
jià shǐ rén
  • driver
  1. 警方已向这辆汽车的驾驶人发出传票。

    The police have taken out a summons against the driver of the car .

  2. VMS对驾驶人路径选择行为影响的仿真研究

    Impact Simulation of VMSs on Driver 's Route Selection Behaviors

  3. 在发生一系列交通事故之后,警方提请驾驶人要谨慎驾车。

    After a series of road accidents the police pleaded for sanity among drivers .

  4. “我们希望,我们的工作能帮助开发技术解决方案,以确保高龄驾驶人在驾驶时更安全。”

    " We hope that our work will help with technological solutions to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel . "

  5. 多布林想要达成以下三点:汽车在遭遇财产损害和人身伤害时要选择前者;汽车不受驾驶人年龄、种族的影响;当驾驶人的手离开方向盘时——比如需要检查邮件——此时若发生车祸,制造商将对此负责。

    Dobrindt wants three things : that a car always chooses property damage over personal injury ; that it never distinguishes between humans based on age or race ; and that if a human removes his or her hands from the driving wheel — to check email , say — the car 's maker is responsible if there is a crash .

  6. 此外,驾驶人使用任何类型的耳机都是违反规定的。

    Besides , it is against the rules for the motorists to use any kind of earphones .

  7. 第一种方法是非接触式的监测方法,最新的研究方向是非接触式基于PERCLOSE的驾驶人疲劳检测方法。

    The first method is a non-contact measuring method .

  8. 最后,以ARIS为指导,以过程管理系统为基础设计开发了基于过程的驾驶人服务与管理系统。

    Last , we designed and deployed the " Driver management and service system " guided by the ARIS and based on the process management system .

  9. 提出了人-车-路虚拟仿真系统的结构,并在基于Creator的基础上,虚拟了场景建模、驾驶人车速控制模型、车辆动力学模型,基于Vega视景仿真的基础上进行了软件开发。

    The general system structure was put forward , and the software system was developed on the basis of Creator-based virtual scene modeling , driver 's vehicle speed control model , vehicle dynamics model , and Vega-based visual simulation .

  10. 根据提取的眼睛特征信息进行驾驶人注意力状态监测。

    Driver attention states were monitored according to eyes feature information .

  11. 基于驾驶人视觉心理特性的高等级公路景观分析

    Highway Roadside Landscaping Based on Driver 's Visual and Psychological Characteristics

  12. 大部分缺乏经验的驾驶人常会阻塞道路。

    Most inexperienced drivers have a tendency to hog the road .

  13. 我认为汽车驾驶人应该负很大的责任。

    I think that motorists have a lot to answer for .

  14. 非机动车驾驶人拒绝接受罚款处罚的。

    Non-motor vehicle driver who refused to accept the penalty of fine .

  15. 北方海湾独木舟俱乐部为每个队提供驾驶人。

    The North Bay canoe club provides the steer-person for each team .

  16. 饮酒驾车机动车驾驶人酒后驾车管理对策研究

    Countermeasures for the Control of Motor Vehicle Driver Driving After Drinking Alcohol

  17. 不同意图阶段驾驶人视觉特性分析。

    Law analysis of drivers ' visual characteristics in different intention stages .

  18. 并将检测结果作为筛选职业驾驶人或者对其进行再培训的依据。

    And test results as a basis screening onor retraining the drivers .

  19. 低驾龄驾驶人事故高发的原因与预防对策

    Causes of Junior-driving Drivers ' Frequent Accident and Corresponding Countermeasures

  20. 被一个蛮横的驾驶人堵在后头,确实限制了他的才能。

    Being stuck behind a road-hog really cramps his style .

  21. 熟练的机械师可迅速地被派去救援汽车驾驶人。

    Skilled mechanics can quickly be brought to the assistance of motorists .

  22. 基于驾驶人出行心理的道路网指路系统设计

    Design of guidance system of road network based on driver trip psychology

  23. 另外一些公路使用者对私人汽车驾驶人持严厉态度。

    Some other road-users take a stern view of the private motorist .

  24. 驾驶人可能看不见你,或不会让路给你。

    The driver may not see you or give way to you .

  25. 选择在没有驾驶人的私家车之间过马路。

    Choose a gap between cars which have no drivers in them .

  26. 道路交通事故预防中驾驶人心理分析与对策

    Driver s Psychoanalysis and Countermeasures Against Road Traffic Accidents

  27. 与交通标志信息有关的驾驶人短时记忆衰减研究

    A Study on Fading Pattern of Drivers ' Short Memory of Traffic Signs

  28. 这种系统让驾驶人可以在夜间看得更远、更清楚。

    It allows drivers to see further and more clearly in the dark .

  29. 加强驾驶人安全行车管理实行车险浮动费率

    Enhance the Management of Driver 's Safe Driving Implement Vehicle Insurance Floating Premium

  30. 提高机动车驾驶人素质是预防交通事故的治本之策

    The Basic Measure of Preventing Traffic Accidents & Improving the Quality of Drivers