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  • 网络vacancy
  1. 后来,由于候选人数与官缺之间的矛盾,唐朝实行循资授官。

    Later , because of contradictions between the number of the candidates and officer vacancy , Tang Dynasty delegated official according to qualifications .

  2. 本文从制度&行为的视角比较详细地考察、分析了明朝官僚政治制度中官冗与官缺问题的几个方面。

    This paper observes and analyses the problem of redundance and vacancy of officials in the bureaucratic political system of the Ming Dynasty , from the perspective of institution and behaviors ;

  3. 官缺原因及后果。

    Its cause and result ;

  4. 嘉靖时期官缺普遍、程度严重、隐缺不报,而政不废。

    Jaconet Period , the situation was popular and serious on degree , no reporting , but not deposing the administration .