
  • 网络COOL;cool colors;cool tone;cold
  1. 客厅是冷色调的银绿色。

    The drawing-room was a cool silver green .

  2. 这些冷色调能让我们精神放松,恢复活力,感到舒适。

    These cool colors have the power to relax , refresh and comfort us .

  3. 金为主卧室挑选了偏冷色调的蓝色和黄色。

    Kim opted for cooler blues and yellows in the master bedroom .

  4. 通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。

    Generally , warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede .

  5. 他用冷色调处理这幅画,如更确切些,是用了各种深浅不同的蓝色。

    He painted the picture with cold tones , if more exactly , with various tones of blue .

  6. 作为雅文化的元素符号,雪是道德情操的象征,呈现冷色调的美感。

    " Snow ", as a symbol of elegant culture , symbolizes nobleness , with the sense of cold beauty .

  7. 同时男性也因为蓝天代表了狩猎的好天气而更偏好冷色调。

    The men , meanwhile , developed a preference for the clear blue skies that signaled good weather for hunting .

  8. 实验研究显示,暖色调(比如红、黄、橙)非常适合作为冷色调(比如蓝、绿、紫)的背景,反之亦然。

    Red , yellow , orange ) are preferred on backgrounds of cool colors ( e.g.blue , green , purple ) and vice versa .

  9. 色彩会影响人的视觉效果,暖色调为扩张色,冷色调为收缩色。

    The color can affect person 's visual effect , the warm tone is the expansion color , and cold tone is the contraction color .

  10. 最初,您会创建一些不同规则的实例(例如,所有冷色调的模型都用蓝色标示)。

    Initially , you create instances of the different rules ( for example , all elements stereotyped as cold are to be colored blue ) .

  11. 一般不适宜穿素雅的冷色调和深暗色调的服装,如墨绿、绛紫、深棕、深蓝等色。

    Generally not suitable for wearing the simple harmonic deep dark tonal cool costume , such as blackish green , brown , dark reddish purple , etc.

  12. 我认为这些稍微有点冷色调的颜色很衬她们的皮肤。菲利普斯说,但是,总的来说,日本女性还是不太爱彩妆。

    I think those slightly cold colours work with their skin , says Phillips , but , as a whole , Japanese women are very unmade-up .

  13. 喜欢清凉感觉的话,可以选择冷色调的灯再加一点白色的灯。

    Like the word of cool and refreshing feeling , the light that can choose cool color to move adds the lamp of a bit white again .

  14. 配上冷色调的服装,显得文静、高雅,因为肤色和服色相互补充,使整体形象和谐、典雅。

    The dress with cool color , appear quiet , elegant , because the skin and arid complement each other , make integral image harmonious and elegant .

  15. 与此同时,人们习惯用如“明亮的”、“五颜六色的”、“冷色调”、“暖色调”、“高雅的”等词汇来描述他们对于颜色的感觉。

    While people are used to give out their sense on color by words such as bright , colorful , cold , warm , elegance , and so on .

  16. 如冷色调中的青、蓝、紫等色彩,有后退、减弱的效果,亦称寒色、退色。

    The blueness in be being moved like cool color , blue , violet wait for colour , have regressive , abate effect , also say " cold color , fade " .

  17. 在他新近的关注城市题材的作品中,艺术家把它们描绘成好似废墟般的现场,在色彩上更是偏向选择营造凝重氛围的冷色调。

    In his recent works focusing on the subject of city , the artist painted them as sites of relics and preferred the use of cold tones to create a kind of graveness .

  18. 结果表明,所研制建筑涂料的颜色可在低温下的暖色调和高温下的冷色调之间随温度作可逆变化,并且该涂料的其它性能也完全满足建筑装饰的需要。

    The research results showed that the colors of the coatings could be changed between cool tones at high temperatures and warm tones at low temperature , which can meet the needs of the building decoration .

  19. 黑、蓝、绿色的冷色调裙装,很好地修饰了她的身材。希拉里在着装上的成功要部分归功于她对黑、白两色的运用,这两种颜色很受男性政要偏爱。

    Most of her dresses feature cool colors -- black , blue and green -- which adorn her figure . Part of her fashion success stems from her reliance on black and white , two firm favorites with powerful men .

  20. 白里透青的皮肤,忌穿蓝、灰色服装,因为肤色为冷色调,这青和蓝两种邻近的搭配,不但不和谐,而且还会使肤色显得病态。

    In green skin , avoid wearing blue , grey dress , because the skin for cold tonal , this green and blue two adjacent to the harmonious collocation , not only , and still can make skin appear morbidity .

  21. 结果表明,白云岩比灰岩的热惯量高,在夜间辐射温度也比较高,所以在热图像上白云岩呈现暖色调(亮色调),灰岩呈稍冷色调(暗色调)。

    The results show that the thermal inertia of dolomite is higher than that of limestone , and the former has a relatively higher radiant temperature at night , which accounts for the bright tone of dolomite and the dark tone of limestone on the thermal image .

  22. 冷灰色调的金属质感给人以干练、高贵的感觉,处处表现出高尚的贵族气息。

    The metallic simple sense that cold gray moves gives a person the sense with spell able , nobility , show exalted aristocratic breath everywhere .

  23. 他们笔下的世界,呈现出共同的冷的特质:冷静的叙述策略,冷色调的作品氛围,悲剧性的故事和人物。

    Both worlds which they described emerge the similar particularity of cold : cool relation tactic , cold atmosphere in their works and tragic story and figures .