
  • 网络China Air Quality;air quality
  1. 调查显示,被称为“绿色村庄”的加州柏克莱市是全国空气质量最差的地区之一。

    green village of Berkeley , Calif , as being among the worst in the country .

  2. 今年五月在世界卫生组织的一项全球城市空气质量的调查中,新德里空气污染程度位居首位,但印度政府对此并不接受,并制定了印度新版全国空气质量指数。

    The warning , based for the first time on India 's newly launched national Air Quality Index , is significant as New Delhi dismissed a World Health Organization study in May which found the capital to have the world 's worst air pollution .

  3. 但是如果一个州不能及时达到《全国环境空气质量标准》,并且是在州属空气质量控制区域,那该怎么办呢?

    But what if a state is unable to achieve timely attainment of an NAAQS in one of its air quality control regions ?

  4. 在《全国环境空气质量标准》颁布后的9个月时间内,要求各州报送环境保护局一份计划,说明在本州实施与维持该标准的措施。

    Within nine months after promulgation of an naaqs , each state was required to submit to EPA a plan designed to implement and maintain that standard within its boundaries .

  5. 钟南山表示若要改善全国的空气质量,中国应降低煤的消耗量,使用更好的优质燃料,为企业找到低污染的生产方式。

    Zhong said that to improve air conditions nationwide , China should cut down on the consumption of coal , use better quality fuel and find less-polluting methods for companies .

  6. 评估报告称,PM2.5和二氧化硫等主要大气污染物大幅减少,全国范围内空气质量良好的天数增加。

    The assessment said major airborne pollutants including PM2.5 and sulfur dioxide have been reduced greatly , and the days with good air quality have increased nationwide .

  7. 本系统被中国环境监测总站从2001年6月5日开始投入实际运行以来,每天产生的全国重点城市空气质量日报预报都在中央电视台一台的晚间新闻期间播出。

    The system is rightly circulated in China Environment Monitoring Center by June , 5,2001 and the report forms of atmosphere quality daily forecast of key city is broadcast on night news of CCTV-1 everyday .

  8. 2001年度全国341个城市空气质量分级比例

    Percentage of the Air Quality Grades in 341 Cities in 2001

  9. 当然,也有一些人因为片子对自己家乡污染的描述而感到不适,尤其是在河北邢台拍到的那张横幅,上面写着“为我市退出全国七十四个城市空气质量排名倒数第一而喝彩”。

    However , some people are annoyed by the film 's depiction of their polluted hometowns , especially when it shows a banner from Xingtai in Hebei saying " Congratulations to our city for no longer being ranked the last place among the country 's 74 cities in terms of air quality . "

  10. 全国符合《全国环境空气质量标准》的各个地区,都被划分为三类。

    Each region in the country which complies with the NAAQSs is put into one of three classes .