
jià shǐ pán
  • steering wheel;handle
  1. 驾驶盘控制着车的转向。线控转向系统的转向盘力反馈控制策略研究

    Steering Wheel Torque Feedback Control Strategy of Steer-by-Wire System

  2. 在今天的课程中,我学到了如何去操作驾驶盘。

    In today 's lesson I learned how to manipulate the steering wheel .

  3. 在机动车辆中提供一个驾驶盘的连接点。

    Provides a steering joint in a motor vehicle .

  4. 他把持着驾驶盘的手放松了下来。

    He relaxed his hand on the wheel .

  5. 嗯,你只需放开驾驶盘就是了。

    Well then , you lust need to let go of the steering wheel .

  6. 把驾驶盘向左转。

    Spin the wheel to the left .

  7. 商人:嗯,它也以躺椅座,可倾斜的驾驶盘和充裕的头上空间为特色。

    Dealer : Well , it also features reclining seats , a tilt steering wheel , and plenty of headroom .

  8. 青年人强迫他交出钱包、手表和车钥匙,然后把他铐在驾驶盘上。

    The youths forced him to hand over his wallet , watch and car keys and then handcrafted him to the steering wheel .

  9. 一个男人正坐在一辆福特A型车的驾驶盘后面,这车是他从一个朋友那里借来练习驾驶的。

    A man is behind the wheel of a Ford Model A , which he has borrowed from a friend to practice his driving .

  10. 我不习惯驾驶方向盘在左边的汽车。

    I 'm not used to left-hand drive cars .

  11. 现在,他们的右前卫正在盘球。我不习惯于驾驶方向盘在右边的汽车。

    I 'm not used to driving cars with their steering wheels at the right .

  12. 谷歌的自动驾驶汽车设计重点在于计划生产一种全自动车,设计原型甚至没有脚踏板或驾驶盘。但是在公路上测试的时候,谷歌还是加上了驾驶盘和其他的控制机件。

    Google 's self-driving-car project is focused on producing a fully autonomous car , and its prototype does not have pedals or a steering wheel , though Google does add a steering wheel and other controls when it tests the vehicles on public roads .

  13. 逼真的转向力感不仅能够加强驾驶模拟器的逼真度和沉浸感,同时能够提高驾驶人员的操作准确度,因此,对驾驶模拟器方向盘操纵模拟系统的实时力感模拟进行研究具有重要的现实意义。

    The realistic steering resistance can not only enhance the fidelity and immersion , but also improve the accuracy of operation . Therefore , it has a great practical significance for researching the steering resistance simulation system .