
  • 网络Manufacturing flexibility
  1. 制造柔性的概念框架及其度量

    A Conceptual Framework for Manufacturing Flexibility and Its Measurement

  2. 制造柔性水平对战略柔性水平具有显著的正向影响;

    The level of manufacturing flexibility has positive impacts on the level strategic flexibility .

  3. 熔融沉积快速成形(FDM)工艺以其高度的制造柔性、制件复杂性和市场需求适应性成为目前应用最为广泛的快速成形技术之一,在快速制造及快速模具方面发挥重要作用。

    Currently , due to the remarkable manufacturing compliance , part complicacy and market requirement adaptability , Fused Deposition Modeling ( FDM ) has become one of the most widely applied rapid prototyping technique . It plays an increasingly important role in rapid manufacturing and tooling .

  4. 制造柔性对企业国际经营绩效的正向影响不显著。

    The impacts of manufacturing on the performance were not found .

  5. 现代仪器制造柔性研发平台构建中的传感器技术

    Sensor technology in the building of flexible development platform for modern instrument manufacture

  6. 对于单个生产企业来说,本文认为可以通过获取制造柔性来提高企业弹性。

    For a single manufacture company , resilience can be improved from production flexibility .

  7. 它不仅可以提高数控机床生产加工的效率,还可以提高其自动化程度以及制造柔性。

    This can not only increase the efficiency of productivity , but also the degree of automation and flexibility .

  8. 但由于制造柔性的涉及面广,各种制造柔性的实质、目标和实现方法各不相同。

    However , due to the flexible manufacturing involves broad variety of manufacturing flexibility , in essence , goals and ways to achieve the same .

  9. 国外很多学者己经对战略柔性以及制造柔性等相关研究给予了关注,并研究其与企业绩效之间的关系。

    Many scholars start to pay attentions on the theories of strategic flexibility and manufacturing flexibility , as well as the studies on the relationships between the flexibility and performance .

  10. 传统的供应链柔性研究只局限于供应链的功能柔性,如采购柔性,制造柔性,需求柔性等。

    The traditional supply chain flexibility study is confined to the supply chain function flexibility , such as purchase flexibility , product flexibility , supply flexibility , requirement flexibility , and so on .

  11. 从系统的角度将企业柔性分为市场柔性、研发柔性、制造柔性与组织柔性四个维度,对每个维度所包括的具体内容进行了分析;

    The enterprise flexibility is divided into four dimensions , including market flexibility , R & D flexibility , manufacturing flexibility and organizing flexibility ; the idiographic contents for each dimension are analyzed .

  12. 人们对制造柔性的类型、相关的实现技术和评测方法、制造柔性与生产率和产品交货期间的关系等方面做了大量研究,提出了相关的结构框架、分析评测和投资决策模型。

    Flexible manufacturing of the type of technology and related evaluation methods Flexible manufacturing and the relationship between productivity and product delivery has done a lot of research related to the structure of the proposed frame work , assessment and analysis of the investment decision-making model .

  13. 制鞋企业普遍存在生产制造柔性差、产品更新换代速度慢、无法满足每个客户个性化需求的问题,数字化制鞋生产信息管理与控制系统的研制有助于改善这一局面。

    Nowadays the prevailing problems of shoe manufacturer are : lack of flexible manufacturing , slow pace of developing new products , and disability of meeting the needs of each individual customer . The information management of digital shoe manufacturing and the development of control system will improve the situation .

  14. 适应敏捷制造的柔性冲模结构原理

    A New Constructive Principle of Flexible Die for Agile Manufacturing I

  15. 基于仿真的单元化制造系统柔性布局研究

    Research on the Flexible Layout of Cellular Manufacturing System Based on Simulation

  16. 制造资源柔性集聚与区域集群制造模式研究

    Research on flexible cluster of manufacturing resources and locally clustered manufacturing mode

  17. 先进制造系统柔性价值的货币化及经济评价模型

    The Monetary Terms of Flexibility Value and Economic Evaluating Model in Advanced Manufacturing Systems

  18. 柔性制造系统柔性度量模型

    The Measurement of Manufacturing Flexibility of FMS

  19. 铁路货车制造中柔性工艺装备的研究与开发

    Flexible Technological Equipment of Railway Freight Cars

  20. 基于皮革制造准柔性制造管理信息系统

    MIS Based On Pseudo-flexible manufacturing systems

  21. 组合夹具作为一种重要的工艺装备在现代制造业柔性化发展趋势下,地位越来越重要。

    As an important Tooling , assembly fixture shows its more and more important status along with the flexible development of modern manufacturing industry .

  22. 本实用新型的叶片采用柔性材料制造,柔性叶片与各支架之间通过连接件连接。

    The blades of the utility model adopt flexible material to be manufactured and flexible blades are connected with each supporting stand through connecting components .

  23. 探讨了汽车制造企业柔性生产计划的总体框架,汽车混流装配生产线的计划排序,以及混流生产计划排序与优化的目标。

    It includes researches on the framework of production planning , sequencing in automobile mixed assembly line and the objectives of the sequencing of mixed-model production .

  24. 提出了基于车间布局的制造系统柔性评价指标;分析了改善单元化制造系统柔性的几种布局方式。

    The flexibility evaluation indexes of manufacturing system aer presented , and some kinds of cellular layout are analyzed to improve flexibility of cellular manufacturing system .

  25. 现代制造向着柔性化、集成化、智能化和虚拟化的方向发展,对制造过程的信息检测监控提出了新的要求,促使检测监控系统走向分布式和智能化。

    So many new requirements of inspection and monitoring are presented to manufacturing process , distribution and intelligence become the feature of inspection and monitoring system .

  26. 本文首先对企业制造系统柔性理论进行综合分析,包括制造系统柔性的定义、内涵及其表现形态等。

    At first , the paper illustrates the theory framework correlated with flexibility of manufacturing system , including the definition , intention and showing forms of flexibility , etc.

  27. 用于度量制造系统柔性的方法由于其局限性不适合度量供应链的柔性,本文在对供应链柔性系统分析的基础上,建立了供应链柔性评价系统。

    Based on the analysis of the flexible supply chain system , we proposed operable evaluation system of supply chain flexibility , since the measurement of manufacturing system can not meet the need .

  28. 当前,装配柔性已经成为影响制造系统柔性和企业柔性提高的一个关键性因素,因此,装配柔性的能力大小,应是衡量一种装配方式优劣的评价标准之一。

    Nowadays , the size of assembly flexibility is one of standards of accessing a assembly pattern , because assembly flexibility has become a main factor of affecting the raise of manufacturing systems flexibility .

  29. 构建制造企业柔性集成系统与可重构的制造企业,必需解决异构分布环境下的信息与软件资源的重用、重构。

    It is necessary to solve the problems of reusing and reconfiguring of information and software resource under distributed heterogeneous environments , when a flexible integrated system for manufacturing enterprise or a reconfigurable manufacturing enterprise is constructed .

  30. 系统地分析了供应链的组织柔性、文化柔性、研发柔性、信息系统柔性、柔性决策、计划柔性、柔性收益分配机制、柔性合同、人力资源柔性、柔性制造和柔性战略等;

    Organization flexibility , culture flexibility , developing flexibility , information system flexibility , flexible decision , plan flexibility , flexible advantage distribution mechanism , flexible contract , human resource flexibility , FMS and flexible strategy of SC are expounded systematically .