,不是坚持社会主义,而是把中国引导到资本主义。

    By that we mean the call for wholesale Westernization , which would lead not to socialism but to capitalism .

  22. 论与派:文化论战中的全盘西化思潮晚清至民国时期西化思想的发生与发展述论

    Ideas andSchools : Total Westernization in Cultural Debates On the Origins and Development of the Ideas about Westernization in Modern China

  23. 他们既反对排斥西方文化的民族文化的复兴,也反对排斥民族文化的全盘西化论。

    They opposed not only the renewal of national culture which excluded Western culture but also the comprehensive westernization which excluded national culture .

  24. 全盘西化论和彻底革命论否定中华传统道德,就因为他们不懂得这种根据。

    The overall Westernization and the complete abandonment of traditional Chinese ethics are fallacies proposed by those who are ignorant of this foundation .

  25. 陈序经所主张的“全盘西化”论不能简单地理解为全盘资本主义化,其真实含义应当是要求在中国文化土壤中确立现代性。

    Chen Xujing s theory of " wholesale Westernization " can not be interpreted as wholesale capitalism and it means modernization of Chinese culture .

  26. 目前中国管理学研究逐渐形成了全盘西化派、洋为中用派、中国式管理学派等三大流派。但中国管理学研究存在诸多问题,如今缺乏对中国本土化管理的研究和解读;

    With the development of Chinese management researches , three major schools come out including wholly western-oriented , local adapted and Chinese style management .

  27. 所谓“全盘西化”,是一部分资产阶级学者的主张。他们主张中国一切东西都要完全模仿欧美资本主义国家。

    Wholesale westernization was the view held by a number of westernized Chinese bourgeois intellectuals who unconditionally praised the servile imitation of capitalist Europe and america .

  28. 他们克服了实现现代化就必须全盘西化的冲动&这正是中国人需要学习的。

    They have overcome the impulse – and this is something where the Chinese need to catch up – to westernise radically as a necessity of modernisation .

  29. 第二章主要论述陈序经的文化学理论,以及他对复古派、折中派的批判,从而得出全盘西化的理由。

    Chapter 2 discusses the cultural Chen xu jing by theory , and his Restoration , compromise critical faction , to arrive at total Westernization of reasons .

  30. 科玄之争以后,中西医矛盾日益加剧,传统中医再度陷入全盘西化的漩涡,乃至废止中医思想泛滥。

    The conflict between Chinese and western medicines became sharper increasingly after Ke Xuan Zhi Zheng so that Chinese traditional medicine faced the danger of westernization completely .