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ɡuān jiā
  • government authority;emperor
官家 [guān jiā]
  • (1) [emperor]∶天子

  • (2) [the government]∶指朝廷、官府

  • (桓温)于北方得一巧作老婢,乃 刘越石( 琨)妓女。一见 温入,潜然而泣, 温问其故,答曰:官家甚似 刘司空。--《太平御览.裴氏语林》

  • (3) (按:潜是否为潸之误)

  • (4) [official]∶尊称作官的人

  • 自此光阴为己有,从前日月属官家。--唐. 白居易《喜星郡》

  1. 甚至在飞机上乘客也可以享受官家服务,从而保证了乘客的安全抵达。

    They even have concierges aboard the flights , to make sure things are in order when you arrive .

  2. 夫人,要杀也请您到别的地方杀,别把我这儿弄得到处是血,我不想惹上官家的麻烦事儿啊。

    Take him somewheres else , no blood here , m'lady , I wants no high lordlin 's quarrels .

  3. 大河网讯一名小偷被列为了印度头号通缉犯,原因是他偷了印度一名高级地方官家的五只鸡。

    A man who allegedly stole five fowl from a top magistrate in India has been put on the police 's most wanted list .

  4. 介绍了两种情况下,官家冲副坝的监测成果及分析,认为该坝应该与主体工程同步进行监测。

    The monitoring results of Guanjiachong auxiliary dam are analyzed ; and we think that it should be safety monitoring with intersubjective project in-phase for long .

  5. 认为在园林分类上,官家园林应具有与皇家园林、私家园林和寺庙园林同等位置。幼儿园网站中家园互动栏目的研究

    The author believes that in taxonomy of park , authoritative park should have the same position as imperial , per-sonal , temple park . Research on " Kindergarten-Family Cooperation " Column in the Kindergarten 's Website