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  1. 三槐王氏家族是宋代颇具代表性的世家大族,本文着重从仕宦、婚姻、文化成就等方面分析了其社会状况。

    The thesis analyses the social conditions from the officials , marriages and cultural achievements of the Wangs in Sanhuai .

  2. 宋代三槐王氏家族的仕宦、婚姻与文化成就谢氏仕宦、爵位地名的变化,反映了其家族江左发展的地域轨迹;

    Officials , Marriages and Cultural Achievements of the Wangs in the Song Dynasty ; Xie Family 's development locus on the southern bank of the Yangtze is indicated by the change of place names related to Xie Family members'offical career , title of nobility ;

  3. 第三年紫穗槐根际土壤有效锌含量提高幅度明显,高达81%。

    In the third growing year , available zinc content in rhizosphere increased by up to81 % .

  4. 5一、二、三年生紫穗槐根际土壤的全铁均大于非根际土壤。

    Content of total iron in the rhizosphere of one , two , three-year-old Amorpha were all higher that in non-rhizosphere soil .

  5. 在全量锰和全量锌中,第一年和第二年的紫穗槐根际低于非根际,而第三年的紫穗槐根际大于非根际。

    The total content of manganese and zinc in the rhizosphere were lower than that in non-rhizosphere of first and second year growing Amorpha , and the third year was the opposite .