
  1. 另外,很明显欧洲政府对制裁俄罗斯的强度产生了越来越严重的分歧。

    Moreover , EU governments apparently are more divided over how far to go to a punishing Moscow .

  2. 美国参众两院全体通过要采取措施帮助乌克兰并制裁俄罗斯。

    The United States House and Senate have each passed measures to provide help and impose sanctions against Russia .

  3. 尽管来自巴黎的消息显示,这次会议不过做出制裁俄罗斯的决定,但是这次会议给了格鲁吉亚希望,克里姆林宫必须对入侵格鲁吉亚做出解释。

    While news reports from Paris indicate there will be no decision on sanctions , the meeting is giving Georgians hope that the Kremlin will be made to answer for its invasion .

  4. 在通话期间,奥巴马清楚地表明他有关可能制裁俄罗斯的说法是严肃的,并向普京提出了他与默克尔和其他人讨论的一个解决方案。

    During their discussion , Mr. Obama made clear he was serious about sanctions and presented Mr. Putin with a version of a resolution he had been discussing with Ms. Merkel and others .

  5. 即使在2014年原油价格开始暴跌、同时西方针对俄罗斯在乌克兰战争中的角色而制裁俄罗斯之前,俄罗斯的经济增速就已经大幅放缓。

    Economic growth had slowed sharply even before nosediving crude oil prices and the impact of western sanctions , imposed over its role in the war in Ukraine , hit Russia in 2014 .

  6. 针对欧盟制裁俄罗斯一些大企业,莫斯科方面正把欧盟告上法庭。这个迹象表明,把这些企业挡在全球资本市场门外,正给俄罗斯经济带来极大痛苦。

    Moscow is taking the EU to court over the sanctions slapped on some of its largest companies , in a sign of the pain their exclusion from global capital markets is inflicting on the Russian economy .

  7. 一些参议员就乌克兰合并克里米亚一事达成共识,他们对此表示反对,今天参议院以口头表决的形式通过了为乌克兰提供帮助并制裁俄罗斯的法案。

    Now some senators standing together in terms of Russia 's annexation of Crimea and their opposition to it , Senate today by a voice vote approving a measure to provide help to Ukraine and impose sanctions against Russia .

  8. 俄罗斯吞并克里米亚和入侵乌克兰,招致欧盟的制裁。俄罗斯则采取报复行动,禁止进口欧盟(EU)食品,这已导致牛奶价格崩盘,危及英国奶农的生计。

    The Russian ban on EU food imports , in retaliation for EU sanctions against Ukraine imposed after the invasion of Crimea , has caused a collapse in the price of milk , which is threatening the livelihoods of farmers in the UK .

  9. 一年后,随着西方国家的制裁,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)宣布禁止进口来自美国和欧洲的大多数食品,包括奶酪、牛肉和海鲜。

    One year later , in the wake of western sanctions , Vladimir Putin announced Russia would ban an array of American and European food products , including cheese , beef and seafood .

  10. 他认为,可能发生的外国制裁对于俄罗斯来说不会起作用。

    He said possible foreign sanctions against his country would not work .

  11. 不断下跌的油价放大了国际制裁对俄罗斯经济造成的痛苦。

    Sliding oil prices are adding to the pain international sanctions have inflicted on the Russian economy .

  12. 一度不愿对伊朗实施制裁的俄罗斯目前看来会支持对伊朗的第四轮制裁,但是巴西和具有否决权的中国还没有同意。

    A once-reluctant Russia appears ready to back a fourth sanctions resolution , but not Brazil or veto-wielding council member China .

  13. 尽管实施了制裁,俄罗斯总统普京星期一还是下令继续按早就制定的计划从格鲁吉亚撤出俄罗斯军队。

    Despite the sanctions , Russian president Vladimir Putin Monday ordered a long-planned pullout of Russian troops from Georgia to continue .

  14. 同意制裁给俄罗斯造成的损失要远多于美国,后者在伊朗没有任何经济利益。

    Russia has far more to lose from agreeing to sanctions than the US , which has no economic interest in Iran .

  15. 由于卢布贬值和经济制裁,俄罗斯几乎已经无法再充当立陶宛乳制品及其他商品的市场。

    The plunge of the ruble and economic sanctions have all but destroyed Russia as a market for Lithuanian dairy products and other goods .

  16. 事实上,我认为用制裁将俄罗斯总统普京逼得除了屈服或者战斗以外别无选择,就是一个错误。

    As it happens , I think it is a blunder to use sanctions to give President Putin no choice but folding or fighting .

  17. 面对油价走低的压力和乌克兰危机引发的制裁,俄罗斯经济及能源巨头举步维艰。

    The Russian economy and its energy giants have been swooning under the pressure of low oil prices and the sanctions over the Ukraine crisis .

  18. 报告出现之际,正值欧洲国家准备于下月投票表决是要放宽,还是要维持对俄罗斯的经济制裁。俄罗斯正是因为在乌克兰局势中扮演的角色而受到制裁的。

    The report comes as European nations are preparing to vote next month on whether to ease or maintain economic sanctions on Russia because of its role in Ukraine .

  19. 尽管制裁为俄罗斯经济带来了巨大代价,但俄罗斯国旗依然在克里米亚上空飘扬,莫斯科方面没有被吓倒,乌克兰停火面临风险。

    For all the costs that sanctions are inflicting on the Russian economy , the Russian flag still flies over Crimea , Moscow remains undeterred and the ceasefire in Ukraine is at risk .

  20. 由于俄罗斯明年极有可能步入衰退,所以不知道将从哪里获得资金来支持这样的项目。而且由于被西方制裁,俄罗斯的经济危机进一步的恶化了。

    It is not clear how such a project would be financed as Russia is widelyexpected to enter recession next year and the economic crisis is aggravated by Western sanctions over Russia 's policy in the Ukraine crisis .

  21. 从今天起,新制裁使俄罗斯面临的融资限制从美国的资本市场扩大到欧洲,数家主要的俄罗斯国有银行和发展银行将被禁止向欧盟公民和公司发售期限超过90天的新债券或股票。

    From today , a number of major Russian state banks and development banks are barred from selling new bonds or equity with a maturity longer than 90 days to EU nationals and companies , under sanctions that expand partial restrictions from US capital markets to European ones .

  22. 深陷经济衰退、同时因插手乌克兰事务而受到国际制裁的俄罗斯,从第62位升至第51位,领先于希腊和卢森堡等欧盟经济体,而且与比利时和意大利等其他欧盟经济体相差不远。

    Russia , in the midst of a recession and facing international sanctions thanks to its interventions in Ukraine , has moved from 62nd to 51st place , ahead of EU economies such as Greece and Luxembourg , and within spitting distance of others such as Belgium and Italy .

  23. 制裁可能危及俄罗斯国有控股的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等西方石油巨头为勘探俄罗斯北极海域而成立的合资公司。

    Sanctions could endanger joint ventures that Rosneft , the state-controlled Russian oil group , has set up with western majors such as ExxonMobil to explore in Russia 's Arctic seas .

  24. 莫斯科卡内基中心(moscowcarnegiecenter)地缘政治专家阿列克谢马拉申科(alexeimalashenko)表示,支持联合国制裁伊朗将令俄罗斯做出“痛苦的牺牲”,只有俄美关系改善的前景才有可能部分抵消这种牺牲。

    Alexei Malashenko , geopolitical expert at the Moscow Carnegie center , said the endorsement of UN sanctions against Iran would involve " painful sacrifices " for Russia that would only partly be offset by the prospect of improved relations with the US .

  25. 西方制裁将对俄罗斯造成严重威胁。

    Western sanctions would be a serious threat to the Kremlin .

  26. 对于乌克兰相关的制裁可能导致俄罗斯与西方之间的贸易战。

    The sanctions related to Ukraine could result in a trade war between Russia and the West .

  27. 四个西方国家倾向于给予更多制裁,但俄罗斯和中国并不赞成。

    The four Western countries would have preferred moves towards more sanctions , but Russia and China said no.

  28. 布什政府曾希望对伊朗进行更加严厉的制裁,但是俄罗斯和中国到目前为止一直反对这样做。

    The Bush administration wanted even tougher sanctions though Russia and China have to date resisted the idea .

  29. 自西方对俄实施制裁以来,俄罗斯未表露出半点放弃干涉乌克兰局势的意愿。

    Since western sanctions were imposed Russia has showed no intention of pulling back from its intervention in Ukraine .

  30. 实施正式经济制裁或者对俄罗斯部分精英人士禁发签证将加深俄罗斯的痛苦。

    The imposition of formal economic sanctions or visa bans on members of the Russian elite would heighten the pain .