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  • 网络Demise of the Crown;forth emperor
驾崩 [jià bēng]
  • [death of a sovereign] 帝王死

  • 天子出,有大驾,有法驾,有小驾。--《后汉书.舆服志》

  • 天子死曰崩。--《礼记.曲礼》

  1. 以前英王驾崩导致议会解散。

    Demise of the Crown formerly caused a dissolution of Parliament .

  2. 皇帝驾崩标志着该国历史上一个时代的结束。

    The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the country 's history .

  3. 2.emperorn.皇帝,君主没有人知道皇帝已经驾崩了。

    e.g. No one knew that the emperor was dead .

  4. 公元前209年,中国第一位皇帝秦始皇驾崩。

    China 's first emperor Qin Shihuang died in 209 BC .

  5. 国王驾崩,全国都下半旗志哀。

    All the flags were at half-mast when the king died .

  6. 王上驾崩,则保卫人民。

    If the king is no more , protect the people .

  7. 苏格兰国王驾崩时未留子嗣。

    The king of Scotland had died without a son .

  8. 那位皇帝的驾崩代表著一段黄金时期的结束。

    The death of that emperor marked the end of a golden era .

  9. 你看到今天报纸上的大标题了吗?国王驾崩了。

    Did you see the screamer in the paper today ? The king died .

  10. 改革的时代一直持续到宋神宗驾崩时也就是1086年。

    The period of reforms lasted until the death of Emperor Shenzong in 1086 .

  11. 成吉思汗于1227年驾崩,那时候他的军队已经征服了唐谷特王朝。

    Genghis Khan died in 1227 while his armies were conquering the Tangut Empire .

  12. 路易十四驾崩前让法国深陷困境

    Louis XIV , when he died , left France in absolutely dire straits .

  13. 公元前210年,秦始皇在巡游途中突然驾崩。

    In 210 B. C. , the First Emperor died unexpectedly on his inspection tour .

  14. 太祖驾崩后,他的弟弟宋太宗继承了帝位,收复了浙江和山西。

    Taizu was succeeded by his brother , Taizong who brought Zhejiang and Shanxi back into the fold .

  15. 上个月驾崩的章鱼保罗,在今年的世界杯中,准确预测了多场球赛结果。

    Paul the octopus , who died last month , correctly predicted game outcomes in this year 's World Cup .

  16. 在位50年之后,孙权于262年驾崩,其后人进行了一系列的王位争夺战。

    After the reign of more than fifty years , Sun Quan died in 262 and there were successive wars on the securing of throne .

  17. 公元189年,灵帝驾崩,何太后临朝,立灵帝13岁的儿子刘辩为帝。

    When Emperor Ling died in 189 , Empress Dowager He took over regency , in-stalling Lingdi 's young son 13-year-old Liu Bian as emperor .

  18. 公元前209年始皇帝驾崩,李斯卷人了宦官赵高取消正当继位的阴谋。

    When the emperor died in 209 B. C. , Li became involved in the eunuch Zhao Kao 's plot to void the proper succession .

  19. 公元前210年秦始皇驾崩后发生了内战,之后汉朝再次统一了中国。

    After the civil war that followed the death of Qin Shihuang in210 B.C. , China was reunited under the rule of the Han dynasty .

  20. 另外,他的国民没等他驾崩,就按捺不住在喝酒这事上调侃他了。

    Selim enjoyed drinking so much that his own people didn 't even wait until he died to start making fun of him for it .

  21. 各家剧院关门息演—女王快要驾崩时,是不许演出的—于是大家都聚到亨利·康德尔家。

    The theatres were closed - you can 't have plays when a queen is dying - and we were all at Henry Condell 's house .

  22. 在他于公元前57年驾崩之前,光武帝为自己办了一个简单的葬礼,因为他认为自己“对人民无用”。

    Before his death in A.D. 57 , Emperor Guangwu decreed a simple funeral for himself because he had been " of little use to the people . "

  23. 1857年古拉·辛格王公驾崩后,由于蒙特哥摩利中尉具有和王公继承人马哈拉加·兰吉特?辛格一样的影响力,他得以继续他的勘察工作。

    After Gpab Singh 's death in1857 , Montgomerie continued his survey work as he carried the same influence with Maharaja Ranjit Singh , the successor of Gpab Singh .

  24. 至此,秦朝付之一炬,走向了灭亡,而这距离秦始皇驾崩仅三年,距离秦朝建立也不过20年的时间。

    Thus the Qin dynasty came to an end , three years after the death of Qin Shi Huang , and less than twenty years after it was founded .

  25. 959年,英明的宋世宗驾崩后,7岁的高宗继承了帝位。

    In 959 , following the death of Emperor Shizong who had been a wise monarch , a seven year old child succeeded to the throne as Emperor Gong .

  26. 前任皇帝驾崩后,虽然帝国皇位持续空缺,但世界总体趋向和平&。人们依靠根源之力·艾亚路,建立起繁荣的社会。

    The previous Emperor had just died and his position remains vacant with no heir appointed before his death , however the world seemingly remains in a state of peace .

  27. 因蒙哥汗驾崩四川、忽必烈自前线临阵退兵北归争夺汗位,蒙哥汗灭宋战略计划1259年以彻底失败告终。

    Because Mongke Khan died in Sichuan , and Kublai retreated north to contest great Khan throne from battlefront , Mongke Khan 's planning to conquer South Song Dynasty ended in failure in1259 .

  28. 因为北京失守(朱元璋曾预见北京作为国都的弱点)和皇帝的驾崩,明朝毫无疑问地灭亡了。

    Despite the loss of Beijing ( whose weakness as an Imperial capital had been foreseen by Zhu Yuanzhang ) and the death of the Emperor , Ming power was by no means destroyed .

  29. 亚历山大于32岁驾崩,当时埃及艳后仅23岁,她远行的疆界比亚历山大更远,她以埃及王后和世界上最有权力的人&朱利安·恺撒情人的身份走进罗马。

    By the time Cleopatra was23 , she had gone ever further than Alexander making her entrance into Rome as Queen of Egypt and consort of Julius Caesar , the most powerful man in the world .

  30. 吴三桂被夹在两个敌人中间,最终决定将赌注下在清朝身上并与6岁顺治帝的摄政王多尔衮结成联盟,顺治帝是皇太极的儿子,皇太极于前一年驾崩。

    Wu caught between two enemies decided to cast his lots with the Manchus and made an alliance with Dorgon , regent to the then six-year old Shunzhi , son of Huangtaiji who had passed away the year before .