
jià shǐ yuán
  • driver;pilot
驾驶员[jià shǐ yuán]
  1. 只要有一个粗心大意的驾驶员便会发生车祸。

    It only takes one careless driver to cause an accident .

  2. 驾驶员在道路急转弯处慢了下来。

    The driver slowed down at a tight bend in the road .

  3. 新驾驶员所出的事故是老驾驶员的两倍。

    New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers .

  4. 驾驶员坐在公共汽车的前端。

    The driver sits at the front of the bus .

  5. 驾驶员失去控制,车猛地转向左侧。

    The driver lost control and veered to the nearside .

  6. 这辆汽车装有驾驶员安全气囊。

    The car comes equipped with a driver 's airbag .

  7. 我已查清,驾驶员伤势不重。

    I ascertained that the driver was not badly hurt .

  8. 这些年轻人被评定为谨慎驾驶员和不谨慎驾驶员两类。

    The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers .

  9. 这个事故是驾驶员疲劳所致。

    Driver fatigue was to blame for the accident .

  10. 战斗机驾驶员发现敌机后便进行攻击。

    Fighter pilots searched out and attacked enemy aircraft .

  11. 你是这辆汽车的驾驶员吗?

    Are you the driver of this vehicle ?

  12. 两个驾驶员都幸免于难,安然无恙。

    Both drivers escaped unhurt .

  13. 一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督。

    One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults

  14. 他坐上了驾驶员的位置发动了引擎。

    He got into the driving seat and started the engine .

  15. 飞机驾驶员受了重伤,副驾驶员于是代替其驾驶。

    The pilot was seriously injured and the co-pilot took over .

  16. 局部浓雾和驾驶员不负责任是罪魁祸首。

    Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame

  17. 他凭借曾经做过快艇驾驶员的经验制作了一档纪实节目。

    He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme .

  18. 驾驶员接到提醒当心道路湿滑。

    Motorists were warned to beware of slippery conditions

  19. 他麻利地坐进驾驶员的座位。

    He slid into the driver 's seat

  20. 她的出租车里乘客座位和驾驶员之间装着厚厚的有机玻璃隔板。

    Her taxicab has a thick perspex partition between the passengers ' seats and the driver .

  21. 滑翔机连同驾驶员都扑通一声栽进了湖里,只能被捞出来。

    The gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be fished out .

  22. 让驾驶员深感不满的是驾驶执照收费的提高。

    The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences .

  23. 即便驾驶员在事故中没有过错,他们也可能失去无索赔折扣。

    Motorists could lose their no-claims discount , even if they are not at fault in an accident .

  24. 向汽车驾驶员每年收取75英镑高速公路使用费的计划将对我大为不利。

    The plan to charge motorists £ 75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard

  25. 飞机失事是由驾驶员的失误造成的。

    The crash was due to pilot error .

  26. 驾驶员更换执照有10天的宽限期。

    Drivers have ten days ' grace to renew their licenses .

  27. 他们把这次车祸归咎于驾驶员的疏忽。

    They imputed the accident to the driver 's carelessness .

  28. 粗心的驾驶员对于公众是一种危险。

    A careless driver is a danger to the public .

  29. 他父亲当飞机驾驶员挣钱很多。

    His father makes a lot of money as a pilot .

  30. 驾驶员将车速从第三挡调低到第二挡。

    The driver changed down from third to second ( gear ) .