
zhì dònɡ lì
  • Braking force;arresting force
  1. PC简支梁铁路桥承受制动力的动力分析

    Dynamic analysis of simply supported PC beam railway bridges under braking force

  2. PC简文梁铁路桥制动力有效系数的研究

    Research on effective coefficient of braking force of simply supported PC-beam Railway Bridges

  3. 汽车防抱死制动系统,英文简称ABS(Anti-lockbrakingsystem)是一种在制动时能够自动调节车轮制动力大小,防止车轮抱死以取得最佳制动效果的机电一体化制动系统。

    ABS ( Anti-lock braking system ) is a dynamic braking system or mechanical-electrical device that can automatically adjust wheel .

  4. 采用ANSYS软件对其分别进行了在垂直力、侧向力、驱动力和制动力工况下的静力学仿真分析,分析结果表明,该桥壳的强度和刚度满足要求。

    ANSYS Mechanical is use to analyze the structural strength under the conditions of the vertical force , lateral force , driving force and braking force , respectively .

  5. FSW型手制动机具有功能齐全、制动力大、操作效率高等特点。

    The FSW hand brakes have such features as complete functions , big brake force , high operation efficiency .

  6. 试验结果表明,基于路面自动识别ABS模糊控制系统能准确判断出路面状况的变化,据此调整控制策略,使车辆获得最大地面制动力和较好的横向稳定性。

    It showed that the ABS fuzzy controller could identify changes of road conditions precisely and modulate the control scheme , so as to obtain the maximum road friction and good lateral stability .

  7. 依据ECE制动法规,在不同制动强度下,重新分配了再生制动力和摩擦制动力之间的关系。

    According to the ECE braking regulations , regeneration braking force and friction braking force get reapportioned at different braking intensity .

  8. 以提高制动效能和制动稳定性为目标,并参照EEC法规,给出了装有制动力调节装置的汽车的同步附着系数优化设计方法。

    In order to improve braking efficiency and stability , an optimum design method of synchronous adhesion coefficient of motor vehicles equipped with adjustable brake force units has been found by reference to EEC code .

  9. 我们测试用的是带V8发动机和Sport套装的V8S(厂商指导价9.2万美元,合人民币56.37万元)。它在本质上是一辆工厂改装车:底盘更低,轮胎更大,制动器的制动力有如死亡射线一般。

    The V8 roadster with the Sport package , the V8 S ( $ 92000 MSRP ) , our test car , is essentially a factory tuner : lower , on bigger tires , and brakes with the stopping power of death rays .

  10. 仿真研究了直线制动工况下前后轴制动力分配与路面附着系数的关系,提出了基于减速度参数的电子制动力分配(EBD)控制算法。

    The braking force distribution of front and rear axles under straight-line braking is simulated with different road friction coefficients , and the electronic braking force distribution ( EBD ) control algorithm using deceleration parameters is proposed .

  11. 如果其中一个车轮有旋转的迹象,ADB-X就会自动给这个车轮施加制动力,直到重新恢复抓地能力,动力传输重新开始为止。

    If a wheel threatens to spin , ADB-X can automatically apply brake force until grip is re-established and power transmission can commence again .

  12. 汽车制动力的检测装置中的芯片AD202可将电压信号转变成电流信号进行传输,实现电气隔离。

    The chip of AD202 in the automobile braking force detection system can achieve electric isolation by changing a voltage signal into a current signal .

  13. 根据ECER13制动法规建立了主制动器制动力分配比与缓速器制动力之间的匹配关系,提出了安装车用自励式缓速器后汽车制动力分配比的优化设计方法。

    Matching relation between the braking force distribution ratio and retarder braking force was studied based on the ECE_R13 Law and the optimal design of the braking force distribution ratio of a vehicle was put forward after installing retarder .

  14. 由于lrfd制动力大大高于标准规范中的要求,上述事宜对根据前版设计规范设计的修复项目尤为重要。

    Because the LRFD braking force is significantly higher than that required in the standard specifications , this issue becomes important in rehabilitation projects designed under previous versions of the design code .

  15. 清障车制动力的理想分配

    Ideal Distribution of Braking Force of a Road block Removal Truck

  16. 汽车前后轴制动力数字电液比例分配系统

    Digital Electo-hydraulic Proportional Distributed System of Automotive Front-rear Shaft Brake Force

  17. 机车牵引力与制动力的分析

    Analysis on the Haulage Force and Brake Force of Mine Locomotive

  18. 用最小二乘法求解制动力的分配

    Calculation of Brake Torque Distribution by " Least Square " Method

  19. 牵引力、制动力和粘着力浅析关于触头推斥电动力

    A Study of Tractive Force , Brane Power and Adhesive Force

  20. 铁路简支梁桥墩承受列车制动力的研究

    Study on Braking Force on Piers of Simple Supported Railway Bridges

  21. 轮胎制动力-滑移率特性的动态模型研究

    A Research on the Dynamic Model of Tire Braking Force-slip Characteristics

  22. 搓板式与滚筒式制动力测试台的测试比较

    Comparison of Measuring Methods of Braking Force between Washboard-type Tester and Roller-type

  23. 客车盘形制动装置制动力设计问题探讨

    Discussion on Braking Effort Design of Disc Braking Equipment on Passenger Cars

  24. 列车制动力的等效换算原理及应用

    Principle and Application of Equal Effective Conversion Calculation for Train Braking Force

  25. 铁路桥梁轨面制动力的动态研究

    Dynamic study of braking force on rail of rail - way Bridge

  26. 汽车检测站手制动力测试探讨

    Discussion on Test and Measurement of Parking Brake in Automotive Monitoring Station

  27. 汽车转弯制动过程中的制动力动态分配控制

    Dynamic Distribution Control of Braking Force on Turning a Vehicle

  28. 对防坠器及防过放制动力与减速度的探讨

    Discussion of Braking Force and Deceleration Degree of Safety Catch and Overfall

  29. 增大高速区电制动力的方法

    Increasing Electrical Brake Force in the High - Speed Range

  30. 多点制动力在线&桥系统中传递的计算方法

    Computation Method for Transferring of Multi Braking Forces in Track Bridge System