
lěng què qì
  • cooler;chiller;cooler body;congealer
冷却器[lěng què qì]
  1. Stirling热气机冷却器的设计与实验研究

    Design and Experimental Study of Chiller for Stirling Engine

  2. 电力变压器冷却器自动控制装置的研制

    Installation of Air - cooled Chiller Development of a New Cooling Control Device for Air - cooled Power Transformer

  3. 跨临界CO2汽车空调微通道气体冷却器的设计开发

    Development of Microchannel Gas Cooler for Trans-critical CO_2 Automotive Air Conditioning

  4. 模糊PID控制器在机油冷却器检测中的应用

    Application of a Fuzzy PID Controller in Oil Cooler Testing

  5. CO2气体冷却器管内传热特性数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation About the Heat Transfer Characteristic of the Carbon Dioxide Gas Cooler

  6. 重油气化U形套管冷却器的改造

    Retrofit of Cooler with U-Shaped Jacket in Heavy Oil Gasification

  7. 对CO2气体冷却器的换热性能分析。

    Third , analyze the heat transfer performance of the gas cooler .

  8. 微通道冷却器的设计采用微通道模型、水冷式激光二极管,用ANSYS软件进行设计。

    Microchannel model , water-cool laser diode , ANSYS software in design of microchannel condenser .

  9. 电机用闭式循环冷却器变参数PID方法在涡轮机闭环控制上的应用研究

    Closed circuit cooler for electric machine Application of Variable-Parameter PID Control to Closed Loop Control for Torpedo Turbine Engine

  10. 针对高功率二极管激光器(DL)的散热需求,对不同结构的微通道冷却器进行了模拟散热计算,优化了冷却器的结构参数。

    Structural parameter of micro-channel heatsink is optimized through numerical calculation .

  11. 房间空调与供热水耦合的CO2跨临界循环系统,充分利用CO2作为自然工质的独特性能,利用气体冷却器放出的热量提供所需生活热水。

    CO_2 transcritical cycle system combined room air-conditioner and heat pump water-heater can offer enough living hot water by recovering the heat of gas-cooler .

  12. 研究显示,CO2气体冷却器的换热性能除受其进出口CO2流体、冷却水状态影响之外,还受其结构影响。

    Study show that the heat transfer performance of the gas cooler is influenced by stage of carbon dioxide , cooling water stage and structure synchronous .

  13. 对美国AlF3流化床煅烧冷却器密封结构改进的建议

    Suggestions on Improving the Sealing Structure of the American AlF_3 Fluidized-bed Calciner-cooler

  14. 它采用DRS冷却碲镉汞探测器技术,并且带有超长低温冷却器。

    It uses DRS cooled Mercury Cadmium Telluride detector technology with ultra-long-life cryogenic coolers .

  15. 间接蒸发冷却器(IndirectEvaporativeCooler)是一种将水冷与空冷、传热与传质过程融为一体且兼有两者之长的高效节能冷却设备。

    Indirect evaporative cooler , which combines water-cooling and air-cooling as well as heat and mass transfer , is a highly effective and energy-saving cooling facility .

  16. 采用计算流体力学(CFD)和数值传热学方法,对间接蒸发冷却器内流体流动与热质交换过程进行简化和假设,建立了换热器内三维层流流动与传热的数学物理模型。

    This paper deals with the numerical prediction of mixed convection heat and mass transfer in indirect evaporative cooler used CFD and numerical heat transfer method .

  17. 通过建立CO2超临界冷却换热模型,选择合适的换热关联式,并考虑润滑油对换热的影响,本文设计了新的气体冷却器,并与原气体冷却器进行了对比实验和分析。

    Through compute simulation , selecting the appropriate heat transfer correlation , and considering the impact of oil influence on heat transfer , a new gas cooler was designed .

  18. 再次,利用MATLAB编制的设计程序结合GUIDE图形界面编辑功能,将设计程序及可视化界面链接起来,开发出该复合型冷却器带友好界面的可视化软件。

    Again , it is to link the program design and visualization interface by combining MATLAB program design with graphical edit function of GUIDE , and develop a visual software of the composite type cooler .

  19. 300MW机组蒸汽冷却器热经济性分析

    Analysis of Thermal Economic Benefits of Steam Coolers of 300 MW Power Units

  20. 对套管式CO2气体冷却器进行微元建模研究,将每一个微元的出口状态作为下一个微元的入口状态,从而确保准确计算CO2气体冷却器中流体状态的动态变化。

    Establishing a micro-element model to the tube gas cooler , setting the exit stage per micro-element model as the entrance stage of the next one , ensured a correct result to the fluid dynamics .

  21. 节流阀把高压侧压力节流到蒸发压力,同时控制高压侧压力并使其随气体冷却器出口温度的变化而变化,CO2制冷系统调节特性与传统制冷系统不同。

    By throttles , the high pressure is dropped down to evaporator pressure , and changed with the refrigerant temperature at the gas cooler , the regulation characteristics of the system are different from traditional system .

  22. KZ型电机用新型针刺式空气冷却器

    New - type Needle Air Cooler

  23. 应用FLUENT软件对车用叉流板翅式机油冷却器两侧流体的流动进行了数值模拟,紊流模型采用标准的Kε湍流模型,翅片侧采用多孔介质模型进行简化。

    2-side fluid flow field in a plate-fin oil cooler was simulated with FLUENT code . The standard K - ε model was used as turbulence model , while the domain of fins was simplified as porous media .

  24. VCC立筒式水泥冷却器

    VCC Vertical Cement Cooler

  25. K-19型CUMS柴油机机油冷却器芯子裂漏故障的危害及解决办法

    Harm of Crack and Leakage of Oil Cooler Core in K-19 Model CUMS Diesel Engine

  26. 随着气体冷却器侧空气进口温度的降低、流速的增加、蒸发温度的升高,系统的COP均逐渐增大。

    When the evaporating temperature increases , the COP increases . And if the air inlet temperature of gas cooler decreases or the air inlet velocity of gas cooler increases , the COP of system increases too .

  27. 10kV配电带电作业人身安全防护用具的研制化学镀镍在舰船冷却器防护中的应用

    Research on Prevention Tools for Personal Safety in Live Line Work of 10 kV Power Distribution Application of Electroless Plating Nickel on Protecting Heat Exchangers in Ship

  28. PT-I型球团矿炉外冷却器的设计研究

    Study on Designing for PT-I Out-Furnace Pellet Cooler

  29. 介绍了YZ90机油冷却器的组成,阐述了其工作原理。

    Component parts and work principle of YZ90 type engine oil cooler are introduced .

  30. 在对500kV自然油循环变压器冷却器控制回路的运行维护工作中,发现了其在设计和整定上存在着一定的缺陷。

    In the operation and maintenance of cooler control circuit of 500 kV natural oil circulation transformer , some faults are found in its design and setting .