
  • 网络manufacturing power
  1. 机械制造强国及其技术内涵

    Mechanical Manufacturing Power and Its Technological Connotation

  2. 目前该技术是制约我国从制造大国向制造强国转变的重要因素,国家中长期发展规划、重大专项调整规划均列为重点突破的难点。

    Currently , the technology is a holding back factor for our country to transform from a big manufacturing country to a manufacturing power . National long-term development plan , major projects are planning to adjust this technology as a key breakthrough .

  3. 迈向制造强国的我国塑料机械工业

    Striding Forward Becoming the Strong Manufacturing Country for China 's Plastics Machinery Industry

  4. 团结奋斗开拓创新建设制造强国

    Unity and Struggle , Development and Make Innovation , Construct a Powerful Manufacturing Country

  5. 美国超过了英国成为世界头号制造强国,产量很快占到了世界总量的30%

    The United States overtakes Britain as the largest manufacturer on earth , soon producing 30 % of the world 's goods .

  6. 其一是中国和印度的崛起,两者不仅是制造强国,其自身也是重要的市场。

    One is the rise of China and India , not just as manufacturers , but as important markets in their own right .

  7. 日本(全球第三大制造强国,仅次于中国和美国)的供应商专业制造其它企业难以生产的零配件。

    Suppliers in Japan the third-largest manufacturing nation , behind China and the US specialise in making parts hard for other businesses to create .

  8. 他表示,国家要实现制造强国目标至少还需30年。

    He says it will take at least 30 years for the country to achieve the goal of becoming a strong nation in manufacturing .

  9. 有关新基金的报道说,它将被用来建设一个“制造强国”和“网络强国”。

    Reports about the new fund said it would be used to build a " strong manufacturing country " and an " Internet power . "

  10. 我国应将海上石油设备研制作为走向制造强国的“抓手”之一,统一规划,形成协同发展的合力。

    China should regard the research and development of offshore oil equipment as a handle for building a world-leading manufacturing industry and unify planning to achieve coordinated development .

  11. 而制造强国一方面要借助于先进的管理技术,同时也要依赖于科学系统的技术作为支持。

    To be a competitive enterprise , one side we should rely on advanced scientific and systemic technology , and on the other side we also need advanced managerial technology .

  12. 2020年农业装备工业总值将在2010年基础上再提高50%,步入世界农业装备制造强国行列的阶段战略目标。

    In the year 2020 , the net value of agricultural equipment industry should increase another 50 % of that in 2010 , making China a strong country in the field of agricultural equipment industry .

  13. 创新是我国成为汽车制造强国的一个重要标志,是自主品牌汽车企业应对挑战和机遇的主要途径,是应对更加激烈国际竞争的必然要求。

    Innovation is an important symbol of auto power , is the main ways for own brand car companies meet the challenges and opportunities , is a necessary requirement to respond to more intense international competition .

  14. 制约着我国向制造强国迈进的一个重要因素就是五轴联动数控技术,它是船舶、航天航空、模具、高精密仪器等民用工业和军工迫切需要的重要战略装备。

    An important factor restricting our country to be a manufacture power , is the Five-axis CNC technology , which is an urgent demand of important strategic equipment in civilian industry and military industry , such as marine , aviation , mold , high precision instruments and so on .

  15. 巨一鞋业(juyishoes)就是那种帮助中国从贫穷的农业国转变为全球制造业强国的创业型公司之一。

    Juyi shoes is the sort of entrepreneurial company that has helped turn China from a poor rural country into a manufacturing powerhouse .

  16. 革新质量观念,打造制造业强国

    Transform the Quality Notion , Forge the Great Power of Manufacture

  17. 中国迈向制造业强国面临的难题与对策

    Problems and Solutions for China to be a Manufacturing Power

  18. 向制造业强国转变,发展数控机床是关键

    The key to go over to a powerful manufacturing country in development of CNC machines

  19. 德国作为欧洲的经济强国和制造业强国,在全球范围内所取得的成就是有目共睹的。

    As European economic power and manufacturing power , Germany ' sachievements are obvious all over the world .

  20. 印中两国由农业经济体向服务业与制造业强国的转型,一直左右着全球增长的轨迹。

    The transition of both India and China from rural economies to service and manufacturing powerhouses has moved the locus of global growth .

  21. 日、韩是世界制造业强国,日、韩制造业向中国转移,为江苏经济国际化提供了重大机遇。

    The transfer of manufacturing industry from Japan and Korea to China has provided a major opportunity for the economic internationalization of Jiangsu Province .

  22. 尽管如此,我国却不是装备制造业强国,不利于提高我国的经济实力和国际竞争力。

    However , the equipment manufacturing industry of our country is far from strength , which is not conducive to improve economic strength and international competitiveness of China .

  23. 在未来的经济社会发展中,发展我国高水平的职业教育,是实现打造“制造业强国”目标的重要环节。

    In future economic and social development , to develop our high-level occupational education is a crucial link of realizing a target of " manufacturing strong country " .

  24. 但是与世界装备制造业强国相比,我国装备制造业还有相当的差距,存在产品技术落后、企业规模小、国际竞争能力弱等问题。

    But compared with that of developed countries , there is a big gap still existed , including backward in technology , small firm scale and weakness in competitiveness , etc. .

  25. 中国作为移动通信设备拥有量的大国,也是移动通信设备制造的强国,因此对于移动通信设备上中文信息处理能力的要求是相当高的。

    China as mobile communication equipment with big country , mobile communication powerful country of device fabrication too , the request of Chinese information processing in mobile communication equipment is quite high .

  26. 德国承接上一轮产业转移,已经有了一百年以上的时间,但依然能够保持其制造业强国的地位,它的确有许多好的经验可供我国借鉴。

    Germany to undertake a move of round of industry , has been more than one hundred years , but is still able to maintain its manufacturing power , it does have a lot of good experience we can use for reference in china .

  27. 印度投资的性质是不同的,他表示,印度并不像中国那样是制造业超级强国。

    The character of the Indian investment is different , he said . India is not as much of a manufacturing superpower as China .

  28. 成为先进电子制造(AEM)强国是我国21世纪发展的战略目标,实现这一目标的关键是必须能自主地提供电子产业的AEM工艺、技术和装备。

    To be a strong country with Advanced Electronic Manufacturing ( AEM ) technology and enterprises is the goal of the national strategy in the 21 century .

  29. 中国将继续成为制造业和出口强国,在越来越多的领域和产品上保持竞争力。

    China would remain a manufacturing and export powerhouse , competing in an increasing array of sectors and products .

  30. 目前,中国正处在由制造大国向制造强国转变的过程之中,质量管理方面的研究势在必行。

    Currently China is in the transformation from a big manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing country . Study on quality management is important and imperative .